The Film Daily (1947)

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HWednesday, July 2, 1947 ^ DAILY: itfalsh Nixes CSU Plan For Casey Arbitration (Continued from Page 1) correspondent that he saw no purpose in further arbitration, declar'S* ng that in fact, the entire issue had Ji-oeen arbitrated but that the carosjoent^^, g^^nion has refused to accept he d, — ,ion. "The CSU has lost out completely isjitod obviously is looking for some TAFT'S VERSION Washington Bur., THE FILM DAILY Washington — Senator Robert A. Tajt yesterday termed secondary boycotts and jurisdictional strikes "racketeering types" of labor disputes. The Ohio Republican emphasized that the bill which he coauthored does not outlaw all strikes but only those of the "racketeering" type. i :way to get back," Walsh commented. i : The committee of five international ctpresidents, of which "Walsh is a SSmember, will report a plan to settle enthe dispute, the lA prexy declared. or/His present trip over has delayed ecliaction, Walsh added. irb While the lA topper is scheduled •4ito sail for New York on the Queen I Elizabeth July 10, he may cancel to I conclude discussions here on an •rl; Anglo -American labor exchange agreement. Signing of the pact is .being delayed pending further talks a with the ACT to bring that group as g^well as the NATKE into its scope. K Sherman Due East to Talk tiMajor Release for 'Carmen' West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Following the first sneak preview of "They Passed This way," Harry Sherman Prod, for Enterprise, Sherman will leave for New York where he will make a strong pitch for a major studio release on 'Carmen Of The West," his projected indie sagebrush edition of the ilassic. Sherman has entirely completed arrangements for the financing of ;he pic and is negotiating with top Dpera personalities. Fisher Succeeds Laurie Toronto — Frank H. Fisher, general sales manager of Eagle-Lion of Canada, Ltd., becomes general manager, effective July 14. He succeeds A. J. Laurie, resigned. FEmmE TOUCH DOROTHY BROWN, assistant to the general manager. Associated Theaters, Detroit. BLANCHE SHUKIS, cashier, E. M. Loew's, Hartford, Conn. LEONA CEPAK, cashier. Strand, New Britain, Conn. MAXINE McDonald, M-G-M switchboard operator, Minneapolis. UJEDDinC BELLS MvGuire-Murphy West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Marion McGuire, executive secretary to Scotty Dunlap of Monogram, and Leonard Murphy, Metro associate casting director, were married at the Last Frontier, Las Vegas, Nev. They're off on a motor trip to Michigan. Edge-Johnston West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — ^Margaret Edge, member of Jerry Fairbanks publicity department, was married to Phillip Johnston, artist, in Mexico. Stone-Hesslein Montgomery, Ala. — Robert J. Hesslein, of Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y., is engaged to Margaret Ann Stone. High Admission Demands Top ITO of Ohio Agenda Columbus, O. — Alleged "exhorbitant" admission price demands of distributor's is high on the agenda of business sessions of the convention of the Independent Theater Owners of Ohio to be held July 14-16 at the Breakers Hotel, Cedar Point. Other exhibitor problems to be discussed will include state. Federal and local admissions taxes, film rentals, local checkers, increased ASCAP fees and American vs. British films. Industry spokesmen who will be heard on the convention floor include: Andrew W. Smith, Jr., general sales manager, 20th Century-Fox; Abram F. Myers, Allied general counsel; Jack Kirsch, Allied president; H. M. Richey, Loew's exhibitor relations director; Leon Bamberger, RKO sales promotion manager; David H. Palfreyman, MPAA representative, and Sam Shain, 20thFox exhibitor relations director. J. Arthur Rank, invited to be principal speaker at the ITO banquet, wired regrets to P. J. Wood, secretary. Rank is sailing for England on July 17. Name Canada, S. Africa And Far Eastern SRO Reps. (Continued from Page 1) was announced yesterday by Neil Agnew, president. At the same time, Agnew revealed that Al