The Film Daily (1946)

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-3^ DAILY Tuesday, September 3, 1 Vol. 90, No. 45 Tues., Sept. 3, 1946 10 Cents cominc flno goihg JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sondayi and Holidays at ISOI Broadway, New York 18, N. y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. i J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer: \ Al Steen, Associate Editor. Entered as second ! class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March J, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, 515.00. Subscribers should remit with order, i Address all communications to THE FILM , DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. ; Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, : 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. I Representatives : HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif, i —Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. . Older, 6417 Dahlonega Road, Wash. 16, D. C. | Phone Wisconsin 3271. Manning Clagett, 2122 Decatur St. NW. Phone, Hobart 7627. CHICAGO, 45, 111.— Joseph Esler, 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briargate 7441. LONDON —Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127133 Wardour St. W. 1. HAVANA— Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. BOMBAY — Ram L. Gogtay, Sandhurst Bldg. ALGIERS— Paul Saffar, Filmafric, 8 Rue Charras. STOCKHOLM — Gunnar Ruud, Jaktvarvsplan 30.g. HONOLULU— Eileen O'Brien. MEXICO CITY— Airi Andrade, Mexico City Herald, Colon 14. D. F. SAN JUAN — E. Sanchez Ortis. MONTREAL — Ray Carmichael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St. VANCOUVER — Jack Droy, 411 Lyric Theater Bldg.; SYDNEY, Bowdin Fletcher, 19 Moxon Ave., Punchbowl, N. S. W. Phone, UL 2510. BRUSSELS — Jean Pierre Meys, 110 Rue des Paquerettes; MOSCOW, Raymond A. Davies, Hotel Metropole. Screen Guild Conclave In Chicago on Oct. 11 DON GILLETTE, Warner trade paper publicity contact, left over the week-end for a Middle West vacation. DON SENICK, Movietone News cameraman, has returned from a lengthy stay in the Orient. He covered the Bikini bomb tests. LILLIAN JEFFREY, secretary to Joseph Vogel, and GERTRUDE LEREN, secretary to Leopold Friedman, left Saturday for Los Angeles with stopovers at Minneapolis, Lake Louise and San Francisco. On the way back they will stop at the Grand Canyon. They will be gone a month. DAVE ROSE will leave today for the Coast. JASCHA HELFETZ, violinist, arrived In New York by plane from Hollywood yesterday to go before the cameras for his role in "Carnegie Hall." SEAN McCLORY, Abbey Player signed by RKO. arrived from Dublin Saturday and proceeded to the Coast yesterday. ELIZABETH TAYLOR is at The WaldorfAstoria, accompanied by her mother, MRS. SARA TAYLOR. WALTER SLEZAK left yesterday via air for Austria stopping off in Paris. MANNY REINER, Latin-American manager for Vanguard Films and Selznick-lnternational, arrived in Rio de Janeiro over the week-end, at the half-way mark of his six-month tour of Mexico, Central and South America. FRANCIS A. BATEMAN, general sales manager of Screen Guild Productions, planed out to Dallas from the Coast to confer with John Franconi, distribution head of the Southwest on a sales program for "Flight to Nowhere" and "Rolling Home." VERA ALLEN, co-star in "The Kid from Brooklyn," arrived here Sunday. ROBERT E. SHERWOOD arrives in New York aboard the Aquitania on Thursday. MRS. JOSEPH PRE5SER, president of the Chicago Better Films Council, has returned from a nine-week tour of English film studios. ANTHONY SERITELLA, Chicago theater broker, has gone to Hollywood to establish West Coast offices. GEORGE DENUCCl, CIO Washington director, is checking on theater managers' organizations in various parts of the country. PCCITO Will Recommej Screening of Gov't Film West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DA Hollywood — PCCITO annou: that in response to an invita I from Arch A. Mercey, chief of I tion picture division, oflBce of ; Mobilization and Reconversion, ii is assuring him of indivi<^-f),^ j operation of the Pacific Coaf risir ference of Independent Theatei ers in exhibition of Government fi in its territories, with the un( standing that PCCITO action wc be in the form of recommendati to its members, exhibitors natur reserving the right to exhibit s picture or not in accordance t their operating policy. