The Film Daily (1945)

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Intimate in Ciiardcter International, i^ Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Seven Years Old -IPDAILY '"^OL. 88. NO. 62 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1945 TEN CENTS GOV'T TRIAL VBLL START AS SCHEDULED Industry Leaders Honor Jack Cohn at JD A Dinner ii n ii ■JI Columbia Executive VicePresident Presented With Scroll by Cinema Lodge By SAM BERNS FILM DAILY Stajf Wnter Motivated by the cause of Tolerance, more than 1,500 leaders of the motion picture and allied industries gathered at a dinner in behalf of the Joint Defense Appeal last night in the Waldorf Astoria to symbolize a great industry's support in the fight against anti Semitism, and to pay tribute to Jack Cohn, executive vice president of Columbia, for his many years of leadership and support 0 f philanthropic JACK COHN and communal causes. Barney Balaban, president of Paramount and honorary chairman, to(Continued on Page 12) Lesser Appoints 11-Man Executive Committee To Serve During N. Y.'s Victory Loan Drive Appointment of an 11 -man executive committee to serve in the Greater New York area during the Victory Loan Drive was announced yesterday by Irving Lesser, area general chairman. Group will meet in a few days, Lesser said. Committee comprises Harry Brandt, Max A. Cohen, Oscar A. Doob, Wilbur England, S. H. Fabian, Malcolm A. Kingsberg, Harry Mandel, C. C. Moskowitz, Samuel Rinzler, Fred Schwartz and William White. 306 Adion Program To Be Adopted Od. 1 The lATSE's Local 306 yesterday issued a call to its members to attend a special midnight meeting on Oct. 1 at which will be considered and adopted a program of "trade union action" against the circuits (Continued on Page 10) . S-W Out of Philly Fox After 9 Years Philadelphia — Stanley Warner, which has been operating the Fox here, via a lease from National Theaters, is stepping out on Oct. 5 with 20th-Fox taking over, it was learned here yesterday. The Fox has been in the S-W lineup for the last nine years. British Press, Radio In "Burma" Attacks London (By Cable) — Storm over "Objective Burma" reached a climax here on Tuesday night w^hen the film was vigorously denounced over the BBC network, and leading newspapers carried front-page stories condemning the picture. Opinion is expressed by Ernest W. Fredman, managing editor, of the Daily Film Renter, that Hollywood would be well advised to refrain from sending this type of picture into Eng(Continued on Page 7) Walsh Reports on Studio Strike at lA Board Meet A report on the studio strike was submitted to representatives of lATSE unions here by Richard F. Walsh, head of the Alliance, at yesterday's session of the labor organization's executive board meeting in the Hotel Astor. The conference is expected to turn to the discussion of the strike situation todav. Griffitli Bros. Deny Gov't Trust Cliarges Oklahoma City — The surviving Griffith Brothers, H. J. and L. C, took the stand in Federal Court yesterday to deny Govei-nment trust charges as a new phase in the testimony brought a request from the court that additional exhibits be prepared. Judge Edgar S. Vaught asked to see the letters between Griffith executives and distributors on distribution regarding certain buying negotiations. After he had inquired into the circuits' handling of (Continued on Page 10) Ohio Realigns Hours For Women, Minors Columbus, O. — The emergency created by the war in regard to the employment of women and minors ends on Dec. 15 and theater owners, therefore, have more than two and a half months to realign their staffs to conform with peacetime statutes, it was announced by Governor Frank (Continued on Page 10) ^Revolutionary Check^ Plan Ross Federal to Discuss Method With Distribs. 20th-Fox Asks Dismissal In Capans Amusement Suit Although negotiations are under way for an out-of-court settlement of the anti-trust action brought by the Capans Amusement Co. of Massachusetts, 20th-Fox yesterday filed answers to the suit and asked that (Continued on Page 10) Ross Federal has prepared a "revolutionary" system of checking percentage pictures and is now putting the plan into fonn for presentation to distributors and exhibitors. E. W. Hammons, newly elected president of Ross Federal, said that the proposed system had "never before been attempted." Discussions of the new formula, (Continued on Page 10) Settlement Rumors to Have No EffectonOpening;Allied To Have Observers Present Despite rumors of settlement of a new consent decree in the Govei-nment's anti-trust suit, the trial will start as scheduled on Oct. 8. This was confirmed by representatives of both the distributors and the Department of Justice yesterday. It was pointed out that while the trial will get under way on the appointed date, there is no assurance that it will be carried thi-ough to (Continued on Page 12) NLRB in Final Coast Strike Hearing Today Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — What is supposed to be the final hearing before the NLRB on eligibility of the various voters in the Hollywood strike ballot of last May will take place this morning. Half an hour will be allotted (Continued on Page 10) Admission Tax Back to 1942 Level by Christmas? Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Reduction of the pix admissions tax to its 1942 level is to be looked for in about six months, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee which originates tax legislation, told this reporter (Continued on Page 12) ITOA Would Reduce Light-Power Rates At a meeting of ITOA of New York yesterday in the Hotel Astor, David Weinstock was appointed chairman of the Light and Power Committee. This committee was empowered to engage a competent electrical engineer to make a study of light and power rates with the end in view of obtaining a reduction in the present charges, and thereby effecting a considerable saving to many members of the association.