The Film Daily (1948)

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INEI DAILY Wednesday, August 4, 1948 Vol. 94, No. 24 Wed., August 4, 1948 lOCts. JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN : : : : : Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N Y , by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J W. Alicoate, President; Donald M. Mersereau, Vice President and Treasurer; Patti Alicoate, Vice President and Secretary. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10 00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3 do. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address Filmday, New York. WEST COAST OFFICES Ralph Wilk, Manager 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone: Granite 6607 WASHINGTON BUREAU Andrew H. Older 6417 Dahlonega Rd. Phone: Wisconsin 3271 CHICAGO BUREAU Joseph Esler, Chief C. L. Esler 6241 N. Oakley Ave. Phone: Brlaroate 7441 STAFF CORRESPONDENTS LONDON — Ernest W. Fredman, The Film Renter. 127-133 Wardour St., W. 1. HAVANA— Mary Louise Blanco, Virtudes 214. BOMBAY — Ham L. Gogtay, Kltab Mahal. 190 Hornby Rd., Fort, Bombay 1. ALGIERS — Paul Satfar, Filmafric, 8 Kue Charraa. MONTREAL — Ray Carmlchael, Room 9, 464 Francis Theater Bldg SYDNEY — Bowden Fletcher, 19 Moxon Ave., Punchbowl, N. S. Phone, TJT 2110. BRUSSELS— Jean Pierre Meys, 110 Rue des Paquerettes. COPENHAGEN — John Llndberg, Jembanealle No. 3, Copenhagen-Tan Loese. ROME — John Perdlcarl, Via Ludovlsl 16. Phone, 42758. MEXICO CITY — Jay Kaner — c/o American Chamber of Commerce — San Juan de Letran 21. finnnciflL ; (August 3) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Am. Seat East. Kodak Gen. Prec. Eq Loew's, Inc Paramount RKO Republic Pict Republic Pict. pfd.. . 20th Century-Fox . . . 20th Century-Fox pfd. Warner Bros High Low 241/2 241/2 41 1/2 41 1/4 151/4 15 163/8 16'/8 213/4 211/2 7% 77/8 3% 31/2 8% 83/4 191/4 183;4 35 341/2 lOS/s 10'/2 Close 241/2 411/2 151/4 161/8 213/4 7% 3% 8% 191/8 341/2 10% Net Chg. — Vi + Va NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts. ... 4 4 4 RKO 1% 1% 1% Sonotone Corp 3% 35/8 3% Technicolor 113/4 113^ 113^ OVER THE COUNTER Cinecolor Pathe . . . Bid 4 33/4 + 1/4 + 1/8 + Vs — V4 + Vs 1/4 Asked 43/4 41/2 Fox Seeks Longer Loop Runs Chicago — William C. Gehring, 20th-Fox sales manager here, i.s here exploring the pcssibility of securing longer Loop runs for their product. He is consulting with various circuits and also is arranging for pre-release of "Snake Pit." « KI£ EDITORS & DISTRIBUTORS «P>AIVISH AlWERICAl^ I<^IEWSIKIEIE« 252 W. 46th ST., N. Y. 19, N. Y. PL. 7-4916 cominG flno Goinc JANIS CARTER, after spending several weeks in New York, leaves by plane today for Cleveland where she will spend three days with her parents, and then go to Chicago for three days. ROSS McLEAN, Canadian Film Board commissioner, is enroute to London from Ottawa; he will visit the Continent before returning. RAFAEL RAMOS COBIAN, president of Coblan Theaters, arrived In New York from Puerto Rico, accompanied by JUAN MENENDEZ, vicepresident of Compania Cinematografica Cubana. LEW KERNER, president of International Management Corp., has just returned from a two-month tour of Europe, and will return to the West Coast in a few days. MAX WILKINSON, story editor for Samuel Goldwyn, is en route via air to London for conferences with Sir Alexander Korda on the re-make of "The Scarlet Pimpernel." JOSEPH HARRIS, board chairman of Realart Pictures, sails Aug. 14 on the S. S. Queen Mary, accompanied by MARTIN ROSS, of Film Highlights. Both will line up 16 mm. and TV product during their three-week stay in Europe. FRED MEYER, U-l Eastern division manager, returns to N. Y. today from Boston. JOSEPH H. SEIDELMAN, head of foreign operations for Universal-lnt'l, will plane to the Coast for studio conferences this week-end. theater, Chicago, has returned from a New York talent quest for the loop house. A. M. VAN DYKE, sales manager, 20th-Fox Chicago exchange, has returned from New York conferences. M. M. RUBENS, Great States circuit executive, has returned to Chicago from a fishing vacation at Minocqua, Wis. He was accompanied by ED FULTON and JACK JOYCE. RUBE LEWIS, business agent of Local 84, Hartford, lATSE, has returned from a fishing vacation at Slatersville, R. I. U.S. Pix Companies Bought Few U.S. Dollars in Mexico Mexico City — Six film companies accounted for only $85,900 in exchange during the recent nin on U. S. currency "vVhich reputedly brought on devaluation of the peso, it is established by figures revealed by Finance Minister Ramon Bateta in a listing of firms w^hich drained about 20 million dollars from the Bank of Mexico in the period from July 1 through July 21. Showing figures that brought the total of dollar transactions to 328 in the period, it was disclosed that the major purchasers of dollars were automobile plants, nibber companies, drug firms and aviation. June dollar purchasing transactions totaled .