The Film Daily (1948)

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Thursday, September 2, 1948 JlJjZZUNG! Ml^fC TOO! I ^kM^/ ReVKUIS OF TH€ RCUI FlimS v< "V/alk A Crooked Mile" with Louis Hayward, Dennis O'Keefe. Columbia 91 Mins COMING AT A RIPE MOMENT THIS FBI -SCOTLAND YARD SPY MELODRAMA IN DOCUMENTARY STYLE STANDS TO CLICK ROUNDLY AND CASH IN HEAVILY. Coming along at a very ripe moment insofar as public attention is concerned, this FBI-Scotland Yard-spy melodrama, done in the documentary technique stands to click roundly and cash in heavily on the advance "natural" publicity campaign that the newspapers of the nation have been displaying on Page One for months now. Even the most recent events can be profitably fashioned into ticket sales. "Walk A Crooked Mile" offers international cooperation in tracking down anc apprehending a Russian spy ring that ha: been securing important atomic energy formulae, transmitting it to the USSR. The story is played straight. There is romantic relief as it is commonly intruded in a regulation script. What romance there is in this one is secondary to the relentles: effort of the two organizations to clear uf their case. They are at it all the time, with all sorts of equipment, and in good time their efforts pay off to a surprise. The tale is based on a story by Bertram Miilhauser which is performed with creditable effect all down the line. The leads — Hayward, O'Keefe, Miss Ailbritton, Car. Esmond — show restraint and skill. Furthe; along the assorted supporting types rendei fully of requirements. Gordon Douglas' direction is able and maintains the basic cold, realistic aspect of the plot. After investigating the murder of a colleague, 0 Keefe, becomes aware there is a plot afoot involving foreign agents. From London comes Hayward on a special mission to track down an artist who has been sending atomic info across the Atlantic via drawings concealed in his oils. They trail their man to an art shop. It ends abruptly. O'Keefe and Hayward then turn attention to a government nuclear physics research plant nearby and investigate the scientists who are developing important material. These include an Austrian, an Englishman, Miss Ailbritton as a confidential secretary who speaks five languages, including Russian, and an American prof of Plymouth Rock ancestry. The Hayward0-Keefe team devote much time and effort observing the scientists. They trail them about the vicinity. There is no immediate development. Then Miss Allbritton's visit to a laundry is inspected more closely when another painting with formulae shows up. This pays off. Hayward ges a job at the establishment and discovers what he was after. The clue is traced. Hayward is caught up by the spy ring. O'Keefe falls into their clutches too. They manage to break away. An innocent woman of Russian heritage is killed aiding them. Miss Ailbritton is now suspect. But the death of the Austrian scientist cracks their case and a minute check on the other men is made. Quite by accident O'Keefe discovers how the info leaked out of the plant and he arranges to corner his suspects. He surrounds his quarry. Most of them are killed in the ensuing shooting. The main catch, however, the traitor to his own country — the American — is taken alive and redhanded. CAST: Louis Hayward, Dennis O'Keefe, "Bodyguard" with Lawrence Tierney, Priscilla Lane. RKO 62 Mins. POLICE MELODRAMA HAS SLIGHTLY NEW STO.^Y ANGLE; WARRANTS ATTENTION BY EXHIB WHOSE PATRONS GO FOR THRILL-ACTION FARE. A slightly new angle in the concoction of this police melodrama — story department — gives it enough merit to warrant attention by the exhibitor who has patronage given over to this type fare. It is played according to the book. The thrill-action content IS pronounced. At the beginning Tierney is a cop at odds with his bosses at headquarters and quits the force after an argument. Later he is propositioned 'by Philip Reed who wants him to take on the job of bodyguarding his aunt, Elisabeth Risdon. Latter runs a meat packing plant. Tierney takes it after no little persuasion by Reed. Same night somebody takes pot shots at Miss Risdon. At four AM she leaves her mansion to visit the plant. Tierney follows, is slugged, wakes up in his car which is in the path of an incoming streamliner, a dead cop beside .lim. He manages to save himself. The police figure he killed the cop. But his girl, Priscilla Lane, works at headquarrers and supplies him with what dope he needs. Seems the dead cop was involved in some dirty work. One thing leads to another and first thing you know Tierney is racing madly to the plant to rescue Miss Lane and get the real killer who turns out to be Reed. Richard 0. Fleischer directed. CAST: