The Film Daily (1946)

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DAILY Friday, February 8, 1^ Vol. £9, No. 28 Fri., Feb. 8, 194S 10 Cents JCHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN :::::: Editor Puhlistied daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N'. Y.. tjy Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. I. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer; M Steen. Associate Exlitor. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 mnnths. $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway. New York 18, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117. 9-7118, 9-7119. 9-7120. 9 7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif. -Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Hranite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H, Older, 6417 Dahlonega Road, Wash. 16, D. C. Phone: Wisconsin 3271. CHICAGO, 45, III.— Toseph Esler, 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briargate 7441. LONDON — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. 1. H.WANA— Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. MOSCOW— Dagmar Stein, Hotel Metropole. BOMBAY— Ram L. Gogtav, Sand hurst Bldg. ALGIERS— Paul Saffar, Filmafric, 8 Rue Charras. STOCKHOLM— Armas Morby. Mastersamuelsg 25. HONOLULU— Mrs. Annabel Damon. MEXICO CITY— Arthur Geiger, Augusto Compre 5, Mexico, D. F. SAN JUAN— E. Sanchez Ortis. MONTREAL— Ray Carmichael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St. VANCOUVER — Jack Droy, 411 Lyric Theater Bldg. FINANCIAL (Thurs., Feb. 7) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low C'cse A:n. Seat 31 'A 31 1/2 311/2 C-ilumbia PIcts 29Vs 283/8 293/8 C-n. Prec. Eq 383/8 371/7 371/2 Loew's Inc 39 375/8 39 Paramount 703/, 69 703/, RKO 207/8 2OV4 203/4 20^h Csntury-Fox ... 523/, 51 1/4 521/8 20 h Cantury-Fox pfd, 651A 64 64% Universal Pict 46 451/4 46 Warner Bros 36I/2 3614 361/2 N-W YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts IOI/4 97/8 lOVg Radio-Keith CVS IOI/4 9% 10 ^onotone Corp 6 534 6 Technicolor 26 25% 25% Trans-Lux 93/8 91/3 9% Net Chg. — V2 — Vr — 3/, + % + !/• + — 2% + V2 + Vs — Vs — 1/4 + Vs — Vs — Vi Lso Ryan Dies Suddenly Chicago — Leo J. Ryan, 38, who recently returned here from more than three years of active service with the Army overseas, died suddenly of a heart attack yesterday. He is the brother of Charles Ryan, Warner Bros, theater official. Funeral services will be held tomorrow morning and interment will be in Calvary Cemetery. •^1 Filmock M^^ Shopmen's FIRST CHOICE Sorrell to Face Expulsion j Pre-Release Openings Charges by Labor Council Set on "Saratoga Trunk' West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAIJ Y Hollywood (By Telephone) — Herbert K. Sorrell, president of the Conference of Studio Unions, will face expulsion charges before the Los Angeles Central Labor Council on Feb. 14. At a meeting of the Central Labor Council on Jan. 2, charges accusing Sorrell of participating in organizations and meeting's of organizations connected with and sympathetic to Communism were referred to the executive board. Among other charges against Sorrell are that he collaborated with and supported, in preference to the American Federation of Labor, organizations dual and hostile to the AFL, and also of promulgating and supporting public programs contrary to the policies and principles of the AFL. Theater Execs. Guests Of Eric Johnston Today Eric A. Johnston, head of the Motion Picture Association of America, will host theater executives at a luncheon today in the Hotel Plaza. Among the theater men who will attend are: J. M. Brennan, Malcolm Kingsberg, W. B. England, and Sol A. Schwartz, of RKO Theaters; Oscar A. Doob, John Murphy, and J. R. Vogel, of Loew's Theaters; Leonard H. Goldenson, Edward L. Hyman, and Leon Netter, of Paramount Theaters; Harry M. Kalmine, W. Stewart McDonald, and Frank N. Phelps, of Warner Bros. Theaters; Charles P. Skouras and Dan Michalove, of National Theaters Circuit. Representatives of MPAA scheduled to attend are Joyce O'Hara, Kenneth W. Clark, Francis S. Harmon and David Palfreyman. Gell to Handle Marx Bros. New Picture in England West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAftV Hollywood (By Telephone) — "A Night in Casablanca," starring the Marx Bros , will be handled in England by William J. Cell as producer representative for David L. Loew. Gell was formerly managing director for Gaumont British and for Pathe in England. He will pass on distribution deals with United Artists Corp. The Marx picture will have an exploitation budget 50 per cent above normal because of the popularity of comics in England. 