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — A special meeting of board of directors of Screen Guild Productions, has been called for Oct. 11 in Chicago. Purpose of the meeting is to discuss some important new distribution deals developing in Screen Guild's rapidly expanding program, and to talk over general franchise problems and company operation. Republic Plans to Enter 16 mm. Field, Soys Yates West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — At a press conference on Friday Herbert J. Yates, president of Republic, said Republic is seriously studying the 16 mm. field and plans to become active in it early in 1947. He declared South America and Mexico are tremendous markets in the 16 mm. field. Yates disclosed that in the last five or six years no distributor has made any money on "B" product and said Republic may make 10 less "B" pictures for next season. The Government decree, when it becomes eff^eccive, will be a boon to the industry and will be of great benefit to smaller distributing companies and independents, Yates said. He foresees a vast expansion in industry especially in the exhibiting field, "predicting 3,.500 to 5,000 theaters will be built after the decree becomes operative and building materials are made available. Stone Names McElwaine His Eastern Representative ]\. Y. THEATERIi Don McElwaine, associate producer I for Andrew Stone, arrived from the Coast last week to assume duties as Eastern representative for Stone on ' the latter's two forthcoming United Artists releases, "Bachelor's Daughters" and an untitled production starring Eddie Bracken and Priscilla Lane. McElwaine also will continue in his capacity of associate producer for Stone. jPRESS BOOKS _ RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Rockefeller Center Gary GRANT • Ingrid BERGMAI in Alfred Hitchcoek'$ "NOTORIOUS' with CLAUDE RAINS An RKO Radio Picture SPECTACULAR STAGE PRESENTATION EDWARDS. ROBINSON LORETTAYOUNa ORSON WELLES STRANGER An Intcnutioiul Pictim Aelaased thru RXO ftAOlO PICTIMta ON SCREEM 1st N.Y. SHOWING EARL CARROLL ini/rTnimnni/) Panama Welcomes Two Stars President Enrique -Jimenez of Panama, Governor Mehaffy of the Panama Canal Zone and United States Ambassador Hines officially welcomed Tyrone Power and Cesar Romero, 20th Century-Fox stars, who arrived there Friday for a brief stay on a Latin-American flying tour. Crowds of fans gave the stars a great ovation. On their second day in Panama, Power and Romero were guests of honor at a gala reception given at the Union Club. Assistant BookkeeperTypist Wanted Motion picture experience preferred. CINEFFECTS 1600 Broadway IM PERSON DOLORES m LEE OAVIS Extra! 1325 S. WABASH LoetBarnstynDistributingCorp. Exporters — Independent Distributors Major Company Releases for Europe 141 W. 54th St., New York 19, N. Y. Telephone: CI. 6-6060 Cable: LOETSIE TRANS-CONTINENTAL FILMS, INC. 33 W. 42nd St., N. Y. 18— PE 6-0866 Exclusive Foreign Distributors Features, Westerns, Specialties Write— Call— Visit— Cable Traneonfilm Barbara ^ Van . UzsbeHi STANWYCK • HEFLIN * SCOTT in Hal Wailis' Production 'The Strange Love of Martha Ivers" with KIRK DOUGLAS • Judith Anderson Directed by Lewis Milestone Screenplay by Robert Rossen A Paramount Picture In Person DICK STABILE And His Orchestra THE IVIODERNAIRES with PAULA KELLY THE ACROMANIACS Extra BUDDY LESTER PARAMOUNT — MERVIN ASH & CO. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE (ASSOCIATE) CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Telaphone: HAnover 2-3050 61 BROADWAY NEW YORK WOMAN SPEAKS BRIMCS HEW PATRONS TO TOUR THEATRE COHTACT TOUR LOCAL EXCHAHCE HOW REEVES SOUND STUDIOS, INC. 1(50) BROAOWA) N r !9 Circle 6-6686 Complete Film and Disc Recording Facilifit-s i "TILL THE END OF TIME" AN RKO RADIO PICTURE Starring DOROTHY GUY McGUIRE MADISON g Robert Mitchum Bill Willlanu NOW! COOL R I V O L I B way & 49Hi St. Doors Open fM A.M.