The Film Daily (1947)

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the result of an injury which occurred >oon after lie got out of the servicethereby ruining a potentially brilliant career. Realizing that her wealth and position are a barrier, Cathy begins a definite line of action after talking things over with her caustic but understanding Aunt Willey (Ethel Barrymore). Completely changing her identity, she moves to a small apartment and pretends to be a poor piano student, blind like Dan, and seeking to learn from him. While accepting his lessons, Cathy is not only able to enjoy Dan's friendship but manages bv her love to inspire him to finish his concerto. Before it is completed, Cathy has not only arranged for a noted specialist to operate on Dan's eves, but has so enthused famed pianist Artur Rubinstein over the concerto that he agrees to feature it in his coneert. The operation successful. Dan, able to see again, completely forgets Cathy in the new-found triumphs when he is assigned to write the score ^ for a new play in New York, .\cting on Chick's advice, Cathy goes to New York to fight to regain Dan's affections. To do so she drops her masquerade and changes back to the wealthy patron of music she really is. Not recognizing her, Dan falls in love all over again with this new and glamorous creature. However, while his concerto ' is being performed at Carnegie Hall. Dan realizes that the little blind pianist he left back in .San Francisco was his real inspiration. He leaves the Hall and boards a train for San Francisco leaving word of his intentions. Cathy happily boards a plane and meets Dan when he arrives on the West Coast when he realizes he has loved the same girl all the time. Miracle of the Bells RKO RADIO CAST: Fred MacMurray, Frank Sinatra, 'Valli. CREDITS: Producers, Jesse L. Lasky. Walter MacEwen; Director, Irving Pichel; Arthur, Russell lanney; Screenplay, Ben Hecht, Quentin Reynolds. li Synopsis: Based on the best selling novel of the same name about a lovely talented girl from a small town in Pennsylvania who finds screen fame through the interest of a brilliant motion picture press agent. When she flies at the heigh th of her success, he arranges an elaborate funeral from the small church in her home town. Through various circumstances, a miracle appears to have happened and the whole attitude of the town and lis people changes overnight. The story is a message of faith and hope and a lesson in tolerance. I Mortgage on Life I RKO RADIO ' CREDITS: Producer Screenplay, Herman J. Mankiewicz; Story, Vicki Baum. Sxnopsis: A story about music and musicians but is not a musical. Mourning Becomes Electra RKO RADIO CAST: Rosalind Russe)!, Raymond Massey, Eatina Paxinou, Michael Redgrave, Leo Genn, Kirk Douglas, Henry Hull, Nancy Coleman. CREDITS: Producer-Director, Dudley Nichols; Ass. Producer. Edward Donahoe; Screenplay, Dudley Nichols. Synopsis: Based on the Theater Guild stage success by Eugene O'Neill, this is the story of the Mannon family, shipping tycoons of a small Massachusetts town. The ending of the Civil War brings to a climax the smouldering hatred Christine Mannon (Katina Paxinou) has for her husband. General Ezra Mannon (Raymond Massey). Christine's son, Orin (Michael Redgrave), devoted to his mother and serving on the Union front as the General's aide, has no suspicion of this, but his sister, Lavinia (Rosalind Rus sell), has, and it is Lavinia who discovers Christine's clandestine meetings with Captain Adam Brant (Leo Genn') of the clipper, 'Tlying Cloud," and is infuriated the more so because she had believed Adam to be in love with her. Shrewd old Seth Beckwith (Henry Hull), the Mannon gardener, learns Adam's secret: Adam, too, is a Mannon, the son of Ezra's uncle, David, and a pretty nursemaid. Driven from the family because of the scandal, David had gone West and died in poverty, and Adam is seeking revenge. Lavinia uses this information to trv to force Christine to give .^dam up, but without success. Lavinia's attempts to tell her adored father of the situation are also blocked by Christine. Back from the front, too, comes Peter Niles (Kork Douglas), Lavinia's boyhood sweetheart. He begs her to marry him but she refuses because of her father's need of her. The latter is poisoned by his wife but lives long emugh to tell Lavinia. Orin comes bome and the revengeful La\inia works on the bov to turn his mother-love into hate. She and Orin follow Christine to a secret meeting with Adam on his ship and after Christine leaves. Orin kills -\dam. Later, Orin tells Christine what he has done, hoping she will once more turn to him, but, instead, his mother, grief-stricken, commits suicide. Shocked into despair hv this unexpected tragedy, Orin becomes melancholy and Lavinia takes him on a long trip to the South Seas for his health. Upon returning home, he kills himself, leaving a long confession of the family's tragic history and Lavinia is left to live alone with her bitter memories. My Own TrueLove PARAMOUNT CAST: Phyllis Calvert, Melvyn Douglas, Wanda Hendrix, Philip Friend, Phyllis Morris. CREDITS: Producer, Val Lewton; Director, Compton Bennett; Screenplay, Leonore Coffee, Arthur Kober; Cameraman, Charles Long. Synopsis: A young member of the Women's A.T.S. fixes up her widower father with a blind date in the hope that it will take his mind off his son, reported missing in action. A romance starts to blossom. Then the son returns, minus a leg, and the father begins to think that he is losing his new-found girl to his embittered son. Eventually everything turns out all right, but not before the father has had some emotional crises. Locale of story is post-war London. The Naked City UNIVERSAL-INTERN ATION.'