The Film Daily (1948)

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c^ DAILY Friday, September 10, 1948 Vol. 94, No. 50 Fri., Sept. 10, 1948 10 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE : : : : : Publisher DONALD M. MERSEREAU : Associate Publisher and General Manager CHESTER B. BAHN Editor Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y., by Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc. J. W. Alicoate, President; Donald M. Mersereau, Vice-President and Treasurer ; Patti Alicoate, Vice-President and Secretary. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 8, 1938, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States outside of Greater New York $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to THE FILM DAILY, 1501 Broadway. New York 18, N. Y. Phone BRyant 9-7117, 9-7118, 9-7119, 9-7120, 9-7121. Cable address Filmday, New York. WEST COAST OFFICES Ralph Wllk. Manager 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone: Granite 6607 WASHINGTON BUREAU Andrew H. Older 6417 Dahlonega Rd. Phone: Wisconsin 3271 CHICAGO BUREAU Joseph Esler, Chief C. L. Esler 6241 N. Oakley Ave. Phone: Briargate 7441 STAFF CORRESPONDENTS LONDON — Ernest W. Fredman. The Film Renter. 127-133 Wardour St., W. 1 HAVANA — Mary Louise Blanco. Virtudes 214. BOUfBAT — Ram L. Gogtay. Kltab Mahal. 190 Hornby Rd., Fort, Bombay 1. ALGIERS— Paul Saffai, Fllmafric. 8 Rue Charras. MONTREAL— Ray Oarmlchael, Room 9. 464 FranrlB Xavier St. VANCOtTTER — Jark Droy, 411 T,yric Theater BldB. SYDNEY — Bowden Fletcher, 19 Moxon Ave., Punchbowl, N. S. Phone. ITY 2110. BRT'SSELS — Jean Pierre Meys. 110 Rue des Paquerettes. COPENHAGEN — John Llndherg, Jernhanealle No. 3, Copenhagen-Van Loese. ROME--John Perdicari, Via Ludovlsl 16. Phone, 427.58. MEXICO CITY — Jay Kaner — c/o American Chamber of Commerce — San Juan de Letran 24. MnnnciflL (September 9) NEW YORK STOCK MARKET High Low Close Am. Seat 251/4 241/2 241/2 Bell & Howell 18 18 18 Columbia Picts 93/5 91/3 9% East. Kodak 431/4 425/8 425/8 East. Kodak pfd... 163 163 163 Loew's, Inc 165/8 I6I/4 I6I/4 Paramount 23'/s 225/8 23 RKO 77/8 77/8 77/8 Republic Plot 31/8 3 31/8 Republic Pict. pfd... 7V^ 73/4 734 20th Century-Fox 20 1/2 201/, 2OI/4 20th Century-Fox pfd. 333/4 333^ 333/4 Universal Pict 95/g 9% 91/2 Universal Pict. pfd... 6034 6034 6034 Warner Bros 107/8 1034 10% NEW YORK CURB MARKET Monogram Picts. ... 4 3% 4 RKO 13/4 1 3/4 1 34 Sonotone Corp 35/8 31/2 31/2 Technicolor I31/2 13 13 Trans-Lux 4% A% 4% OVER THE COUNTER Bid Cinecolor 31/^ Pathe 4 Net Chg. l'/2 % — '/2 — % 'A + Vs — % + Vh 5/8 Asked 3% 41/2 Philly Woman Named State Censors' Sec'y Harrisburg, Pa. — Mrs. Beatrice Z. Miller, of Philadelphia, has been appointed by Gov. James H. Duff as a member of the State Board of Motion Picture Censors. She was designated as secretary of the movie reviewing agency, succeeding Mrs. Lucy H. Love, of Johnstown, who resigned from the $4,500 post. cominG nno Goinc WILLIAM F. RODGERS, M-G-M vice-president in charge of distribution, returns from the Coast today following studio conferences. H. M. RICHEY, M-G-M exhibitor relations director, will attend the ITO of Ohio convention which begins in Columbus Monday. PAUL GRAETZ, producer, arrives from France Monday for conferences with William Shelton, of A.F.E. Corp. BERNARD J. GATES, Latin American supervisor for Monogram, left yesterday for Montevideo. WILLIAM E. OSBORNE, Monogram rep. in the Far East and Middle East, Is In Singapore. VICTOR VOLMAR, publicity director for Monogram International, leaves today for Hollywood. MAURICE GROEN, director of Films of the Nations, hos returned from a three-month trip to Europe. MANNING J. POST, vice-president of Gibraltar Pictures, has arrived from Beverly Hills, Calif., and is at the Waldorf. R. M. "Bob" SAVINI, president of Astor Pictures Corp., plans to leave Hollywood tomorrow for New York. SEYMOUR SIMON, Chicago theater attorney, has returned from New York conferences. AL ZIMBALIST, Film Classics ad-publicity director, left yesterday for Chicago. He returns to New York Tuesday. WILKENS WEBER, motion picture editor of the Canton Repository, visiting friends In New York. TV Consumer Investment Tops Quarter Billion $$ Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — A public investment of well over a quarter of a billion dollars in television receivers has been chalked up since the war, RCA told the FCC yesterday. Through June 30 of this year, the "consumer investment" in sets, installation charges and service guaranty reached $228,800,000, RCA reported, with the rate of expenditure mounting daily. More than half a million sets have been turned out since the war, RCA said. AFM, Indie Producers to Continue Meetings Today West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — AFM and independent producer representatives negotiating a new pact covering studio musicians will meet again today. AFM negotiators have been studying figures supplied by producers to show the hardship worked by a provision of the expiring pact which requires maintenance of a contract orchestra, whether or not it is used. "Adults Only" Permit For "Rope" in Chicago Chicago — Warners' "The Rope" will be reviewed by the police Censor Board here. It