20th-Fox To Tradeshow Two Films on Feb. 14 Warners' "Saratoga Trunk," now in the twelfth week of its special world premiere engagement at the Hollywood Theater on Broadway, has been set for a series of pre-release openings prior to its general release about the end of March. The picture will have a West Coast premiere March 8 in three Los Angeles houses, Warners' Hollywood, Downtown and Wiltern, preceded by a strong advance campaign. On March 12, it will open in Albany, New Haven, Hartford, Bridgeport, Waterbury and possibly Philadelphia, while Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Cincinnati and Utica are among cities scheduled to get the picture the following week. Single-performance advance midnight previews also are being set up for "Saratoga Trunk" in a long list of cities. The first of these special screenings take place March 2 at the Strand, Albany, and Stanley, Utica. Premiere of "Breakfast' Attracts 7,000 Femmes Chicago — A detail of 25 police was kept busy from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. keeping an estimated 7,000 women in a state of composure until the doors of the local Oriental Theater opened for the inaugural performance of "Breakfast in Hollywood," which event brought Gradwell L. Sears and other UA solons here. Approximately 4,000 of the 7,000 femme fans got into the house. An intensive exploitation and ad campaign blazed the way for the world premiere. At 10 a.m. the radio program originated from the Oriental Theater instead of from the West Coast. Arnaud Maia to Brazil For Foreign Screen Corp. J. Arnaud Maia has been appointed Brazilian representative of Foreign Screen Corporation, according to an announcement made yesterday by H. Alban Mastanza, FSC president. Maia left here yesterday to make his headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, with \ branch office contemplated in Sao Paulo. Another appointment by Foreign Screen is that of Jose Villa Barro, vho will handle the Caribbean terriory from Havana, with Edgaro Aguirre Vasque, South American West Coast representative. Final UA Sales Meeting In Detroit This Week-end William J. Kupper, general sales manager of 20th Century-Fox, has announced the tradeshowing of "Sentimental Journey" and "A Yank in London" in all exchanges on Feb. 14. The only exception will be Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle and San Francisco, where "A Yank in London" will be screened on Feb. 18. The final in a series of United Artists regional s&les meetings will be held at the Leland Hotel in Detroit today and tomorrow for the Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Detroit exchanges. Jack Goldhar, Eastern sales manager, will preside over the two-day session which will be conducted by Moe Dudelson, district manager. Also present will be Phil Dow, assistantto Goldhar. COMING and GOINC MAURICE OSTRER, production chief of Ci borough Pictures, will leave here today for Coast and will return to England in March. EDWARD K. O'SHEA, Eastern M-C-M m.inager, and WILLIAM CLEICHER, head M-C-M's theater auditing department, who scheduled to return yesterday from Buffalo been delayed until today. _^^ WILL DeVRY returned to Chicago (jj^ with MRS. DeVRY after a Southern tlfjjl' SAM STEIFEL, production manager for Mii Rooney, is a Chicago visitor. HOWARD LINDSAY and RUSELL CROI who have been at the Warner Bros, studio rpast two weeks conferring on the film ver of "Life With Father," have arrived bact New York. )OEL SWENSEN, Warner Bros, researcher, turned to New York yesterday fom the Coas A. J. O'KEEFE, Univesal's Western sales n ager, returns to New York from Detroit fhe week-end. ARTHUR JEFFREY, N. Y. publicity represei five for International Pictures, has returned \ Cincinnati. BORIS VERMONT, in charge of foreign zionr, for 20th-Fox International, will leave week-end for the Coast to confer with sti executives on technical problems confron, foreign versions and dubbing. WALTER LANG, 20th-Fox director of timental Journey," returned to the Coast a a brief visit to New York. HERMAN CELBER, head of lATS'E Local operators, has gone to Texas on business. OSCAR A. DOOB and JOHN MURPHY Loew's were in Buffalo yesterday for the o[ ing of Shea's new Teck Theater, a 1,400house. DAVID E. ROSE, chairman and managing rector of Paramount Film Service Limited Great Britain, leaves New York for the V Coast today, to confer at the company's stu with studio heads and with Producer Hal Wa DAVID LEWIS, producer of the motion pic version of Erich Maria Remarque's "Arch Triumph," to be presented by David Loew Chcrles Einfeld, has arrived in New York confer with the author and Irwin Shaw, wh coing the script. DWIGHT MITCHELL WILEY, writer ui| contract to Paramount, ::nd MRS. WILEY leave Hollywood today for a week's visit in York. Kerr Named Production Manager at Monogram West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAI Hollywood (By Telephone) Charles Kerr, liaison between 1 Signal Corps and the studios in 1 production of training pictures ^ the past two and a half years, 1 been appointed production mana^ at Monogram, succeeding Len Cc who has been named supervisor production. New Coast Publicity Firm West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DA' Hollywood — Bill Blowitz, Je Pettebone, and Bob Wachsman organizing a firm to handle pi licity, public relations, and exploi tion for personalities, productii radio, and commercial accoun Wachsman leaves the Steve Ham gan offices, where he is curren handling Jack Benny, on March Para. Declares Dividend The board of directors of Pai mount Pictures, Inc., yesterday nounced the payment of the regu quarterly dividend of 50 cents share payable on March 29 to sto holders of record as of the close business March 8.