The Film Daily (1947)

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Friday, January 31, 1947' Vol. 91, No. 22 Fri., Jan. 31,1947 10 Cents |OHN W. ALICOATE : Publisher fcONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager CHESTER 6. BAHN Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Secretary-Treasurer. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 19J8, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7111, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address FU™. day, New York. Representatives: HOLLYWOOD, 28, Calif. —Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Phone Granite 6607. WASHINGTON— Andrew H. Older, 6417 Dahlonega Road, Wash. 16, D. C. Phone Wisconsin 3271. Manning Clagett, 2122 Decatur Place NW. Phone, Hobart 7627. CHICAGO, 45, 111.— Joseph Esler, 6241 N. Oakley Ave., Phone Briargate 7441. LONDON —Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter, 127133 Wardour St. W. 1. MANILA— Homer Stuart, Hotel Manila. HAVANA — Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214.' BOMBAY— Ram L. Gogtay, Gaiety Bldg., opposite Victoria Terminus, Hornby Road, Fort, Bombay 1. ALGIERS—Paul Saffar, Filmafric, 8 Rue Charras. STOCKHOLM — Gunnar Ruud, Jaktvarvsplan 30.g. HONOLULU— Eileen O'Brien. MEXICO CITY— Airi Andrade, Mexico City Herald, Colon 14, D. F. MONTREAL— Ray Carmichael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St. VANCOUVER— Jack Droy, 411 Lyric Theater Bldg.; SYDNEY— Bowden Fletcher, 19 Moxon Ave., Punchbowl, N. S. W. Phone, UY 2110. BRUSSELS— Jean Pierre Meys, 110 Rue des Paquerettes; MOSCOW— Raymond A. Davies, Hotel Metropole. COPENHAGEN— John Lindberg, Jembanealle No. 3, Copenhagen-Van Loese. AMSTERDAM — Dr. J. F. Van Oss, Rubensstraat 80. ROME — John Perdicari, Via Ludovisi 16. Phone, 42758. TEL-AVIV— Dr. A. R. Rojansky, 26 Rothschild Blvd. FinnnciflL (Thurs., Jan. 30) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Close Am. Seat 2134 213,4 213/4 Bell & Howell 23% 23 233,4 Columbia Picts 20% 20y2 20% Columbia Picts. pfd.. 82 82 82 East. Kodak 229 227 227 Gen. Prec. Eq 23% 23 23% Loew's, Inc 25% 25% 253/8 Paramount 28% 283/8 28% RKO 15V4 15 15 Republic Pict 7]/2 7% 7% Republic Pict. pfd... 15 15 15 20th Century-Fox . . . 35% 35 35% Universal Pict 28% 28% 28V4 Warner Bros 171/2 17'/4 17V4 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts. . . . 5% 5% 5% RKO 434 41/2 4% Sonotone Corp 3% 3 3 Technicolor 16% 16% 1634 OVER THE COUNTER Bid Cinecolor 5% Pathe 7% Net Chg. + % + % — % + l'/2 — Vi — % — y4 — % + 'A — 1/4 + % — y4 — % — % + V* Asked 6V4 1% Tom Reynolds Passes London (Via Cable) — Tom Reynolds, 67, prominent British theater operator, died at his home in Henley-on-Thames. comma add going WILLIAM F. RODGERS, vice-president and general sales manager for M-G-M, will leave tomorrow for Chicago. After a few days in the Windy City he will entrain for the Coast. DAVID D. HORNE, assistant treasurer of Monogram International Corporation, is in Mexico City from New York. CARL LESERMAN heads for New York from the Coast at the week-end and will sail shortly for Europe. JOHN S. ALLEN, M-G-M district manager with headquarters in Washington, arrives today for home office conferences. FRANCES GIFFORD, left for the Coast yesterday after vacationing here the past two weeks. JOE PASTERNAK entrains for Washington today, returning over the week-end. MITCHELL RAWSON, of M-G-M's publicity department, is in Washington for a few days. DONNA REED arrives from the Coast Sunday for a brief vacation. TED MORRIS, of M-G-M's studio publicity department, is due from the Coast Sunday in connection with a special assignment on "The Yearling." He plans to remain about two weeks and then go to Chicago. HAROLD RUSSELL, starred in "Best Years," and his wife, guests of RKO publicity dept., left Chicago last night for Hollywood to accept Look magazine award for work in Goldwyn film. FRANK CAPRA visiting friends in Chicago. LAWRENCE TIERNEY, after p.a. at Chicago's Palace Theater, left for Milwaukee and other p.a. stints. EDWARD G. ROBINSON plans to leave New York on Sunday for the Coast. WALTER BROOKS, of Metro, goes to Washington today, returning on Monday. MORTON A. SPRING, Loew-lnternational vicepresident, left with his wife yesterday for California where he will vacation and confer with studio execs. CLAY V. HAKE, Paramount's representative for South Africa, will leave New York by boat today for his headquarters in Johannesburg. WILLIAM FRIEDBERG has returned to New York by plane from Paris after a two-week stay in the French capital. EDGAR J. DOOB, manager, Loew's Aldine, Wilmington, Del., and MRS. DOOB, have returned from New York where they celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary. Metro Will Tradeshow Five In Next 2 Months M-G-M will tradeshow five pictures during February and March. Three will be screened for exhibitors in all areas in February, namely, "The Arnelo Affair" on Feb. 13; "Undercover Maisie" and "It Happened in Brooklyn" on February 28. The two to be shown next month will be "High Barbaree" and "Cynthia's Secret," which are scheduled for March 11. No release dates have been set on any of the pix. Portsmouth's Council Okays "The Outlaw" Portsmonth, N. H. — After a private showing for the Citv Council, clergy, press and civic officials, the Council refusedto ban the NewHampshire premiere of "The Outlaw" at the Civic. At the request of Mayor Mary Dondero, however, Don Kin?, theater manager, announced that no tickets would be sold to children under 16. Simultaneously, the Rev. Denis P. Downey of the Church of the Immaculate Conception olaced the theater out of bounds for his oarishioners and assailed the City Council for not banning the film. HERMAN GOLDBERG, purchasing agent and supervisor of maintenance for Warners' exchanges, returned to New York yesterday from a three-week tour of Midwest branches. ARTHUR SHIELDS, following completion of a featured role in RKO Radio's "Seven Keys to Baldpate," has come East to direct the new Eugene O'Neill play, "Moon for the Misbegotten" for the Theater Guild. BARNEY GERARD is in Chicago, handling special promotions for the Midwest premiere of "Bringing Up Father" on Feb. 6. HENRY W. KAHN, vee-pee and general manager of Sherover Enterprises, arrived by plane in London yesterday. In his three-month tour of Europe, Kahn hopes to set up a distribution system for release of American pix. V1VECA LINDFORS was given a huge homecoming ovation at the airport yesterday. She will remain in Stockholm for several weeks, visiting family and friends, and then return to WB studios in Hollywood. STEWART CHANEY, fully recovered from his serious automobile accident in California, is back again in New York. EUNICE LEVIN, executive assistant to Richard H. Roffman, radio and film tieup advertising director of Traubee Time-Saver Products Co., of Brooklyn, has returned from a four-day trip to Washington. MILTON LEWIS, of the Paramount studio talent department, is due back in Hollywood from New York today. EDWARD L. HYMAN, vice-president of Paramount Theaters Service Corporation, and JERRY ZIGMOND, Paramount executive, have returned from Cincinnati. R. K. HAWKINSON, RKO assistant foreign manager, has returned to his desk from Mexico City. SID BLUMENSTOCK, of 20th-Fox, left for Chicago yesterday. Agfa's Color Process To be Used in U. S.? Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Top Government officials last night were scheduled to view a special screening of a captured German film using the Agfa color film process. While officials denied that moves were under way to begin widespread use of the new color process, it is thought here that such moves are contemplated. The film, a German musical comedy, "Girl of My Dreams," will be screened by the Commerce Department's office of technical services. Technicolor Catching Up With Prints of "Margie" Minneapolis — Staggered bookings on "Margie" are expected to be almost completely eliminated by the middle of February as the Technicolor laboratory expects to have sufficient prints available for the Minneapolis film zone, M. A. Levy, 20thFox district manager, has disclosed. Mr. Exhibitor: Investigate! Filmock's NEW Prevue Trait. , er Service before tignmf any trailer contracts. Write, we •r pbooe Filmecfc 1327 S. We***, Ckraago 5, IE m Dept. of Commerce Reports On New Pic Color Process; Washington Bureau of THE FILM VAlL'i Washington — A new report describing the technique of the Duxochrome color process developed i:! Germany is to be announced thi=j morning by the Department of Commerce. No other three-point metho; "seems to have reached the a'-^tio values achieved by the DuxoC^' ne process" according to its auAor, Richard Banger. Ranger holds that although mul-j tilayer processes will eventuallj dominate the separation processes used, Duxochrome "may well continue to have a most useful placf in producing desired color effects.' The report (PB-44657; Duxo chrome photo color prints) is avail able in photostats for $4 and ii microfilm for $2 from Office of Tech nical Services, Dept. of Commerce Washington. Femmes in Charge of Tub Thumpers Meeting Boston — The January meeting ol Tub No. 1 of the Tub Thumpers ol America, Inc. today at Hotel Somerj set, will be under the auspice 1 of its femme members with Mariaj Houlihan of Station WEEI the ger eral chairman. Peggy Doyle, of thj Boston American, is in charge of thj entertainment which will include SuJ Ryan, RKO; Betty Kean from "Cat Me Mister"; Jimmy Savo, playing a| the Bradford Roof; Phil Reaganf singing at the Copley-Plaza ani Rannv Weeks, ork leader at th Hotel" Statler. Pittsburgh Regional Held for Greek Drive Pittsburgh — Starting the ball rol ling here on behalf of the Industr; Appeal for Greek War Orphanhonoring Spyros P. Skouras, th Paramount Exchange held the firs of a series of regional meets, pre sided over by RKO Radio's exchang manager, Morris Lefko, as distrir chairman. Also present were: Morris Finke! prexy of ATO of Western Pa., anexhib. co-chairman with Moe Silvei Warners zone manager, who helpeJ outline the drive strategy which bej gins March 8 for one month.