is reported that the board will issue an "Adults Only" permit for Chicago showings of the film. Stahl to Direct "Wcdtz" West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — John Stahl has been handed the directional reins on "Waltz Into Darkness," George Jessel Production for 20th-Fox. Cornel Wilde and Linda Darnell seem certain for the stellar roles. MRS. MARJORIE TURNER, movie editor of the Syracuse Herald-Journal, will week-end In New York. JACK SOGG, M-G-M Cleveland branch manager, arrived In New York yesterday. ARTHUR HOWARD, general manager of Associated Theaters, arrived from Boston yesterday and Is staying at the Astor. EDDIE AARON, M-G-M asst. general sales manager, leaves Sept 17 for a Coast vacation where he will visit his daughter. SYDNEY WYNNE and JERRY DALE, of the J. Arthur Rank Organization, attended the opening of the Odeon Carlton Theater in Toronto yesterday. E. T. GOMERSALL, assistant to William A. Scully, U-l vice-president and general sales manager. Is in Chicago. CHARLES SUGARMAN, manager of the World Theater in Columbus, arrives Monday in New York for a week's stay. EVELYN ALLEN, switchboard operator at Film Classics, leaves shortly for L. A. where she will establish her new home with her husband, a retired army officer. ANDY W. SMITH, Jr., and his assistant, MARTIN MOSKOWITZ, will leave for the Coast this morning for the 20th-Fox convention. New York and Kansas City NSS Meets Set for Today William Bein, Eastern captain of National Screen Service's George Dembow drive, today will conduct a regional meeting to outline campaign nlans. Attending the session will be Leo Abrams, district manager; Harold Bennett, New York branch manager, and Joe Katzoff, Jack Levy and Henry Reiner, salesmen; Harry Kirchgessner, Boston branch manager, and Maynard Sickels and Fred Stoloff, salesmen; Jack Goldstein, Buffalo manager and Sam Geffen, salesman, and Adolph Edman, representing Albany and New Haven. Another meeting, conducted by Ben Ashe, Western drive captain, will be held in Kansas City, with the following in attendance: Louis Patz, district manager; Charles Brenner and Andrew Winningham, Kansas City, salesmen; Milton Feinberg, Des Moines manager, and James Parsons and Richard Shields, salesmen; Jay MacFarland, Minneapolis manager, and Jack Allender and Jack Greenberg, salesmen; and Izzy Sokolofl' from Omaha. AFRA, AGMA, ACVA Discuss Equity Merger Representatives of AFRA, AGMA, and ACVA met yesterday with the Actors' Equity Council to further consider a merger of the four into one big theatrical union. A committee which was appointed to study the plan will report back to Equity. If the four unions agree, the merger plan will be submitted to a general membership referendum. "Capitol Pictures S. A. I." of Rome Is the sole owner of the rights for U. S. A. territories, possessions aird Philippine Islands on the picture: "Quattro passi fra le nuvole" (Four steps In the clouds) All deals on this picture must be signed by the Managing Direitor, Mr. Giovanni Schneider, specifically delegated by the Board of Directors.' Syndicate Purchases Bernhard Apartments Joseph Bernhard, president of Cinecolor and Film Classics, yesterday sold his nine-story, two-elevator apartment house at 105 E. 63rd St. to a syndicate represented by Attorney A. Edward Masters. Apartment house is said to bring in an annual revenue of,, about $50,000. Realty firm of Bre'^.^ and Lewis, Inc., which handled \%i sale of the Film Center Building, also negotiated the sale of Bernhard's property. Herbert Stern represented Bernhard. Transaction was all cash, abovel the $207,000 mortgage. Yarmove Heads Film-TV Service for Hartman Co. Jack Yarmove has been named vicepresident in charge of public relations and motion pictures of the L. H. Hartman Co., it is announced by Louis H. Hartman, president of the ad agency. In addition to public relations, Yarmove is to set up a complete client service in films and television, to be made available later this month. Yarmove resigned his post at the Institute of Public Relations to take the assignment. He has been with Young & Rubicam and 20th-Fox. Vogel Announces Loew's Managerial Promotions Several managerial promotions were announced yesterday by Jos. R. Vogel of Loew's Theaters to take place immediately. Martin Gallagher, Jr., who started with Loew's as an usher, and recently has been assistant manager of the Capitol, New York, is named acting manager of Loew's Willard in Queens. Sigmund Schwartz, manager of the 46th St. Theater, Brooklyn, moves to Loew's 175th St., succeeding Archie Adlman, resigned. Paul Swater, manager of the Willard, moves into the 46th St. post. Odeon-Toronto Opens; Preem "Oliver Twist" Toronto^The Odeon-Toronto Theater, costing two million dollars, opened its doors last night with an assembly of 2,400 guests including the Rt. Hon. Earl Winnerton and Sydney Wynn, who represented Arthur Rank in ceremonies. Guest stars from England were Patricia Roc and Trevor Howard, and the program included the North American premiere of "Oliver Twist" and introductory playing of the theater's pipe organ by Al Bollington of England. PUZZLE-BANK Laughs! A fortune in a minutel Laughs! Enterprise House, Inc., 198 Broadway New York City DIgby 9-1278