Lawrence Tierney, Priscilla Lane, Philip ^eed, June Clayworth, Elisabeth Risdon, Steve 3rodie, Frank Fenton, Charles Cane. CREDITS: Producer, Sid Rogell; Director, RichJrd 0. Fleischer; Screenplay, Fred Niblo, Jr., ^arry Essex; Story, George W. George; Robert B. Altman; Art, Albert S. D'Agostino, Feild jray; Sets, Darrell Silvera, James Altweis; v(usic, Paul Sawtell; Music director, C. Bakaleinikoff; Editor, Elmo Williams; Sound, W. Earl A Wolcott, Terry Kellum. DIRECTION: Adequate. PHOTOGRAPHY: Good. Dembow Drive Captains Schedule Regional Meets Captains of the National Screen Service George Dembow drive next week will conduct regional meetings of all sales personnel. William Bein, Eastern drive captain, and Ben Ashe, Western captain, will each hold four meetings in their areas. Chicago Dailies Boost Amusement Advt. Rates Chicago — Two daily newspapers, the Sun and Times, have advanced their amusement advertising rates 10 cents a line, it is announced. Meanwhile, the Daily News advanced its local ad rate five cents a line. Louise Ailbritton, Carl Esmond, Onslow Stevens, Raymond Burr, Art Baker, Lowell Gilmore, Philip Van Zandt, Charles Evans, Frank Ferguson, Jimmy Lloyd, Bert Davidson, Paul Bryar, rioward J. Negley, Crane Whitley, Grandon Rhodes, Keith Richards, Tamara Shayne, Reed Hadley. CREDITS: An Edward Small Production; Director, Gordon Douglas; Producer, Grant Whytock; Screenplay, George Bruce; From a story by Bertram Miilhauser; Photography, George Robinson; Art, Rudolph Sternad; Sets, Howard Bristol; Editor, James E. Newcom; Sound, John Carter; Narration, Reed Hadley; Music, Paul Sawtell. DIRECTION: Good. PHOTOGRAPHY: Good. "Stations West" w'ith Dick Powell, Jane Greer. RKO 92 Mins LEISURELY DEVELOPED WESTERN STORY OFFERS POWELL IN WESTERN ROLE. HAS FAIR PORTION OF ACTION AND MANAGES TO KEEP INTEREST IN PLOT. C > Developed leisurely in the story .part ment and with a directorial hand in th( proceedings that manages to inject tht required touches, this Western offers Did Powell in a period of boots, guns, saddle and what-have-you. He plays it out wel enough. His support is able. The script which is on the lengthy side and tends to drag in spots, has a fair portion of action good outdoor photography and for the mos part keeps attention focused on basics. Luke Short's novel concerns an army offi cer who is working under cover in Rod Pass, a Western military outpost. He is in vestigating the murder of two soldiers whi were guarding a gold shipment. Powell, the soldier in mufti, arrives at th( place and makes himself unpopular with th( local saloon crowd. Almost at once he ha a terrific brawl with Guinn Williams, beat: him up pretty badly. He has contacted hi< superiors, meanwhile, and soon gets a job with Jane Greer, proprietress of the loc; joint. She's known as "Charlie." In charge of her transportation interest! Powell and Regis Toomey attempt to mak a run with a gold shipment. They are hel up. Toomey is killed, the gold stolen. Bu coming to, Powell immediately locates th yellow stuff and learns who is up to whal He plays a pretty precarious game fror that point on and as the conclusion nears h solves his case. Miss Greer, who was be hind the dirty work, dies in his arms. H rides off. Sidney Lanfield directed. CAST: Dick Powell, Jane Greer, Agnes Moore ■lead. Burl Ives, Tom Powers, Gordon Olivei Steve Brodie, Guinn Williams, Raymond Bun Regis Toomey, Michael Steele, Olin Howlit lohn Berkes, Dan White, John Kellogg,. Charle Middleton, John Doucette, Suzi Crandell. CREDITS: Dore Schary in charge of produc tion; Producer, Robert Sparks; Director, Sidne Lanfield; Screenplay, Frank Fenton, Winsto Miller; From the novel by Luke Short; Musi< Heinz Reinhold; Music director, C. Bakaleinikoff Photography, Harry J. Wild; Art, Albert ! .D'Agostino, Feild Groy; Sets, Darrell Silver; 'ames Altweis; Editor, Frederic Knudtson; Sound Frank Sarver, Terry Kellum. DIRECTION: Adequate. PHOTOGRAPHY: Ver good. Ambassador and Golden Picket© Siritzky's Ambassador and Goldei Theaters were picketed yesterday ii a dispute with projectionists Loca 306. Theaters' two-year contract ex pired Tuesday, with Siritzky re ported as installing four independen projectionists at each theater, in stead of the former six and sevei lATSE men used. Di Peso Services Today Boston — Funeral services will bi held today at St. Ignatius Chapel Boston College, for Joseph Di Pesa dean of Boston press agents. Asso ciated with Loew's for 37 years, D Pesa received public acclaim for hi work in charitable events. Survivor include his wife, Louise, and a daugh ter, Betty. "Johnny Belinda" Screenings Warner's "Johnny Belinda" will be trade screened nationally on Sept, 27. National release date is Oct. 23.