Hertzenberg has been named South Africa district manager and Fred S. Gulbransen has been appointed Far Eastern representative. Weiner, formerly with United Artists as Eastern and Western district manager, has had considerable experience in Canadian sales. Hertzenberg was M-G-M representative in South Africa for many years, while Gulbransen was formerly associated with RKO and United Artists in foreign territories. Mayo-O'Shea Virginia Mayo, actress, and Michael O'Shea, actor, will be married Saturday night. Oszustowicz-Wise Detroit — Wanda Oszustowicz, Paramount office manager's secretary, was married to Robert Wise. SuUivan-Tunison Patricia Sullivan of the Paramount home office stenographic department was married to Justin Tunison, in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Richmond Hill, L. I. Niem-Levy Detroit — Ted Levy, Warner salesman, and Shirley Niem of the PRC office staff, were married recently. O'Brien Denounces British Studio Plasterers Action (Continued from Page 1) "irresponsible and selfish" by Tom O'Brien, MP, NATKE general secretary. O'Brien, who said that the action might throw 10,000 fellow unionists out of work, declared it was taken without union authority and that the national executive council would take such steps as deemed proper to protect the interests of other NATKE studio members. The producers association held an executive meeting yesterday and it is understood that O'Brien and union officials will meet with the plasterers tomoiTow. JULY RELEASES Carrier Strikers Back After 20 Cent Pay Hike Pittsburgh — Exhibitors Service Co. truck drivers, members of Local 211, AFL teamsters union, tentatively called off their strike on the 10th day after a meeting of company executives, heads of local union and international representative when agreement was reached whereby a 20 cent per hour increase was granted. Service was resumed throughout the territory last night for a 30-day period, pending completion of negotiations for a new contract. Tele. Equipment Display Set for TESMA Meeting Chicago — A demonstration of television equipment and video reception will be a feature of the annual trade show of the Theater Equipment and Supply Manufacturers Association, at the Shoreham Hotel, Washington, Sept. 24-29, Roy Boomer, secretary, announced. Included in the display will be television projectors and other equipment, with RCA scheduled to show much of the material for the first time. Releases scheduled for July total 34, including one re-issue, according to information supplied by distributing companies. Titles, release dates and running lim:s are included below: COLUMBIA The Strang-er from Ponca City (.31, .56 mins. Keeper of the Bees (10), 68 mins. Gunfig-hters (15), 87 mins. Pacific Adventure, 80 mins. EAGLE-LION Caravan (20) M-G-M Cjnithia (4), 98 mins. Fiesta (18), 104 mins. MONOGRAM Kilroy Was Here '5), 68 mins. News Hounds (12), 68 mins. Teen-agers No. 3 Cisco Kid No. 2 PARAMOUNT Perils of Pauline (4), 96 mins. Dear Ruth (18), 9.5 mins. PRC Ga«house Kids Go West (12). Ghost Town Reuerades (26). RKO-Radio The Woman on the Beach, 71 mins. They Won't Believe Me, 95 mins. Thunder Mountain, 60 mins. REPUBLIC Rustlers of Devil's Canyon (1), 58 mins. The Trespasser (3), 71 mins. Spring in the Sierras (15), 75 mins. SCREEN -GUILD The Hat Box Mysterj' (15). 40 mins. The Case of the Baby Sittei (26), 40 mins. Bar 20 Justice (re-issue). (19), 65 mins. 20th CENTURY-FOX Bob. Son of Battle. 103 mins. Meet Me at Dawn, 99 mins. The Crimson Ke.v, 76 mins. UNITED ARTISTS The Other Love (11), 96 mins. Hoppy's Holiday (18). 60 mins. Lured (25), 102 mins. UNIVERSAL The Vig-ilantes Return, 67 mins. The Great Expectation. 119 mins. WARNER BROTHERS The Unfaithful (5), 109 mins. Possessed (26). 108 mins. "Lion" Title Switched United Artists will release William Cagney's "A Lion is in the Streets" as "Merchant of Hope" ("Mercader de Esperanza") in Latin America. THE STANDARD! REFERENCE! 0 0 K 1 THE of the MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY Publi$hed by FILM DAILY 1501 Broadway, Naw York 18, N. Y.