The Film Daily (1948)

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a'HE TRADE PRESS IS JUmPing! Everybody's got that Vitamin M-G-M enthusiasm! Now read what Publisher Jay Emanuel says in THE EXHIBITOR: (^ The M-G-M studio has hit its stride. 'Homecoming' is in the front line of the boxoffice leaders. 'State of the Union' brings lustre to any marquee. Another which is accounting for itself nicely is 'On an Island With You', while 'Easter Parade', in its first engagements, is living up to everything promised for it. Both of these shows place the accent on entertainment rather than messages, which seems to be exactly what the paying patrons desire these days. Leo the Lion has reason to be optimistic about the future, too. 'A Date With Judy', 'Julia Misbehaves*, *The Three Musketeers', and 'Hills of Home' are all coming up, with the preview cards said to be very complimentary. It appears as if the company is now in for a succession of films which are aimed for peak audience entertainment. This is a healthy sign. When a leader is hitting things right on the ball, it is encouraging not only to its accounts but it also makes for healthier competition, and serves as an impetus to the others. With the boxoffices needing solid merchandise more than ever, this is encouraging. J J I >y ■ ^, IRVIH© t COLOR 8'' _o') ' F8cHNieoi.o»*/ COOLING THOUGHT! Many exhibitors have gone out of their way to praise M-G-M for releasing "EASTER PARADE" at the toughest time of the year I Thank you, gentlemen. It's an old M-G-M custom to give our customers Big Ones when they need them most. "EASTER PARADE" is the biggest M-G-M success in years! In cool Technicolor!