The Film Daily (1948)

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^ Thursday, September 2, 194{ DAILY Vol. 94, No. 45 Thur., Sept. 2, 1948 lOCts. JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President; Donald M. Mersereau, Vice-President and Treasurer ; Patti Alicoate, Vice-President and Secretary. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 19J8, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 5 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118. 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address Filmday, New York. ' WEST COAST OFFICES Ralph Wilk, Manager 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone: Granite 6607 WASHINGTON BUREAU Andrew H. Older 6417 Dahlonega Rd. Phone: Wisconsin 3271 CHICAGO BUREAU Joseph Esler, Chief C. L. Esler 6241 N. Oakley Ave. Phone: Briargate 7441 STAFF CORRESPONDENTS LONDON — Ernest W. Predman, The Film Renter, 127-133 Wardour St.. W. 1 HAVANA— Mary Louise Blanco. Virtudes 214. BOMBAY — Ram L. Goglav. Kitab Mahal, 190 Rornby Rd., Fort, Bombay 1. ALGIERS — Paul Saffai, Filmafric. 8 Rue Charras. MONTREAI^Ray Carmirhael, Room 9, 464 Francis Xavler St. VANCOUVER — Jacli Droy, 411 Lvri. Theater Bidg. SYDNEY — Bmyden Fletcher. 19 Moxou Ave., Punchbowl, N. S. Phone, UY 2110. BIU'SSELS — Jean Pierre Meys, 110 Rue des Paciuerettes. COPENHAGEN— John Llndherg, Jernl)anealle No. 3. Copenhagen-Van Loose. ROME — John Perdicari, Via Ludovisi 16. Phone, 427.58. MEXICO CITY — Jay Kaner — e/o American Chamber of Commerce — San Juan de Letran 24. finflnciflL (.September 1) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Am. Seat Bell & Howell Bell & Howfill pfd. Columbia Picts. . . . East. Kodak East. Kodak pfd.. . Gen. Prec. Eq Loew's, Inc Paramount RKO Republic Pict Ron.iblic Pict. pfd.. 20th Century-Fox . . 20t!i Century-Fox pfd Universol Pict Universal Pict. pfd.. Warner Bros High 251/8 185/8 987/8 101/4 44 1641/2 14% 171/8 241/4 81/8 31/4 75/, 211/2 34 103/8 61 11 1/8 Low 251/8 18% 98% 10 431/2 164 14% I6I/2 235/8 7% 31/8 73/8 211/8 34 10 6O3/4 103/4 Close 251/8 18% 985/8 101/4 431/2 1641/2 145/8 171/8 24 81/8 31/8 73/3 211/2 34 101/4 6O3/4 1 1 1/8 Net Chg. 1/2 13/8 1/4 3/s 1/2 lA 5/8 1/2 'A + Vs + 34, + 3/8 — 1/8 — 1 + 1/2 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts. .4 4 4 Sonotone Corp 35/g 35/^ 354j Technicolor 123^ 125/8 123^ OVER THE COUNTER Cinecolor NEW YORK 245 WEST 55 STRffT ARE^HOWMENS I LOS ANGELES CHOICE EVERYWHEREr'"" '"'^"""^'°'' IfINEST QUALITY*PDQ service! '*~ "al^ci^t'^^lZ-lT "'^ Paramount and RKO Seek Particulars From D of J Paramount and RKO have asked the Department of Justice to specifically identify the theaters which it considers part of a conspiracy and monopoly in the Government's antitrust suit against the majors. Interrogatories served upon the D of J earlier this vsreek request that the Department state facts regarding all instances where it alleges that theaters were illegally acquired and produce evidence supporting their charges. Meanwhile all of the "Big Five" are continuing to compile their answers to the Government interrogatories which are due by Sept. 15. Paramount has already reported on holdings in Texas, Arkansas and New England, a resume that parallels the information submitted by the film company in its first report on theater interests to the New York Federal Court more than a year ago. Greenberger Acquires Lease on WB Theater Cleveland — Acquisition of the lease of the downtown Lake Theater, formerly Warners for 18 years, is announced by Henry Greenberger, president of Community Circuit Theaters. Greenberger will close the house while new equipment is being installed. House name may be changed, it was said, and its future policy is as yet undetermined. Community Circuit operates 17 area theaters, including five downtown subsequents. Loew's Declares Dividend Directors of Loew's yesterday declared a regular quarterly dividend of 37% cents per common share, payable Sept. 30 to holders of record Sept. 10. "Wrong Number" Opens Big "Sorry, Wrong Number" gave the Paramount Theater its biggest opening day for 1948 yesterday when it outgrossed the previous record holder, "Road to Rio." Wometco Renews With Altec Miami, Fla. — Wometco Theaters has renewed