The Film Daily (1946)

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M. P. Prod-action Dist. 28 W. 44th St. 21st floor New York N. Y. Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Twenty-Eight Years Old -IFDAILY fS 90. NO. 18 NEW YORK, THURSDAY. JULY 25. 1946 TEN CENTS jSINGLE PICTURE SELLING STARTS TODAY {May Pay Copyright Holders for Use of Gov't Pix Major Part of Some 5,000 ;|^^lita^y Subjects Would jBe Included in the Group By ANDREW H. OLDER 'ashington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Attempts will be hiade by the surplus property sub•ommittee of the Senate Military (Affairs Committee to work out, within the next few weeks, a method Acceptable to copyright holders thereby they may be paid for nonIpommercial use of Government films .^'ncluding copyrighted material. The jbiajor part of some 5,000 or more (Continued on Page 10) lAsk All-Out Support lor UJA's Campaign i| All-out support of the non-sectarian Community Committee of New York on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal to help ease the plight Df surviving Jews overseas was Surged at a luncheon given yesterday "by Spyros Skouras to film industry { (Continued en Page 6) V win City Exhibs. Meet On Clearance Monday Minneapolis — Twin Cities exhibitors who are members of North Cen:tral Allied will meet at Nicolette Jlctel here next Monday to discuss local clearance and the increase in I (Continued on Page 11) Enterprise to Name District Sales Heads West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Enterprise is laying plans to establish a series of district sales managers, with a survey to be made of districts to be set up, according to first of a series of meetings here between Charles Einfeld and David Loew with E. T. "Peck" Gomersoll. Each production turned out by Enterprise for Universal release will be sold individually with special handling. Pathe Industries Sells Microfilm Division Of Pathe Iflanufacturing Co. to Bell-Howell Chicago — Bell & Howell has acquired all physical assets and patents of the microfilm division of Pathe Manufacturing Co., subsidiary of Pathe Industries of New York City, and the division will move to the B & H Lincolnwood factory in Chicago. F. L. Rogers, long identified with microfilm development, has been named director of the new department. Ellis, Silver, Price Win UA Promotions Jack Ellis, New York branch manager for United Artists for the past three years, has been appointed Eastern district manager in charge of New York, Albany and Buffalo, it was announced yesterday by J. J. Unger, general sales manager. Replacing Ellis in New York will be Mark N. Silver, formerly Wash(Continued on Page 3) Metro Meetings Will Set Merchandising Campaigns Interest of M-G-M's home office and field forces currently is centered on forthcoming invitations to 15 company men to attend meetings in five cities in September to plan merchandising campaigns for forthcoming product. Since Jan. 1, the personnel of the exchanges have been weighed for efficiency to de(Continued on Page 11) Seidelman Realigns Staff for Expansion Plans for the further expansion of Universal International's activities have been completed by Joseph H. Seidelman, president of the company, and Al Daff, its vice-president. The expansion program "will make present-day standards of business and service merely a starting-off place for what is envisaged as the greatest (Continued on Page 11 ) State Dept. Is Planning Program of 156 Films Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Although the final budget for the Films Section of the State Department's Office of International Information has not yet been set, arrangements are now being made for films for the program. A total of 156 subjects is planned for the year starting this month, but it is (Continued on Page 11) MA Claims 16mm. Murisdiction End Permit System, Walsh Advises Locals 5 Majors to Inaugurate New Procedure; Others Continue Present Method Cut Censorship Fees on W. Saskatchewan Prints Toronto — ^Censorship fees on prints shipped from Calgary to Western Saskatchewan have been reduced from four to two dollars per reel effective Aug. 1, under an authorization by G. C. Williams, Minister of Labor and senior official of the Saskatchewan censor board. The mea(Continued on Page 11) Chicago — Taking cognizance of the growing importance of 16 mm. in the commercial field, the lATSE has assumed the position that it should have full jurisdiction over labor associated with narrow-gauge product, it was disclosed in the Alliance's report presented by President Richard F. Walsh at the biennial convention of the union in the Hotel Stevens here. That all lATSE locals put an end (Continued on Page 10) Starting today, the sales forces of the so-called "Big Five" will inaugurate the selling of product on the basis of one picture at a time, in line with their assurance to the Department of Justice on June 25 that they would put such a plan into effect in 30 days. Columbia has been selling on a similar plan for about two weeks. Universal has taken no steps to (Continued on Page 6) Wright to Meet With Distrib. Lawyers Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Robert L. Wright, special assistant to the Attorney General, will meet with distributor counsel in New York next Tuesday to discuss the forthcoming decree in (Continued en Page 6) Probe of FCC Sought In Senate Resolution Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Senator Charles W. Tobey, (R.-N. H.), yesterday called for a full-scale investigation of the (Continued on Page 3) Production Courses In 10-12 Universities Courses in motion picture lusduction will be offered in 10 or 12 colleges and universities next Fall by endowment of the Motion Picture Foundation for Colleges and Universities, Inc., which is sponsored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. First two courses will be at Amherst and Smith, the necessary money for 16mm equipment havip^ been given by Burgess Meredith. It is expected that the Motion Picture Association of America will supply funds for equipment for at least 10 college courses.