The Film Daily (1948)

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'OT Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Thirty Years Old VCT^p4. NO. 45 NEW YORK. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2. 1948 TEN CENTS fBVORBBie R6C€PTI0n fOR mPflfl POSITIOn Broadcasters File More Than Hal£ oi TV Bids Exhibitors Showing Little Interest in Applications, Except 3 Major Companies ^Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — With regular broadcasters accounting for more than half the TV applications filed during the three postwar years, it is by now fairly clear that pix firms will not be the dominant factor in the television operating field. Aside from the applications of three of the major producer-distributor-exhibitor companies, only a handful of exhibitors have applied to the FCC so far for video permits. Actually on the air are only two (Continues! on Page 8) Mich. Allied Okays Reorganization Plan Detroit — Proposed plan under which Allied Theaters of Michigan will be reorganized into seven districts corresponding to state Congressional districts, was adopted unanimously yesterday after vigorous discussion. Move is designed to increase membership interest and give more even representation of the entire state. In the future each district will hold a regional meeting 30 days before (Continued on Page 4) St. Petersburg Exhibs. Continue Fight vs. Tax St. Petersburg, Fla. — In a further attempt to have the City Council reconsider the 10 per cent admis.sions tax passed recently, theater representatives appeared before the Council to outline their position. Ap (Confinued on Page 8) ATM & Co. Chiefs Ink 1-Yr. Pact Today One-year renewal of the studio musicians contract agreed upon over the week-end by reps, of the AFM and major heads will be inked this afternoon. Terms in the old contract which expired Tuesday are carried over in the new one. Union still retains right to re-open negotiations on 60-day notice. Production Rate in Italy Due to Increase As 60 Features Are Scheduled for 1948-49 Rome (By Air Mail) — Production in Italy, which currently is running at about 50 per cent of the 1947 rate, is expected to boom in 1948-49, a survey indicates. During 1947, 77 features were produced and projects now under way indicate that about 60 full-length features will be made in the new season, in addition to about 30D documentaries and a number of educational films. Joint Comms. to Seek Increased Production London (By Air Mail) — Principal object of the Joint Production Committees wiU be to improve and increase production at all studios by the establishment of a permanent medium for the regular exchange of views on efficiency and production standards, it is pointed out in the constitution for the Committees, now being set up in all British studios. Committees will consult and advise on matters regarding production, with a view to securing the maximum output, while improving the quality of films by stimulating (Continued on Page 8) UFPA Charts Course in Second Annual Meeting Itasca State Park, Minn. — University Film Producers Association will serve as a central source of information for educational institutions, and provide a means of sharing ideas involving the production and distribution of photographic and audio materials, it was decided here at the second UFPA conference. Nearly 50 delegates from university film pro(Continued on Page 8) Costs Hamper Kid PIx Library (or Dominion Toronto — Two major snags face the inauguration here of a Children's Film Library plan similar to the project operated in the U. S. by the MPAA since 1946, it is learned in the wake of the meeting called by the National Film Society for reps, of interested organizations. One of the matters still to be worked out is the cost of the project. Of perhaps greater importance is the reported reluctance of some distributors to extend the Library beyond the U. S., because of feared (Continued on Page 4) British Exhibs. Assured Of Full Programs on a Single Rental Basis London (By Cable)— MPAA President Eric A. Johnston's announcement that American films after Oct.. 1 will be booked only as unit programs, with combinations of U. S. and British pictures banned on dual bills, was given favorable reception by U. K. exhibitors. MPAA position had been outlined by Johnston to a CEA deputation prior to the public announcement, and the MPAA president gave definite assurance that no withholding of any U. S. pictures was contem( Continued on Page 4) Colombia Exchange Rules Limit U. S. Playing Time Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Although no quota is in effect to limit U. S. pix entering Colombia, exchange control regulations limiting remittances to 65 per cent of the gross film rental income are holding down volume, J. A. Silberstein of the U. S. Embassy, Bogota, reported in a study released today by Department of Commerce film chieftain, Nathan D. Golden. Silberstein pointed out that taxes (Continued on Page 8) British Strong in Far East Political-Financial Matters Hit U.S. Pix Hollywood Optimistic About Future— Sidney Hollywood is optimistic about its future, convinced that the postwar box office recession is over and that patrons have already begun to come back to the theaters, George Sidney, M-G-M director, told The Film Daily yesterday. "We are making better pictures at lower costs," Sidney declared, "spurred by the realization that we must now compete for the con (Continued on Page 8) NAB-TBA Committees Mull Proposals to Cooperate Proposals for cooperative effort between the National Association of Broadcasters and the Television Broadcasters Association will be studied in the next 30 days by both groups, it was decided yesterday at (Continued on Page 8) Buffalo and Albany Added To E-L's N. E. District , Two additional exchanges, Buffalo ^nd Albany, have been assigned to Eagle Lion's New England area! under the supervision of Tom Donaldson, district manager, it was announced yesterday by William J. (Continued on Page 4) Hong Kong (By Air Mail)— Fear that British motion pictures may take over the Far Eastern market from Hollywood product was expressed here by a representative of a major U. S. company. In almost every Far Hastem country, he said, American fihns are being hit because of political or financial considerations. As examples, it was pointed out (Continued on Page 8) Selznick Makes Short For Pa. Celebration West Coast Bur., THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — "Pennsylvania," short subject to be used as part of the Sept. 26-Oct. 2 Pennsylvania Week celebration, has been completed by David 0. Selznick. Latter both appears in and narrates the film, designed to be shown in all Keystone State theaters during the week prior to the celebration.