^L MARK HELLINGER PRODUCTION. CAST: Barry Fitzgerald, Howard Duff, Dorothy Hart, Don Taylor, Ann Sargent, Ted DeCorsia, John McQuade, Tony Rivers, House Jameson. CREDITS: Producer, Jules Buck; Director; Jules Dassin. Synopsis: A murder is committed in New York City. Barry Fitzgerald, a police lieutenant in charge of one of the city's Homicide Squads, organizes his forces for the solution of the crime. Through the painstaking research and endless investigation of every possible lead, no matter how seemingly remote, the case is finally cracked, and the Homicide Squad remains alerted for whatever is to come next. Mcholas Nickleby UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL J. ARTHUR RANK CAST: Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Derek Bond, Sally Ann Howes, Bernard Miles, Fay Compton, Dame Sybil Thomdike. CREDITS: Producer, Michael Balcon. Director, Cavalcanti; Screenplay, John Dighton; An Ealing Studios production. Synopsis: Motion picture version of Charles Dickens' immortal classic dealing with the abuses in some of England's schools in the 19th Century and some of the evils of the poor laws. Might Unto Night WARNER BROS. CAST: Ronald Reagan, Viveca Lindfors, Broderick Crawford, Rosemary De Camp, Osa Massen, Art Baker, Craig Stevens. Erskine Sanford, Ann Burr, Johnny McGovern, Lillian Yarbo, Ross Ford, Irving Bacon, Almira Sessions, Dick Elliott, Lois Austin. CREDITS: Producer, Owen Crump; Director, Don Siegel; Screenplay, Kathryn Scola; From the novel by Philip Wylie; Cameraman, Peverell Marley. Synopsis: Miami Beach love story of a biochemist, on leave of absence to regin his health, and a young widow who has become mentally unbalanced by a frightening experience. Through love and sympathy, they solve their mutual problems. Nightmare AEley 20TH CENTURY-FOX CAST: Tyrone Power, Joan Blondell, Coleen Gray, Helen Malker, Ian Keilh, Mike Masurki, Taylor Holmes, Julia Dean. CREDITS: Producer, George Jessel; Director, Edmund Goulding; Screenplay, Jules Furthman; Based on the novel by William Lindsay Gresham; Director of Photography, Lee Garmes, A.S.C. Synopsis: A dramatic story of carnival life and the spiritualism rackets, Tyrone Power, a carnival employee, seeks to further his ambitions by stealing the secret of a mind-reading art from Joan Blondell, who is running a palm-reading tent in a carnival. He gets the act, but in the meantime, is forced into a wedding with Coleen ^ DRAMA * Gray. They take their act into the big-time and prove tremendously successful. Realizing that his stunt can be turned into big money, Power makes an alliance with Helen Walker, a psychiatrist, who has a file of secret information on all of her rich patients. With this background material. Power proceeds to put his act on a psychic basis to mulct her wealthy clientele. Discovered in the swindle. Power flees and winds up sick and broken in the most sordid job at a carnival. There, Coleen, who had left him, finds him and they look ahead to a brighter fu ture. Out of the Past RKO RADIO CAST: Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer. Kirk Douglas, Rhonda Fleming, Steve Brodie. CREDITS: Producer, Warren DuH; Director, Jacques Tourneur; StoryScreenplay, Geoffrey Homes. Synopsis: When alluring Kathie Moffatt (Jane Greer) puts a bullet into her admirer, big-shot gambler, Whii Sterling (Kirk Douglas), and runs off with $40,000 of his money, Whit asks private detective Jeff Bailey (Robert Mitchum) to find Kathie and bring her back. Leaving his partner, Jack Fisher (Steve Brodie), in New York, Jeff overtakes Kathie in Acapuco, Mexico. Kathie denies taking the money and. falling for her charm, Jeff doublecrosses Whit and tells him that Kathie got away to South America. Instead, feffi and Kathie take a boat to San Francisco and are tracked to a mountain cabin by his partner. Kathie shoots the latter, tells Jeff she is tired of being a fugitive, and disappears. Disgusted at having been taken for a sucker, Jeff changes his name and opens a small gas station. Later he again takes up with Kathie and the pair are killed while escaping from the police. Pacific Adventure C;OLUMBIA CAST: Ron Randell, Muriel Steinbeck, John Tate, Joy Nichols, Nan Taylor, Alec Kellaway, John Dease, Joe Valli. CREDITS: Director, Kpn G. Hall. Synopsis: The life story of Sir Charles Kingford Smith, famed Australian aviator, who received the Military Cross from King George V for his air exploits in World War I. In Australia, Smithy (Ron Randell) struggled to earn sufficient money to finance his dreams of a Pacific flight. He. meets Charles Ulm (John Tate) and converts him to the same idea. By breaking the round-.\ustralia air record, he receives a government grant of money and hastens to .\merica to prepare for his conquest of the Pacific. There he meets Kay Sutton (Joe Nichols) who, when financial troubles beset him, saves the dav bv introducing him to Capt. G. Allan Hancock (Alec Kellawav), an .'\merican financier. With Hancock's aid, Smithy, Ulm and two .\merican crew members make their Wednesday. September 10, 1947 A Section of THE FILM DAILY— Pictures of Tomorrow and Directors' Number 83