The Film Daily (1947)

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(Advertisement) Vol. 56 No. 16 Hollywood (28), California, Friday, June 27, 1947 5 Cents CHAPLIN PIC STIRS STOR^ VERDOUX' ON NEWS PACES OF COUNTRY True to the Charles Chaplin tradition that each production is a news event, "Monsieur Verdoux" has leaped from drama pages to front pages. Tabulated clipping returns disclose that "Verdoux" has been accorded more critical acclaim and controversial discussion than any other picture. Key exhibitors point out that this natural news reception of "Monsieur Verdoux" indicates that Chaplin has his biggest grosser on hand. Led by the mighty and influential Christian Science Monitor, editorials on "Verdoux" have flooded thousands of newspapers. The Monitor concluded its editorial with: "What democracy needs is more education of the public to a higher level of judgment, taste and patriotism." Top Champion For 'Monsieur Verdoux' In raging controversy over "Verdoux," famed N. Y. critic. Archer Winsten, of the N. Y. Post, lined up on Chaplin side, wrote in part: " 'Verdoux' will inspire strong champions throughout the country. Most emphatically not a picture to be shunted off among the common run of American pictures, serious or comic ... it is great in intention, big in theme and thoroughly original. "An enjoyment of Chaplin's genius of gesture and movement ... a respect for his courage and conviction." 'Verdoux' Must Be Seen Many Tinnes Says Sage Harold Clurman, noted author, in July issue of Tomorrow Magazine, writes in part: "Charles Chaplin's 'Monsieur Verdoux' is one of the most fascinating documents of our day. The picture is great! Chaplin does not escape the world through his comic disguise; he faces it. That is why he is an artist of singular force. Those who do not quite decipher his meaning or who do not wish to fathom it because it disturbs them, would do well to listen and attend again and again. Here is a picture that will not S3 dismissed!" TIME, WINCHELL TELL OF WERDOUX' SUCCESS New York. — Walter Winchell today told his twenty-five million readers, and Time Magazine tipped off its five million, that the most extravagant words of praise are being written and said of Charles Chaplin's "Monsieur Verdoux." Winchell wrote: "James Agee has written a monumental piece for The Nation in praise of Chaplin's 'Monsieur Verdoux.' Agee thinks the film 'is one of the great works of our time'.'^ Time Magazine devoted three columns to "Verdoux," hailed it "as the most notable film in years — the most fascinating — " and described Chaplin's portrayal of Verdoux as "one of the most beautiful single performances ever put on film." Time Magazine summarized: "The film is a daring individual gesture, dared in an era when such acts are rare. He has replaced his beloved sure-fire tramp with an equally original character. The set pieces of pure slapstick are as skilled and delightful and as psychologically penetrating as any Chaplin has ever contrived." 'Verdoux' Greatest Classic Ever Made Hailing "Verdoux" us the greatest classic ever made. Federated Press told its hundreds of thousands of readers, in part: "A film which will stir up controversy, Chaplin's past films are considered the greatest classics yet produced for the screen. All of them are only warm-ups for this new tragi-comedy. 'Monsieur Verdoux' is the finest piece of social satire that has ever been filmed." Marilyn Nash Returns Marilyn Nash returned this week from New York and Detroit. Verdoux' Gets Great Rave In a 5000 word review, requiring three installments in The Nation, James Agee, famed critic and magazine author, wrote in part of "Monsieur Verdoux:" "A magnificent and terrifying song . . . the richness and quality of the film is a work of art, in fact, of genius. I wish I might use the many thousands of words I would require to do it adequate honor purely as fun. "The anarchic and immortal lily of the field, the tramp, the most humane and most nearly complete among the religious figures our time has evolved has been set aside by Chaplin to give his century its truest portrait of the upright citizen. "I wish I may faintly express the frame by frame appreciation, the gratitude and tribute which we owe this great poet and great poem. Chaplin's performance as Verdoux is the best piece of playing I have ever seen. Verdoux embodies much of the best that can be said of modern civilization." Critics Applaud yerdoux As Daring Chaplin Winner With critical acclaim and violent controversy, "Monsieur Verdoux," prepares to meet the public. Famed critics have written: National Board of Review: "Exceptional rating. Completely new and fascinating. Greatest of all Chaplin films." Bosley Crowther, New York Times: "Chaplin believes in using his talent for socking hard . . . screamingly funny ... He is both satan and faun . . . his performance is remarkably adroit ... a lot of controversy will be created by 'Monsieur Verdoux'." Robert Coleman, New York Mirror: ^ "It runs gamut of satire, slapstick, drama and problem drama . . . had first-nighters roaring with laughter ... it comes from a higher perch than most of the pictures you will enjoy." Richard L. Coe, Washington Post: "Daringly different ... a wise and witty picture . . . very funny in its horseplay. It is far more stimulating than any current film." TOP CROSSES FOR VERDOUX' SAY EXHIBS New York — Precipitating the greatest storm of controversy ever attendant upon the showing of a film, Charles Chaplin's "Monsieur Verdoux," in a pre-release debut here, conclusively proved that it will be the star's greatest money-making film. Top exhibitors have applauded the world-wide exploitation plan "to condition" the public to the "most unusual entertainment ever put on the screen." One of the master advertisements, spearheading the candid campaign, will read: A WARNING! Before you see Charles Chaplin in "Monsieur Verdoux" you must know some facts about the most controversial motion picture of all time. Charles Chaplin, deserting his beloved little tramp character, enacts the role of the slick, sinister and charming French Bluebeard. His business: murder. Charles Chaplin introduces a revolutionary pattern of screen story-telling, confident the public will welcome the most original humor and the most original drama ever filmed. There is a peculiar intensity of story and an even more peculiar hysteria of laughter in "Monsieur Verdoux." We must warn you — and YOU must warn your friends — that you must come prepared to behold something never before shown on the screen. Please remember, this is not "just another motion picture!" Charles Chaplin has dared to create for your unforgettable entertainment the diabolical but amusing story once told only in whispers. But with all its strangeness, there is a pathos and beauty and richness devoted to a love story that will haunt you until pictures are no longer made. The genius of Chaplin holds a copyright on his type of love story — a love story that hurts, that frightens, that stays with you as a lingering memory. But remember — a warning — come prepared for the most startling experience you have ever undergone in a motion picture theatre. Come prepared for the strangest and the most entertaining shock of your life. —Adv. (Advertisement)