The Film Daily (1946)

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lie' DAILY Wednesday, September 4, 19 Vol. 90, No. 46 Wed., Sept. 4. 1946 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATC Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate fublisher and General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundayi and Holidays at ISOl Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer: Al Steen, Associate Editor. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March S, 1879. Terms (PosUge free) United State* outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif. —Ralph Wilk, 6425 HoUywoud Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, 6417 Dahlonega Road, Wash. 16. D. C. Phone Wisconsin 3271. ManninK ClafCtt, 2122 Decatur St. NW. Phone, Hobart 7627. CHICAGO, 45, 111.— Joseph Esler, 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Bnargate 7441. LONDON — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127133 Wardour St. W. 1. HAVANA— Mary I juise Blanco, Virtudes 214. BOMBAY— kam L. Gogtay, Sandhurst Bldg. ALGIERS— Paul Saffar, Filmafric, 8 Rue Charras. STOCKHOLM — Gunnar Ruud, Jaktvanrsplan 30.g. HONOLULU— Eileen O'Brien. MEXICO CITY — Airi Andrade, Mexico City Herald, Colon 14. D. F. SAN JUAN — E. Sanchez Ortis. MONTREAL — Ray Carraichael. Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St. VANCOUVER — Jack Droy, 411 Lyric Theater Bldg.; SYDNEY, Bowdin Fletcher, 19 Moxon Ave., Punchbowl, N. S. W. Phone, UL 2510. BRUSSELS — Jean Pierre Meys, 110 Rue de* Paquerettes; MOSCOW. Raymond A. Davies, Hotel Metropole. FINANCIAL (^Txws., Sept. 3) I^EW YORK STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Seat 26'/4 25 25-1 Bell & Howell 24'/4 22 22% — 1 Vi Columbia Picts 30% 283A 29 — 2 East. Kodak 226 220 220 -71/4 Gen. Prec. Eq 2614 25V2 25V2 — SVi Loew's. Inc 31% 26% 28 — iVl Paramount 343/4 303/4 31 1/2 — B'/g RKO 205/8 17% 18% — 2 Republic's Pict 11 91/8 91/2 — IVi Republic Picts. pfd... I61/2 I53/4 15% — 1 1/4 20th Century-Fox . , . 521/4 46 47V2 — 4% 20th Century-Fox pfd. 62 62 62—2 Universal Pict 38% 35 36V2 — 31/4 Warner Bros 23 201/8 lOVz — 21/4 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts TVs 5% 5% — P/s RKO CVS 8 63/4 6% — 1 1/4 Sonotone Corp 41^ 4 4 — 'A Technicolor I81/2 I71/4 I71/2 — II/4 Trans-Lux 51/2 51/4 51/4— 1/2 OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked Pathe Industries SVa 9i/8 Cinecolor 714 7% puncn ■ rriLM STORAGE CORPjl li V 11 ■#■■ ll IbOOB'WAr, H.Y.CCIRCLE 6-0081-2-3-4 cominc ADD Goinc ERIC A. JOHNSTON planed out for Washington from Hollywood at the week-end. NICHOLAS M. SCHENCK, president of Loews, has returned from the Coast. WILLIAM F. ROOCERS, vice-president and general sales manager for M-C-M, is back from a week's visit to the Culver City studios. DONALD M. NELSON, president of SIMPP, flew to Washington from the Coast yesterday aboard the American Airlines Mercury. HARRY COETZ has arrived in New York from the Coast for a stay of about three weeks. RUTGERS NEILSON, RKO publicity manager, has returned from an upstate vacation. ARTHUR JEFFREY, International Pictures publicity manager, Is back in his office after setting up advance campaigns for "The Stranger" in Pittsburgh, Washington, Philadelphia and Newark. ANN RUTHERFORD, who has completed her role in Samuel Coldwyn's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," arrives in New York tomorrow for several weeks vacation. WILLIAM CLEICHER, head of M-G-M's theater auditing department, is due back from San Francisco on Friday. WILLIAM B. ZOELLNER, head of M-C-M's reprints and importations, now in Chicago, will leave there tomorrow for Milwaukee. HERB NUSBAUM, of M-C-M's legal staff, returns today from Clarksburg, W. Va. LILLIAN JEFFREY, secretary to Joseph R. Vogel, and GERTRUDE LERON, secretary to Leopold Friedman, have left for the Coast on a vacation which will take them to Minneapolis, Lake Louise, San Francisco, Yosemite, the Grand Canyon and then home. GEORGE HARVEY, Paramount's press book editor, is back from an upstate vacation. ARTHUR DUNNE, assistant to J. J. Donohue. Paramount's Central division sales manager, returned yesterday from a week's vacation. LEE ULLMANN, secretary to Earle Sweigert, Paramount's Mid-Eastern division sales manager, is back at her desk after a two-month rest in California. AILEEN BRENON, national magazine contact at Paramount, yesterday ended a week's vacation. CHARLES C. PERRY, special representative for Paramount in Cincinnati and Indianapolis, who came East to recuperate from an operation, has gone back to his headquarters in the former city. MARGARET STUDEBAKER, Republic booker, Detroit, is flying to Hawaii for a brief vacation. P. J. DEE, president, Alliance Theater Circuit, and wife, returned to Chicago yesteraay by plane from an overseas trip. James E. Finey Dead; Hold Rites TomoiTow A requiem mass for James E. Finey, sales assistant to Carl Leserman, representative for Benedict Bogeaus and David L. Loew, UA producers, will be held tomorrow morning, 10 a.m., at the Church of St. Francis Xavier, 30 W. 16th St. Finey, who died Sunday at his home, had been previously representative for Walt Disney productions, and prior to that had been a member of the RKO sales staff. He is survived by his wife, Sylvia, and a brother, John. Illinois Allied to Meet Chicago — A meeting of Illinois Allied has been called for tomorrow by President Jack Kirsch. The latest developments of the New York antitrust case and the forthcoming national