$4,908,177. Distributors and their dollar purchases are listed below: Columbia, $20,000; M-G-M, $5,800; Monogi-am, $2,500; 20th-Fox, $15,400; Universallnt'l, $32,500; Warners, $9,700. Hobbs Heads Monogram Exchange in Atlanta Atlanta — Jimmy Hobbs, former branch manager of Republic, has taken over the local branch of Monogram Southern Exchanges replacing "Babe" Cohen, who goes to New Oileans, to manage the Screen Guild branch. Walt Immerman Recovers Chicago — Walter Immierman, B & K general manager, has returned to his desk, after several weeks' convalescence frona a heart attack. JIMMY SAVAGE, veteran B & K publicist, is sailing aboard a South American tramp steamer as a deck hand to get first hand experiences. GORDON JACKSON, J. Arthur Rank star, passed through New York Monday on a direct flight from Australia to Scotland between pictures. FRANK BUCK, accompanied by RKO Eastern field supervisor, HARRY REINERS, resumed his P. A. tour yesterday in Washington where "Bring 'Em Back Alive" opens at the Metropolitan today. Buck will proceed to Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg and Reading and return to New York via Philadelphia. ROBERT MOCHRIE, RKO Radio vice-president in charge of domestic distribution, will return to New York tomorrow, accompanied by WALTER E. BRANSON and HARRY J. MICHALSON. BERNARD J. GATES, Monogram Int'l's Latin American supervisor, is at present in Rio de Janeiro and will probably proceed from there to Buenos Aires. HUGH OWEN, Paramount's Eastern and Southern sales manager, will leave New York today for conferences in the New Haven and Boston branches. ALAN LADD, DONNA REED, JUNE HAVOC and a company of 30 players and technicians, having completed six days of filming scenes for 'One Woman" in Chicago, are enroute to Hollywood where camera work resumes Friday morning. GERALD FAIRLIE, writer, arrives from the Coast today and sails aboard the S. S. Mauretania, Aug. 11, to act as consultant on M-G-M's "The Conspirators," to be produced by Arthur Hornblow, Jr., at the M-G-M studios at Boreham, Woods, Herts., Eng., starting mid-October. HOWARD STRICKLING, M-G-M studio publicity head, and his wife, Gail, sail Saturday from Southampton on board the S. S. Queen Mary for New York. SPENCER TRACY sails Saturday from England aboard the S. S. Queen Mary for New York and Hollywood. Ritchey to Europe on Joint Production Deals He's going over to see what can be done in the face of mounting restrictions, Norton V. Ritchey, president of Monogram InteTnational, said yesterday preparatory to his sailing aboard the America today. In the eight weeks he will stay overseas, Ritchey indicated that he would try for joint production deals in Italy, France and England, as a way out of the frozen currency dilemma. He would also observe the British situation at first hand, he added. Italo-American Deals for Film "Packages" Though he could not reveal the names of the principals, Lew Kerner, head of the recently-organized International Management Corp., yesterday reported upon returning fro-m a two-month tour of Europe that he had made two package deals calling for U. S. and Italian financing as well as Hollywood and Rome talent. FULLY EQUIPPED ROOM FOR LEASE ELECTRIC SOUND. PROJECTION — WESTERN Circle 6-6660 630 Ninth Avenue New York City Wometco FCC Hearing On TV Permit Revocation Wttshinyton Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — The Wometco Cir cuit yesterday notified the POC it desires a hearing on the comnnission's move to revoke the construe tion permit for television station WTVJ, Miami. The commission said Friday it plans to revoke lifii"]'^ authorization on the ground tJ;^|;J^the station is now operated by parties other than those to whom it was licensed, with comimission approval for the shift in control never granted and not sought until a year after the actual shift of control. Ontario Pays Commission on Taxes to Pix Theaters Exhibition leaders in New York yesterday displayed a lively inter est in the action taken by tfhe Ontario provincial government in granting a commission of 2% per cent on tax payments to theaters for acting as collecting agency. The commission is retroactive to last April when a 20 per cent provincial amusement tax went into effect. Start Studio Musicians Pact Talks Aug. 9 in Chi. Chicago — Negotiations looking to a new AFM-studios pact will start here Aug. 9 simultaneously with the board meeting of the musicians federation. James C. P&trillo will head the musicians negotiators; studio reps, will be designated shortly. Rank Calls in Entire GFD Sales Force for Terms Talk London (By Cable) — J. Arthur Rank yesterday called a special conference of the entire GFD sales force for Aug. 20. Action followed his promise to the CEA to go into the entire question of exhibitors' terms. "Emperor Waltz" to Play Jackson Park After Loop Chicago — Para.'s "The Emperor Waltz" goes into the Jackson Park Theater for a week at the expiration of its four -week loop run. WEST COAST DISTRIBUTOR TOPS IN THE FIELD Can Give Excellent Sales and Representation ALL TYPES PRODUCT Road Shows : Foreign : Reissues : Race Now in New York for Interviews Box 224, FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway MUST SELL An old established Film Library — 35mm. Consisting of all types of shots. Great opportunity for TELEVISION. Box 222, The Film Daily, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif.