The Film Daily (1947)

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DAILY Wednesday, July 16, 1947 Vol. 92, N 0. H Wed. July 16, 1947 10 Cents JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate and Genera Publisher Manager CHESTER B. BAHN : Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. \V. Alicoate, President; Donald M. Mersereau. Vice President and Treasurer; Patti Alicoate, Vice President and Secretary. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address Filmday, New York. WEST COAST OFFICES Ralph Wilk, Manager 6425 Hollywood Blva. Phone: Granite 6607 WASHINGTON BUREAU Andrew H. Older, Chief Manning Clagett 6417 Dahlonega Rd. 2122 Decatur PI., NW Phone: Wisconsin 3271 Phone: Hobart 7627 CHICAGO BUREAU Joseph Esler, Chief H. H. MacDonald 0. L. Esler 6241 N. Oakley Ave. Pnone: Briargate 7441 STAFF CORRESPONDENTS LONDON — Ernest \V. Frednian, Tlie Film Renter, 127-133 Wardoiir St., W. 1. MANILA — Homer smart. Hotel Manila. HAVAN.\ — Mary Louise nianro. Yirtudes 214. BOMBAY— Ram L. Cogtay, Kitah Jlalial, 100 ITnrnhy Rd., Fort, Bombay 1. AL r.TER.S — Paul SafTar, Filmafric, 8 Rue Cliarras. MONTREAL — Ray Carmirliael, Room 0. 464 Francis Xavier St. VANCOTIVER— .Tack Droy, 411 Lyrif Tlieater Bide. SYDNEY— Bowden Fletrlier, 10 Moxor Ave. riinihhowl, N, S. W. Pliore, TTT 2110. BRUS SF.LS — .Tcan Pierre Jfeys, 110 Rue dps Panncrettes. rOPENHAGEN.Tohn LindherE, ,Ternbanealle Nn. 3 ropenhacen-Van Loese. ROME — .Tohn Perdlcari. Via Ludovisl 16. Phone, 427S8, MONTEVIDEO — Dr. Walti>r Srhuok. Pen-lto SOT, TlTEX'Tr'n PTTT Dorothy Neal, Callc de Paris 12. BUDAPEST — Andor Lajta, Filmmuveszeti Evkonvv, Thokoly-iit 7.5, Budapest. XIV. STOCKHOLM— Gilbert Geis, Erstasaten 18 (III). finnnciAi ; (Tncs., July 15) ~ NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Am. Seat Bell & Howell Columbia Picts. Columbia Picts. ptd. East. Kodak Gen. Prec. Eq Loew's, Inc Paramount RKO Republic Pict Republic Pict. pfd. 20th Century-Fox . . . 20th Century-Fox pfd. Universal Pict Universal Pict. pfd. Worner Bros NEW YORK High 181/8 211/8 17% 78 473/8 20 241/2 293/4 13% 61/8 125/8 331/4 411/2 24 82 171/4 CURB Low Close Net Chg. 18 21 173/8 18 — 1/8 211/8 + 1/4 _ 17% + 3/8 763/4 78 +2 47 471/4 20 20 — 1/2 241/4 243/8 — 1/8 -- 293/8— 1/4 13% 6 — 1/8 121/2 — 1/8 331/8 — 1/2 41 1/2 233/8 — 5/8 82 17 MARKET 293/a 135/8 6 121/2 323/4 411/2 233/8 82 17 Monogram Picts. .. 4% 4 414 RKO 41/8 4 41/8 Sonotone Corp 33^ 3% 35^ Technicolor 15'A 15 15 Trans-Lux 41/1 4 41^ OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked Cinecolor 53^ 7 Pathe 53/8 63/8 Columbia Sets Dividend Columbia's board of directors at its meeting yesterday declared a quarterly dividend of $1.06i4, per share on the $4.25 cumulative preferred stock, payable Aug. 15, to stockholders of record, Aug. 1. cominG flno goirg SAM LEFKOWITZ, WB Eastern district manager, left yesterday for Boston. He returns to New York on Friday. P. J. WOLFSON, Paramount writer, is in New York, having been brought here by the illness of his father. WILLIAM B. ZOELLNER, head of M-G-M's short subject sales and reprints and importations, left Minneapolis yesterday for a threeday visit to Kansas City. SPENCER TRACY, M-G-M stor, arrived from the Coast yesterday. VIRGINIA FIELD arrived in New York from Hollywood Saturday via TWA Constellation. HAL WALLIS, now in England making "So Evil My Love" for release by Paramount is scheduled to sail for home aboard the S.S. Queen Elizabeth on Aug. 27. Expected to return with him are RAY MILLAND, GERALDINE FITZGERALD, LEWIS ALLEN, and JACK SAPER. BILLY WILDER, Paramount director, and a camera crew, will sail from New York on the S.S. America on July 29 to shoot backgrounds for the forthcoming "A Foreign Affair" in occupied Germany. JEFFREY BERNERD leaves for England early next month to set up production plans for "The Maze." KENNETH MacKENNA, of M-G-M's studio story department, will return from England via air tomorrow and two days later leave by plane for the Coast. KAY HARRISON, managing director of Technicolor, Ltd., London, accompanied by MRS. HARRISON, will return to England on the S.S. Queen Elizabeth tomorrow. ROY McMULLEN, manager of the B & K Granada Theater, Chicago, is in California on vacation. BILLIE HARRIS, booker for Republic, Charlotte, N. C, is vacationing in Florida and Cuba. Third 20th Sales Meet In Capital Tomorrow Wnshiiiaton Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Final 20th-Fox twoday regional sales meeting will be held at the Carlton Hotel beginning tomorrow. Andrew W. Smith, Jr., general sales manager, will fly here from the ITO of Ohio convention. Home office execs, attending include: Spyros P. Skouras, president; William C. Gehring, assistant general sales manager; Martin Moskowitz, executive assistant to Smith; Peter Levathes, Sam Shain, Clarence Hill, Charles Schlaifer, Rodney Bush, Sid Blumenstock, Roger Ferri. Also branch and field personnel from Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cin"innati, Cleveland, Indianapolis. Para. Denies Charges, Seeks Dismissal of Suit Paramount yesterday made a general denial of charges contained in Leah Schanfarber's Federal Court action seeking to halt the Employees Investment Co. plan, and asked a of the stockholder's action. Paramount contended that the plan was approved by 75 per cent of the outstanding common stock and attached a copy of the minutes of the annual meeting at which it was approved. Charles Kindt Rites Davenport, la — Funeral services were held here for Charles T. Kindt, 86, former owner of the old Furtis Theater, who died in Mercy Hospital. HUGH F I N D L A Y , publicity director for M-G-M's British studios, sails tomorrow on the S.S, Queen Elizabeth, H. M, RICHEY, M-G-M exhibitor and public relations head, returns today from Ohio, BUD ABBOTT was a Chicago visitor yesterday, HERBERT SILVERBERG, film attorney, who leaves for the Coast today, following his return from Paris yesterday, will return to New York in September. Republic's prexy HERBERT J. YATES, and WILLIAM ELLIOT and VERA RALSTON, Rep. stars, arrive in Denver, Colo., Saturday, en route to Cheyenne, Wyo., to attend Frontier Days celebration in connection with world premiere of company's big-budget "Wyoming." CHARLES K. STERN, Loew's assistant treasurer, and MRS. STERN, leave Friday for a vacation in Swampscott, Mass. ARTHUR ARCE, export manager for S. 0. S. Cinema Supply Corp., is touring Latin America to confab with company's dlstribs. and agencies. CHARLES RYAN, former assistant Warner theater zone manager, who retired owing to ill health, has returned to Chicago from a three-month trip to the Coast, where he visited his son, Arthur Ryan. ELI FINK, B & K attorney and his wife, are on the Coast for a July vacation. $15,500,000 Loan for Aniline's Expansion General Aniline & Film Corp. has arranged a loan of $15.5 million from the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., bearing interest at 2.95 per cent. Annual payments of $1 million will be made starting in 1956, with final maturity June 1, 1967. Proceeds will be used to expand plant facilities for the Ansco photo products division and for dyes. WB Buys Tommy Dorsey Disc Units on WMCA Warners purchased 12 participating units weekly in the Tommy Dorsey disc-jockey show on WMCA in the first sale of the nationally known bandleader program in metropolitan New York. The contract, placed through Blaine Thompson Agency, is for a period of 26 weeks and calls for two units daily at 11:05 a.m. and 7:05 p.m. The programs will promote Warners pix and theaters in the New York area. WMCA is featuring the Tommy Dorsey show beginning Sept. 8 in 15-minute blocks of 48 units weekly. YOU OWE II TO YOURSELF To Learn About Filmack's Prevue TRAILER SERVICE ^iimack 1327 S, WABASH AVE, CHICAGO 5, ILL, Rank Heads Pix Group . Sailing on the Elizabeth \ J. Arthur Rank, cinemagnate, heads a list of film notables sailing on the liner Queen Elizabeth tomorrow morning. Among them are: Mrs. Rank; David Niven, actor; Irene Manning, actress; Paul Lukas, actor; Robert Ryan, actor; H^f^rt Wilcox, British producer an^^-is actress-wife, Anna Neagle; Clarence Derwent, president of Actors Equity; James Perkins, Paramount's managing director in the UK and Northern Ireland, and his wife; Fred Hutchinson, general manager of Paramount in Great Britain and director of Paramount Film Services, and his wife. Garber Named Gen. Mgr. Of Nassour Studios Hollywood — David S. Garber has been made general manager of Nassour Studios. Garber steps into his new post after eight years as studio manager at Universal, and three years before that at RKO. He will assume his new duties immediately, first being to supervise an estimated $800,000 worth of construction, which will include two additional sound stages, a new administration building, extra cutting rooms, dressing rooms and other production facilities. He will also served as associate producer on Edward Nassour productions. Cinema Suit Defendants Given 4 Months to Answer Wilmington — Defendants in the Cinema Amusements, Inc., suit against Loew's, RKO, and 20th-Fox were granted four months from the date of an appropriate order to answer interrogatories by the plaintiffs. Order is expected to be entered within a few days before Federal Judge Richard S. Rodney. CHICAGO SANIVANCISCOI PITTSBURGH I See your travel agent or phone LExington 2-7100 or visit TWA ticket office at 80 East 42nd St. Save time with TWA AIRFREIGHT