The Film Daily (1946)

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^-^ 5 M. p. Production DiBt ->T r 2s W. 44th St 21st fl^oor New Yoisk. mtimate in Character international in Scope bdependent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Eight Years Old n^ 90, NoHT NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1948 TEN CENTS MPTOA ASKS ALL-EMBRACING EQUITY APPEAL 'i tOth-Fox First to Set New Procedure for Sales pecify Clearance in All ontracts; Theater Survey orm Will be Introduced Philadelphia — Details of the new les procedure prepared by 20th>-x; to meet the requirements of the S. District Court's findings in the ,; iw York anti-trust suit against the "dustry became known here yester3,y. So far as is known in Vine St., jlth-Fox is first in the field with a lincrete sales procedure in the wake )j the New York opinion, r'ln its instructions to its sales perr (Continued on Page 8) ees Mutual Aid by ilms, Press, Radio While there is competition beeen the communication media, )tion pictures, newspapers, magines and the radio, the competition not harmful and the media actually (Continued on Page 3) imm. Equip. Production Dw-down at NAVED Meet Chicago — Advance program of the tional Association of Visual Edu :ion Dealers convention and trade iw indicates that mornings will be (Continued on Page 7) Musicals Preferred In Chicago Territory Chicago — Area patrons show a preference for musical films, a survey of booking departments Indicates. Allied Theaters of Illinois reports musicals in top demand, with comedies the runner up, followed by dramas and mysteries. Van Nomikos, Allied vice-president, noted that war films have not pulled since the end of hostilities. Al Raymer, book I ing director for Manta Rose circuit, said that action dramas are tops with I his patrons, with musicals, comedies I and mysteries following in that order. .Technicolor films, he said, are in de jmand at all times. OPINION SPAWNS INDUSTRY SCHISM ''Little Three" See "Big Victory" for Other Defendants — Want Year's Grace to Take Inventory An industry schism of considerably greater proportions and consequence than is generally realized is growing between the so-called "Big Five" on one hand and the "Little Three" and :he rank and file of the nation's exhibitors on the other, it was learned yesterday. The wedge which has been driven deeply between the factions is the opinion recently handed down by the Statutory Court in the D of J's action against the majors. Critics of the "Big Five" assert that the latter have won from the Court "a big victory and know it," although that victory at this stage is a technical one. The five theaterowning majors are charged by their fellow distributor defendants with (Continued <n Page 6) Revamp Vanguard's Executive Staff West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — In a reorganization of the executive staff of Vanguard Films Argyle Nelson is promoted from production manager to general studio manager, David 0. Selznick and Daniel T. O'Shea, president, an(Continued on Page 7) Rank Plans Quick Start Of Production in Aussie Sydney (By Air Mail) — J. Arthur Rank is anxious to start production in Australia as soon as possible, Norman Bede Rydge, Greater Union Theaters chairman, told GUT stockholders. He noted that the circuit is "most fortunate in making an asso(Continued on Page 3) 20tli-Fox Planning Mexican Production Mexico City (By Air Mail) — Twentieth Century-Fox is negotiating with the Mexican Government on plans to film several 1947 productions in Mexico and Mexican waters, it was learned in the wake of the return of Spyros Skouras, 20th(Continued on Page 7) Capital MPTO Com. to Protest D. C. Ticket Tax Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — A special committee has been formed to map plans to fight the proposed 10 per cent increase in admissions tax in the district, Julian Brylawski, head of the Washington MPTO said yesterday, (Continued on Page 3) Crescent Divesis Three Cos, Granted Six Months^Extension on Two More St. Charles Arcada Asks For Better Playing Time St. Charles, HI. — Anderson Theater Circuit, which operates the Arcada Theater here, is reported seeking better playing time for the house. Chicago executives are said to be (Continued on Page 8) Nashville, Tenn. — Divestiture of the interests of Crescent Amusement Co. and of the heirs of the late Tony Sudekum in three of the five corporations involved in the U. S. vs. Crescent anti-trust suit in Federal Court here, and later confirmed by the Supreme Court, was shown in a compliance report made to Judge (Continued on Page 3) Holds Auction Selling Violates Basic Philosophy of Sherman Act By MANNING CLAGETT Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington— The MPTO A yesterday urged the Department of Justice to make an "allsmbracing" appeal from the equity decision, rather than single out divorcement. Led by President Fred Wehrenberg, the independent theater owner (Continued en Page 6) U. K. Loan to Heip Pix in Following closely the opinions of foreign industry representatives from other countries, Carl Wallman, RKO's general manager for Scandanavia, who is in New York on his first trip in 10 years, said that the $3,750,000,000 U. S. loan to England (Continued on Page 7) Appeal Board Reverses Lust's Clearance Award Arbitrator's award which set clearance of Sidney Lust's Kaywood Gardens Theater, Washington, at 21 days after downtown Washington (Continued on Page 7) Decision on Harmon's Dutch Trip Pending It is still not "absolutely definite" whether Francis S. Harmon is to go to Holland personally to iron out the Motion Picture Export Ass'n-Bioscoop Bund impasse which is keeping U. S. product off Holland's screens. The subject of the Harmon jaunt outcropped at this week's MPEA meeting. It was first reported under consideration in the July 10 issue of THE FILM DAILY, the day after the idea was hatched by MPEA. Original plan was to have Gerald Mayer accompany Harmon.