The Film Daily (1947)

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W*^ DAILY Monday, September 29, 1947 Vol. 92, No. 63 Mon., Sept. 29, 1947 lOCts. JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN : : : : : Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sunday* and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President; Donald M. Merser; eau. Vice President and Treasurer; Patti Alicoate, Vice President and Secretary. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address Filmday, New York. WEST COAST OFFICES Ralph Wilk, Manager 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone: Granita 6607 WASHINGTON BUREAU Andrew H. Older, Cbl«f Manning Clagett 6417 Dahlonega Rd. 2122 Decatur PI., NW Phone: Wisconsin 3271 Phone: Hobart 7627 CHICAGO BUREAU Joseph Esler, Chief C. L. Esler 6241 N. Oakley Ave. Phone: Briargate 7441 STAFF CORRESPONDENTS LONBON — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Eenter, 127-133 Wardour St., W. 1. MANILA— Homer Stuart, Hotel Manila. HAVANA — Mary Louise Blanco. Virtudes 214. BOMBAY— Ram L. Gogtay, Kitab Mahal, 190 Hornby Rd., Fort, Bombay 1. ALGIERS— Paul Saffar, Filmafric, 8 Rue Charras. MONTREAL — Ray Carmichael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavier St. VANCOUVER — Jack Droy, 411 Lyric Theater Bldg. SYDNEY — Bowden Fletcher, 19 Moxon Ave., Punchbowl, N. S. W. Phone, UY 2110. BRUSSELS— .lean Pierre Meys, 110 Rue des Paquerettes. COPENHAGEN— John Lindberg, Jembanealle No. 3, Copenhagen-Van Loese. ROj\IE — John Perdicarl, Via Ludovisi 16. Phone, 42758. MONTEVIDEO — Dr. Walter Schuck, Cerrtto 597. MEXICO CITY— Dorothy Neal, Calle de Paris 12. BUDAPEST— .\ndor Lajta, Filmmuveszeti Evkonyv, Thokoly-ut 75, Budapest, XIV. STOCKHOLM— Gilbert Gels, Erstagaten 18 (m). finnnciAL iSept. 26) NEW YORK East. Kodak Gen. Prec. Eq Loew's, Inc Paramount RKO Republic Pict Republic Pict. pfd.. . 20th Century-Fox . . . 20th Cent.-Fox pfd.. 20th Cent-Fox ppf.. Universal Pict Warner Bros STOCK MARKET Net High Low Close Chg. 441/4 431/2 441/4 -f 3/4 17 163/4 167/g — 1/8 195/8 191/4 193/8 -I l/a 223/4 223/g 223/8 -f 1/8 n 107/8 11 + 14 43/4 45/8 45/8 — l/o 111/4 111/4 111/4— V4 253/8 251/8 251/4 37 37 37 1001/8 lOOi/s lOQl/g — 1/8 I8I/4 I81/4 I8I/4 14 133/4 14 -t 1^ NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Plots 3% 3% 3% RKO 27/8 27/8 27/8 Sonotone Corp 4 3% 4 Technicolor I21/4 121/8 12V4 OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked Cinecoior 7% 7% Pathe 33^ 4Vz Universal, United World Now at 445 Park Ave. Universal is now located in its new headquarters in the Universal Pictures Building at 445 Park Ave. All the moving was completed over the week-end. United World Films has also moved into the Universal Pictures Building. Universal's new telephone number is PLaza 9-8000. Arnold Named Chairman Of PCC's United Appeal IVest Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Edward Arnold will serve as campaign chairman of the Permanent Charities Committee's third annual united appeal, it is announced by M. C. Levee, committee president. Arnold will co-ordinate the efforts of more than 700 volunteer workers in all Hollywood studios, unions and allied groups. Campaign, starting Oct. 20, seeks to raise $1,312,190 among some 25,000 potential donors. Funds raised will be distributed among the Community Chests of Los Angeles, Burbank, Santa Monica and Glendale; the American Cancer Society, Los Angeles Tuberculosis and Health Association, Los Angeles Heart Association, and the Sister Kenny Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. 7 Fix for UA Release Scheduled for Prod, in '48 tVest Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Seven pictures slated for United Artists release are expected to go into production before end of the year. They include George Pal's "Tom Thumb"; Seymour Nebenzal's "Queen of Hearts" in technicolor, and "Look Homeward, Angel"; Williaimi Cagney productions' "Only the Valiant"; Sam Coslow's "Champagne for Everybody"; Federal Films' "Carmen Prom Kenosha," and Star Films' "Pitfall" for which a crew has been sent to Connecticut for background shots. Washington Heart Attack Fatal to B. B. Buchanan Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — B. B. Buchanan, 64, general manager of the seating division of Kroehler Manufacturing Co., died Friday in his hotel room here, apparently of a heart attack He was representing his company at the TESMA-TEDPA convention in the Shoreham Hotel. Survivors include his wife and a sister, Mrs. Evan Perkins, wife of Paramount's maintenance and construction department supervisor. Funeral services wil be held in Chicago. Nelson to Continue U. K. Tax Talks Here This Week Donald M. Nelson, SIMPP president, arrived in New York at the week-end from Washington, where he conferred with MPAA president Eric Johnston regarding the British ad valorem tax upon American film earnings. Nelson will meet here this week with top indie executives. Sixty Million Women Can't Be Wrong BOOK WOMAN SPEAKS Lincoln's City Council Votes Today on Seat Tax Lincoln, Neb. — Theatermen battling a five per cent theater tax here ran into even more trouble. When the City Council met to give the proposal a second reading over protests of local exhibitors, the Council amended it and substituted a seat tax. That would be an even m.ore severe blow than the five per cent tax. The seat tax recommended was one cent per seat per day up to 500, two cents for the next 500 and three cents for all over a thousand. The 1,800-seat Stuart, for example, would be charged |39 per day. Some theatermen said this would force closing of their houses. They contended such a tax is "confiscatory and discriminatory." Instead they suggest an occupation tax on all business. At the request of Walter Jancke, city manager for the Nebraska Theater Corporation and Guy Chambers, the corporation's legal counsel, the Council agreed to delay further action until today. All Newsreels at Series; $65,000 for Tele Rights Opening game of the World Series at the Yankee Stadium tomorrow, and ensuing games, will be filmed by full sporting event crews from the five major company newsreels. Footage will be trimmed to highlights. The big event will be televised under the joint sponsorship of Ford Motor Co. and Gillette Razor, at a reported sum of |65,000. Legal test case may pop up this time in the event the games are photographed from a video screen. Possibility of infringement is indicated. Spokesman familiar with the field, at the week-end said it would be an interesting legal bombshell to toss in the laps of the legal lights. Now the JroU^wood'^ United's new DC-6 Mainliner 300 flight OVERNIGHT TO LOS ANGELES! Lv. 11:30p.m.. .or 7:46 a.m. UNITED AIR LINES Airlines Terminal, 80 E. 42nd St. or Pennsylvania Hotel or 1 Wall St. Call Murray Hill 2-7300 or an authorized travel agent Pictorial in New Offices Pictorial Films has moved to new offices in the Pathe Bldg., 625 Madison Ave. Firm has been located in the RKO Bldg. NEW YORK THEATERS "RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Rockefeller Center Rita HAYWORTH • Larry PARKS "DOWN TO EARTH" A Columbia Picture . IN TECHNICOLOR SPECTACULAR STAGE PRESENTATION 3nl MONTH ON B'WAY! DOR5 SCHARY pr«i«nh AN RKO RADIO PICTURE ^ SAMUEL GOLDWYN presenti \ DANNY KAYE-VIRGINIA MAYO I and the Go/cfwyn Girls in j A '■" recff/v/cotoK __ j!. iiZABETH scorr ^ JOHN HODIAK BURT LANCASTER IN HAl WAIUS PSODUaiON ^^^%/r\r^^ jW9?ay ■p^f?/iAfO(//vr ^: HENRY FONDA •BARBARA BEL GEDOES I VINCENT PRICE -ANN DVORAK T^EioNs Night ON SCREEN BARBARA STANWYCK DAVID NIVEN 'THE OTHER LOVE* IN PERSON LEW PARKER Exlro.' THREE FLAMES Plus OTHERS Devonshire Films Present that "Miracle" man EDMUND GWENN in "SOUTH RIDING" with Ann Todd — Edna Best MOW ^"^T AND AUSTIN f^V/yy THEATERS