its service and repairreplacement agreement with Altec Service. Pact covers the circuit's 22 Florida houses. f/5^ STOeACE Film Storage in Modern Fireproof Vaults . . . part of "BONDED'S 3-WAY SERVICE" • film Storaga > Film exchange Service • Air Conditioned Screening Room BONDED FILM STORAGE CO., INC. Dubbing in Spain Due For Gradual Elimination Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — Major point of controversy in the recent SpanishAmerican Motion Picture Congress, which ended in Madrid early in July, was the question of continued dubbing of films into Spanish. The Mexican industry sought to put over a resolution calling for the end of dubbing into Spanish, but the Spanish delegates succeeded in modifying the resolution to provide for the gradual elimination of dubbing, aside from films of "exceptional interest." Thereby Spain's profitable local dubbing industry was benefited, it was reported today by the Department of Commerce. Pix consultant Nathan D. Golden reported that pix import licenses are bringing fabulously high prices, with only four outstanding about six weeks ago to bring foreign films into Spain. Recent price has gone to 500,000 pesetas, he said. But Golden predicts the shortage of import licenses may not be felt for a while because of a considerable backlog of old pix in the country. Golden also presented figures on the box office receipts in Madrid during June, showing that the gross receipts of U. S, films had fallen off from the preceding period, while Italian, Swedish and French films had all done better. 5,000 Kids Will Parade In Youth Mo. Observance Five thousand of the city's children are expected to march in a Youth Parade next Tuesday morning under the joint auspices of the National Youth Committee and the New York City Youth Board. Following the parade, kids will see the premiere of the short subject, "A Friendly Story," at the Skouras Academy of Music. Also scheduled is a stage show that will include Lou Little, Mel Allen, Lois Butler, Bud Collier and Bob Smith. Set "Moonrise" Premiere Frank Borzage's "Moonrise" will have its world premiere at the Paramount Downtown and Hollywood Theaters on Sept. 9th, it is announced by James R. Grainger, Republic executive vice-president in charge of sales and distribution. NOW BOOKING EVERYWHERE COMPLETE VERSION NEW PRINTS— UNCUT Starring HEDY LAMARR For State and Foreign Rights Apply to: EUREKA PRODUCTIONS, INC. 165 W. 46th St., New York 19, N. Y. cominG nno come JAMES MURPHY sailed on the Qseen Mary for London where he will assume his duties under Fayette Allport, chief of the MPAA bu-i reau in England. ANATOLE LITVAK returns today from a three-month stay in France. HENRY GINSBERG, Paramount Studio head, is due from the Coast Tuesday for of home office conferences. i FRED L. LYNCH, Radio City Mu.. advertising-publicity director, has returned from vacation. WALTER WANGER arrived from the CoasI yesterday for conferences with RKO distributioi executives on "Joan of Arc." BERT SANFORD, Altec Lonsing theatrica sales manager, has returned from a Middle Western trip. SEYMOUR SIMON, Chicago attorney, is irf town. days Halt Victor's Kulka Named To L. A. Advisory Post Davenport, la. — Robert H. Kulka of the Victor Animatograph exporl department, has been named to serve as adviser to the Department of Public Information on the distributior and use of films in Latin America During a recent tour of that area} Kulka made an investigation of filir uses from both the educational an(j amusement angles. NEW YORK THEATERS ,„ RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL _ Rockefeller Center "A DATE WITH JUDY" Wallace BEERY • Jane POWELL Elizabeth TAYLOR . Carmen MIRANDA Xavier CUGAT . Robert STACK A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture SPECTACULAR STAGE PRESENTATION ROY DEL RUTH'S BABERUIH ^^■■^^■KA^' miuM CUM STOmr -BlIMREVOIl Coirt y^rf fwiwwCTf Pop Prle* Barbara Stanwyck Burt Lancaster MMGNlIMBIill A Paramount Release 'p/N^/iAfO(/^r z Bett« GRABLE • Douglas FAIRBANKS Jr. "THAT UDY IN ERMINE" A 20th Century-Fox Picture — Technicolor On Variety Sfoge— FRANCES LANGFORD & JON HALL HARMONICATS • JERRY COLONNA On Ice Stoge— "THE MERRY WIDOW" Starring CAROL LYNNE • FRITZ DIETL = ROXY^Vh1v.'=