The Film Daily (1946)

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Wednesday, September 4, 1946 INEI DAILY llh-Fox Parley on igle Selling Oct. 15 (Continued from Page 1) '4h exploitation men will also atM. larry Brand, Coast publicity chief jihe company, will be on hand to jiffrate studio policies and plans Bie merchandising program to eloped. The meeting will be ed with the campaign for "The •,or's Edge," for which the most i insive buildup is planned. Various ' of publicity and advertising \ ;,! the film will be discussed. j Ipyros P. Skouras, 20th-Fox pres | ; it, will address the conferees on ipany plans and policies. Tom J. mors will participate for disitution co-operation. Also on hand 1 be Murray Silver^tone, presi • ift of the 20th-Fox International; ' Whelan, head of the Interna iial publicity department; A. J. iaban, general manager and Irvi Lesser, associate, of the Roxy ijater. Other participants will be ;[ Reek of Movietone News; RichDe Rochemont, John Wood and 5|1 Williams of March of Time; ^al Terry and Bill Kupper, Jr. jtchcock to Produce "apricom" in England ^.Ifred Hitchcock will make "South Capricorn" in England next year, pring Ingrid Bergman, he told E Film Daily in an interview, hough no company release has In set, Hitchcock said he plans to duce the film at the new M-G-M dios in England. Questioned regarding the avail. lity of Ingrid Bergman, who is eduled to appear in the Broadway .'duction, "Girl From Lorraine," I, chcock said that the film star does ii have a run-of-the-play contract ,|3 will become available approxitely seven months after the open'. He also pointed out that she is ] longer under any contract or jnmitment to any film producer. rerling Arriving Today Uilton iSperling, United States itures production head, arrives in |w York today to confer with USP isident, Joseph Bernhard, confer ^h publishers and see plays in reu'sal as well as close pending jtls on writing and acting talent. i?rling will spend 10 days in New Irk and on his return to the Coast [1 stop off at Gallup to go on loca^n with "Pursued," in NorthItem New Mexico. SEND BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: Sept. 4 Pete Smith Tribute to Dick Brady • • • A CROWD OF THE BOYS, some 50 or 60, yesterday attended a surprise party lor Richard A. "Dick" (Eastman Kodak) Brady at the Hotel Astor It marked Dick's 40th anniversary with Eastman, end the gang turning out to pay tribute were all old friends, who have known Dick for many years And to know Dick is a privilege Forty years with one company (in this industry) is a long, long time But the young-appearing Mister Brady certainly looks none the worse lor that period of service Dick, in his usual goodnatured manner, took the surprise, ate his luncheon, and listened to a few of his old pals say mighty nice things to him and about him Then, when called upon to speak following the presentation of a check by his company and ol a beautilul cigar-iilled humidor by his own close associates, he lound his emotions quickly getting the upper hand To all that was said yesterday, Phil M. begs leave this We(^nesday morn to add his own good wishes May all testimonial luncheons have as their honor guest lolks as deserving of such tributes as Dick Yesterday's little gathering was arranged by Charles Bonn and Bill German T T T • • • CUFF NOTES: David O. Selznick is hosting o cocktail party in the Sherry Netherlands Fable Room on Thursday for Ann Todd, British pic star, who is here to co-star with Gregory Peck in Alfred Hitchcock's "The Paradine Case.". . . • Plato Skouras, six-leet two-inch, red-haired son ol Spyros P. Skouras, president of 20th-Fox, made the industry rounds ivith the Rivoli's tub-thumper, Syd Gross, and will return to that Yale prep school in Connecticut in about two v/eeks. . . . • MarKee Theaters have requests for more than 100 small theaters to be built for independent exhibitors Only 10 per cent of the building materials are subject to priority and it is expected those will be lifted right after the first of the year. ... # Phil Abrahams, head of Warners' print department, celebrates his 23rd year with the company this week. ... • Henry Friedman, exhibitor from Philly, reports that representative groups from the industry in New York, Baltimore and Washington are planning to attend the Philadelphia Variety Club's annual golf tournament and dinner-dance at the Manufacturer's Country Club, Sept. 20 Harry Norman Ball is chairman of the event and Oscar Neufeld is "Dough Guy.". . . • The N. Y. Joumal-Amerxon's remork that has inflated the chest expansion of UA's press dept. is herewith reprinted to wit: "This George Bernard Shaw classic (referring to "Caesar and Cleopatra," which opens at the Astor Thursday) is probably the most publicized picture of the year due to the United Artists' publicity dept. wh:ch handled all publicity on the Vivien Leigh-Claude Rains starrer." . . . • Running time: three hours and twenty minutes for the full French version of Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables," which will be presented on Broadway with English titles in mid-Autumn for its American premiere by Distinguished Films, is reported the longest foreign film to be shown in this country, and is only 28 minutes shorter than the uncut version of "Gone With the Wind" T T ▼ • • • REPUBLIC SPREAD OUT the Welcome Mat for Catherine McLeod who arrived here yesterday by plane from the West Coast after completing a starring role in Frank Borzage's $2,000,000 Technicolor film, "I've Always Loved You," and tendered her a cocktail reception in the afternoon at the Sherry Netherland Among those who attended were: Steve Edwards, Ed Walton, Richard Altschuler, John Petrouskus, Milton Silver, Lynne Roberts, Fay Marlowe, Jane O'Brien, William Carter, Ernest Emmerling, Walter Titus, William Slater, Jerry Soger, and representatives of the N. Y. Metropolitan newspapers and industry press T T T Greater PRC Growth Envisioned by Tliomas (Continued from Page 1) ing year, waiting for big things. With the magnificent program of boxoffice product which we know will come from our studio, we are confident of the results — we know that 1946-47 will be the year which sees PRC pictures take its place among the leaders of the industry," Thomas said to the delegates. The meetings are being attended by a group of 200 executives, branch and exchange managers, home office personnel and salesmen. Other speakers on the dais at the opening day sessions were Lloyd L. Lind, vicepresident and assistant general sales manager; Max Roth, Beverly Miller, William Sherman, Grover Parsons, Grover Schaefer, James Hendel, Joe Miller, sales executives, and former foreign sales manager, S. L. Seidelman. Arnold Stoltz, director of advertising and publicity was on hand. Guests included Alfred W. Schwalberg, Eagle-Lion sales manager; Charles Amory, Buchanan & Co.; Thurber Bierce and C. Warren Sharp of Pathe Industries; Jerome Edwards of Phillips, Nizer, Benjamin & Krim; William Goodwin, Bert Stearn and I Sydney B. Weill.^ Today's meetings will conclude with dinner at Hackney's Restaurant. Tomorrow there will be screenings and further talks concluded late in the afternoon by an address by Alfred W. Schwalberg. The big event scheduled for Friday will be the President's dinner at which announcement of awards will be made. Hickev Ends 14-Month MPAA Pacific Survey Chicago — Duke Hickey, MPAA community relations division field rep., has re-established headquarters at the Palmer House here after a 14-month trip through the Pacific Northwest on a survey tour. During the jaunt Hickey covered more than 7,000 miles, visited 60 communities in 11 states and contacted hundreds of editors, publishers, civic, religious and business leaders, educators and censor groups. If is expected he will remain here for about a month before starting on another survey. "To Each His Own" 9tove-over at 95c Chicago — "To Each His Own," moved over to the Garrick Theater after seven weeks' run at the B fir K State Lake, with admission for the second Loop run remaining at the 95 -cents charge of the first run. Most of the Loop first-runs are now getting 95 cents admissions for all day and evening shows, whereas in the past, the morning shows and matinees were generally scaled at lower prices.