Allied convention will be discussed. PHIL REISMAN, RKO vice-president in charge of foreign operations, leaves today via Pan American Clipper for the company's London headquarters and a business tour of the continent. He will be gone about six weeks. CHESTER B. BAHN, editor of THE FILM DAILY, returned to his desk yesterday from a two-week vacation on his farm near Skaneateles, N. Y. DAVID NIVEN has arrived in New York from Watch Hill, R. I., and is a guest in the Towers of the Waldorf-Astoria. Before leaving for the Coast, he will visit in Maine. WALTER CETTINGER, owner of the Vogue Theater, Baltimore, has returned from a vacation in New England. SI BORUS, head of Monogram contract department, returned to his New York headquarters over the week-end, after three weeks at the studio home office in Hollywood. RUDY KUEHN, district manager, Warner Bros., has returned to Newark, N. J., from a vacation in Massachusetts. EDDIE BATLIN, district manager, Warner Brothers, flew to Kentucky late last week to visit his son's family. GRETA GARBO and LILLIAN and DOROTHY CISH, returned to the U. S. from Sweden yesterday on the Gripsholm. SEAN McGLORY, 23-year-old Irish actor of Dublin's Abbey Theater, is viewing New York before leaving for the Coast to appear under the RKO banner. RAY VENTURA, leading French orchestra leader, arrived here from Paris yesterday for a three-week visit. JACK ROPER, assistant to Hugh Owen, Paramount's Eastern and Southern division sales manager, returned here yesterday from a vacation. HELEN HEINE, of the Newsreel Theater, Newark, N. J., is on a two-week visit to St. Petersburg, Fla. BOB SNYDER, in charge of Film Classics' exchanges in Cincinnati and Cleveland for Al Derel, was a visitor at the home office here last week. ARTUR RUBENSTEIN arrived here yesterday from the Coast by plane to complete a part in the Federal-UA film "Carnegie Hall." SERGE SEMENENKO, chairman of the board of the First National Bank of Boston, by plane from the Coast at the week-end following conferences on Universal-International films. JASCHA HEIFETZ, noted violinist, flew here Saturday from Hollywood to complete a part in the Boris Morros-William Le Baron film, "Carnegie Hall." GEORGE SKOURAS and his two daughters, Athenia and Odyssia, returned here yesterday by plane from the West Coast. ROSE NICHTERN, cashier at the Mayfair Theater, Newark, has returned from a vacation at Belmar, N. J. WILLIAM G. BRENNER, head of M-G-M's checking department, returned yesterday from a visit to Kansas City and Omaha. FLOYD FITZSIMMONS, Albany exploiteer for M-G-M, has returned to his post after a twoweek vacation in New York. FLOYD H. AKINS, operator of the Circle, Dearborn, Mich., is back from a vacation in California. MAX WOLFF, Loew's purchasing head, has returned from Charlotte. NSS Sends Majorell To New London Post James Majorell, trailer producer for National Screen Service, leaves for England on the Queen Mary tomorrow to join the NSS London office as head of all trailer production, it was announced yesterday by Hemian R 0 b b i n s , president of National Screen. Majorell has been associated with NSS in a trailer production capacity for 10 years, and leaves his berth in the company's Hollywood Studio for his new post. Springer Sets Up Five Century Circuit Zones Under a re-alignment of the ter tories embracing Century Circ.. theaters, J. R. Springer, general th ater manager, has placed the hous under the supervision of five zoi managers Jack LeReaux, Suffo County; Emanuel Friedman, Nass County; William Applegate, Quee County; Leonard Freund, Kinj Highway, Brooklyn; Jack Weinstei Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn. _ Springer also announced thr lowing changes in the personn^m^ the circuits' houses: Robert Albino, manager of tl Quentin, transferred to the Nostrar in the same capacity; William M' Devitt, manager of the Baldwi shifted to same post at the Flora Robert Levy, assistant manager ; the Kingsway, upped to manager ( the Quentin; McKendree William assistant manager at the Fantas; promoted to manager of the Baldwii Harry Gilbert, assistant manage Sunnyside, transferred to the Alb( marie; Harry Green, assistant at tl Marine, shifted to the Rialto; Sa Tilford takes over Green's post i the Marine. Other transfers: Irvin Wiegan, assistant at the AlbemarL to the Kingsway; William Burcl hardt to the Sunnyside as assistar and Arthur Pearce to the Fantasy a assistant. Murray Cohan has becom assistant manager at the Nostran( Newly-Formed CSTO Mee In War on Auction Soles Atlanta — ^First step of the recentl; J formed Confederation of Souther Theater Owners to combat the pro' posed competitive bidding proposa of the court in the New York equit; case will be taken here today. Mem bers of the new body are schedule)!' to convene at the Biltmore Hotel t discuss strategy. S. H. Fabian, president of Amer ican Theaters Association, and Rob ert Coyne, executive director, ar' ' flying here from New York to ad dress the assembly. Tom Connors Returns to Desk Tom Connors, vice-prexy in chargf of distribution for 20th Century-Fox has returned to New York fron Dallas over the week-end, accom^ panied by Peter Levathes, his ex ecutive assistant. Connors was gon< for several weeks on a business trii covering the various exchanges where he conducted a series of meetings. Films, Inc. Ups Capital Albany — Film Inc., of New Yorl City, has increased its authorize* capital from $255,000 to $805,000. W m EOR AJIVERTISING us WIS I «$>• ST. HT.C. PIIOi BRm. 9-tU3-«