The Film Daily (1948)

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lUILY Tuesday, July 27, 194i 3-Man Group to Guide RKO's Interim Films (Continued from Page 1) Rogell, RKO studio manager since 1936, and Bicknell Lockhart and C. J. Tevlin, members of the Howard Hughes organization. Tevlin formerly was with Hal Roach and Benedict Bogeaus, while Lockhart is an industrial engineer and efficiency expert engaged by Hughes about six months ago. Group was named with the approval of Hughes and Ned E. Depinet, executive vice-president of RKO. Latter also continues as vice-chairman of the RKO board and vdll be in full charge of operations out of the New York office. Rathvon said his function will be primarily advisory in nature. On a report that Robert J. O'Donnell, general manager of Interstate Circuit and Chief Barker of Variety Clubs Int'l., will be RKO's production chief, representatives of Hughes said no selection has been made as yet. Indications are that at the stockholders meeting the selection will be made. 'Babe Ruth Story' Preem Climaxes Babe Ruth Day Day long observance of Babe Ruth Day yesterday was climaxed vdth the local world preem at the Astor of "The Babe Ruth Story," Allied Artists pic, attended by a gala turnout of local and visiting film names, theatrical celebrities, civic and state officials. Initial performances was for the benefit of the Babe Ruth Foundation. Event was heavily ballyhooed in advance via ads and publicity. The "Babe" was there in person. Opening coverage was handled by television, radio and newsreel units plus the Armed Forces Radio element of the State Department and AF press. Steve Broidy, president of Allied Artists, was presented Parents' Magazine "Special Merit" medal. This was the second time in 20 years the award was made. In addition to Mayor O'Dwyer and other city, state and baseball figures, also in attendance were Eddie Albert, Vivian Blaine, Charles Bickford, Hilary Brooke, Louis Calhern, Faye Emerson, Elliott Roosevelt, Peggy Cummins, Peter Lind Hayes, Paul Kelly, Sister Kenny, Guy Kibbee, Gale Storm, Phil Reagan, Guy Madison, Irene Rich, Maxie Rosenbloom, Ford Frick, Pamela Britton. A buffet supper, given by Broidy, followed the preem in the Raleigh Room of the Warwick, for 200 guests. UJEDDinG BELLS Halpem-Newman Chicago — Danny Newman, coowner of the Astor Theater, will be married in London to Dina Halpern. Marriage takes place Aug. 14. ALONG ▼ T T Sitnon-Pure Entertainment • • • ROY DEL RUTH, who thru the years has been responsible lor the direction and the production of many a strong money picture, delivers still another certain box office smash— it could be the greatest to date in his brilliant career— in Allied Artists' "The Babe Ruth Story" which had its world premiere at the Astor here last night as a benefit for the Babe Ruth Foundation Putting first things first, "The Babe Ruth Story" is simon-pure entertainment And, be it added quickly, Del Ruth sees to that without sacrifice of the picture's biographical aspect Here and there, screen license may have been exercised, but, being honest about it, Del Ruth's visualization of the Sultan of Swat's life is far truer than the average Hollywood portraiture And that is important— very, very important— to the success of the picture No secret about that— the Ruth career held the spotlight unil he came to the end of the major league trail with the Boston Braves And so, vrtsely, shrewdly, Del Ruth has presented the Bambino, not as a demi-god, but as a human, wth a human's strength and a human's weakness If you ask Phil M., the picture is infinitely the better ^°' '* I' rings true And that's one reason— a principal one, but stiU only one— why "The Babe Ruth Story" is destined to make box office history this Summer of 1948 So a doff of Phil M's chapeau to Del Ruth, to Bob Considine and George Calahan, who provided the screenplay from the former's book, to William Bendix, in the title role, and to Claire Trevor, Charles Bickford, Fred Lightner and the many others who people the story with flesh-and-blood characterizations. T T T • • • CUTEST PROMOTIONAL GIMMICK of the season: Those mermaid automatic pencils which U-I is employing to plug "Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid." ... •To Ernie (Loew's) Emerling Phil M's own Order of Applause (with Two Pahns) for that corking campaign book prepared for the TOA's Youth Month. ... • If you haven't already done so, read Frederick HazUtt Brennan's "Memo to the Moguls of Hollywood" in the N. Y. Times Sunday magazine section for laughs. And. incidentally, along with the laughs at Hollywood's expense, there's a dash or two of plain common sense For instance: "The men who gave America its Hollywood are able and resourceful They have been in command of all major studios for 15 to 25 years the same men in the same studios Our Supreme Court justices are good in their own line. too. but when they tangle with show business. I wiU have to bet on Mr. Moyer, Mr. Zanuck. Mr. Freeman and Wamer Brothers." ▼ T ▼ • • • AL TAMARIN, UA'S ace publicity topper, goes to Westport this Friday His two weeks vacation period will be devoted to putting finishing touches on his forthcoming Broadway production, Sean O'Casey's "Red Roses for Me." ... • Robert H. Fetridge, writing in the New York Times' financial section Sunday, saw "political implications" in the Howard Hughes-Floyd O. Odium RKO deal Fetridge theorizes that Odium might "take a hand" in the eventual merger of TWA, in which Hughes is heavily interested, and Pan American, and that Hughes might use the coin from the sale of his airline holdings to bankroll his RKO operations Well, no harm in theorizing, is there? ... • Wall St. Journal said yesterday that shortage of picture tubes may hold tele receiver production next year to 50 per cent of the demand. ... • Trailer for the 1949 Veterans of Foreign Wars Buddy Poppy Sale will be made here by Henry Fonda, who is, of course, contributing his services Irving Mack made the arrangements Filmack's Jack Saperstein will supervise. ▼ TV ASCAP Still Mulling Whether to Appeal (Continued from Page 1) the decree. Attorneys and boarH.,will continue to study the issue an^.': nvene again within the week. ^ SI 'm 0! A Don't Sign With ASCAP, Samuelson Tells Exhibs. Philadelphia — Members of Allied, Independent Theater Owners of Eas '"■ tern Pennsylvania are told in a bul '" letin from Sidney E. Samuelson, '^' general manager, to not sign anyf ASCAP contract, or send any more checks to ASCAP pending complete analysis of the New York District Court decision in the ITOA-ASCAP trust action. Unit, Samuelson stated, is waiting for detailed instructions on how to proceed. FTC Seeks Legislation To Further Slow Mergers Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Legislation to halt the acquisition of assets of competing companies is sought by the Federal Trade Commission, which warned in a report to the special session of Congress that if the growth of monopoly and concentration of economic power through mergers is not halted in America, collectivism would triumph over free enterprise. FTC's primary concern is with the loophole in the Clayton Act which permits corporations to purchase the assets rather than (or in addition to) the stock of competing firms. Loophole is claimed to evade the original intent of Congress "to arrest the creation of monopolies in their incipiency." Observers here were of the opinion that deals such as those under which Paramount purchased Liberty and Rainbow would be forbidden under the legislation sought by FTC. Bills to amend the Clayton Act have been before Senate and House investigators since 1945 but have not reached the floor of either House. SAG Signs Pact With IMPPA West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — A contract which nearly parallels the recently negotiated contract between SAG and AMPP was signed at tJie week-end by the actors' union and the Independent Motion Picture Producers Association. Major difference inthe pacts is that IMPPA producers continue to have special concessions for producers making features budgeted under $100,000, or Westerns under $50,000. STORKS Detroit — Thomas Picha, manager of the Virginia Theater, has a new son, Gerald. h to