The Film Daily (1945)

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Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought % I OL. 88, NO. 60 The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Seven Years Old -IFDAILY' NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. 1945 TEN CENTS FURTHER SETTLEMENT TALKS REPORTED Blumberg, Seidelman to London on GFD Deal Universal Executives Will Sail for London Oct. 1; Seidelman to Continent Discussions on the renewal and extension of the distribution agreement between General Film Distributors and Universal are due during the forthcoming visit to England of Nate Blumberg, "U" prexy, and Joseph Seidelman, president of Universal International. Blumberg and Seidelman sail on the Queen Mary, Oct. 1, and expect NATE BLUMBERG JOSEPH SEIDELMAN to meet with J. Arthur Rank on the (Continued on Pase 3) 1,500 To Attend Cohn Testimonial An industry-wide campaign for support in the fight against antii Semitism, waged by the American Jewish Committee and the AntiDefamation League of B'nai B'rith, (Continued on Page 4) FCC Refuses Tele Station for 20th-Fox irashington Bur., THE FILM DAILY Washington — Cracking down on experimental applications for tele frequencies, the FCC yesterday turned down the requests of Twentieth Century-Fox to erect such a station in Boston, and of Earle C. Anthony for such a station in Los Angeles. Fric A. Johnston May Present Tub Thumpers Achievement Atvard to Pinanshi in Huh Oct. 3 Boston — The first meeting of the Tub Thumpers for the new season will be held on Oct. 3 at the Hotel Statler. Dinner will be served after which the 1945 award fcr the year's outstanding achievement will be made to Sam Pinanski, of M & P Circuit, for his participation in patriotic and civic services to this community and the country at large. Eric A. Johnston, president of the MPPDA, has been asked to make the presentation. Also at the meeting, plans will be discussed for the Boston Tub No. 1 to assist in the Victory Loan's drive. Best National Stunts Navy Gives Bernhard Culled For Bond Drive Top Civilian Award Responding to the request of Campaign Director Oscar A. Doob, each Publicity State Chairman is speeding to WAC headquarters here the most productive, most spectacular of Bond-selling stunts used in each State during previous Bond drives. Doob said yesterday that he hoped this would provide for the campaign book a symposium represent(Continued on Page 4) Majors Counsel Mull Goldman Case Appeal Ramifications of the Goldman case were discussed by distributors' attorneys yesterday but the question of appeal was not determined. While there have been reports that the case may be appealed to the U. S. Supreme Court, it was pointed out that no final judgment had been entered (Continued on Page 4) Washintgon — In recognition of his wartime service with the Bureau of Yards and Docks, the U. S. Navy, through Under Secretary Artemus Gates, formally conferred the Distinguished Civilian Service Award, the highest honor which the Department can bestow on a civilian, on Joseph Bernhard, general manager of Warner Theaters. Presentation was made at a dinner in the local Hotel Statler, and among the guests were Vice Admiral and Mrs. Ben Moreell, Rear Admiral and Mrs. W. H. Smith, and more than (Continued on Page 4) JOSEPH BERNHARD UK May Re-Freeze IT. S. Funds Restrictions on U. S. Pix Also Weighed Wisconsin and Michigan Units Set Conventions Two more state exhibitor organizations have scheduled conventions for October and November. Independent Theater Owners of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan will meet at the Hotel Schroeder, Milwaukee, Oct. 31-Nov. 1. Allied The(Continued on Page 4) London (By Cable) — Opinion is divided in the trade here as to whether one of two courses, or both, will have to be taken by the Government to regulate the importation of American films, as the result of the current lend-lease talks now in progress in Washington between British diplomatic representatives and those of the U. S. The first alternative is the re(Continued on Page 3) Optimism Said to Prevail Following Talks with Clark In New York Yesterday U. S. Attorney General Tom C. Clark met yesterday with some of the top attorneys of the distributor defendants and, according to reliable reports, discussed the possibility of a new consent decree and a possible settlement of the entire anti-trust case. While there appeared to be optimism on the part of the distributors' (Continued on Page 3) Instruct Embassies to U. S. Pix Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Instructions have gone to U. S. Embassies in European countries where films are controlled by a state monopoly that no U. S. films are to be shown there unless by OWL These instructions called upon our foreign service offices in Poland, Jugoslayia, Bulgaria, Romania and (Continued on Page 4) Council of Ministers Okay Italian Decree on Films Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washintgon — Formal approval of the new Italian decree opening the film market for free trade to Amer(Continued en Page 3) Milder Pulls "Btirnia" After British Squatvhs London (By Cable) — Max Milder, president of Warner Bros. International Corp., and managing director for Great Britain, has suspended general release of "Objective, Burma" after a one-week showing at the Warner Theater. Film was violently assailed in the British press and, while Milder originally declared his intention of playing it in all Associated British Cinemas houses, it is believed the ABC board voted against the showings.