The Film Daily (1948)

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Internatioial l^rolectioniet 1^ V* 44th St lOtli floor Intimate in Character International in Scope Independent in Thought -IFDAILY The Daily Newspaper Of Motion Pictures Now Thirty Years Old Va^4, NO. 52 NEW YORK. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1948 TEN CENTS CLBRK, TBUmBn G6T SlfllPP COnSCBT PROTEST 20th-Fox WiU Oaer AvaUabOity Dales fox Year Titles, Dates for First Five Months of 1949 Will Be Announced in Nov. West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Twentieth-Fox is ready to offer exhibitors definite availability dates of its product, picture by picture, 12 months in advance of such release, Andy W. Smith, Jr., general sales manager, told delegates assembled at the opening session of the company's national sales conference here yesterday. Terming the new policy "a milestone in the history of our business," Smith said that the offer was made possible by the "extraordinary ad(Continued on Page 6) Plan Pix Merger as Mexican Studios Fold By JAY KANER FILM DAILY Staff Correspondent Mexico City — Symptomatic of the critical situation facing Mexico's production industry as a result of the post-war slump, it is learned that the Clasa and Azteca Studios, two of the oldest pillars in the industry, are to be closed. Cuauhtemoc and Stahl Studios, two small lots, also are slated for closure in the near future, (Confinued on Page 41 NCA Exhibs. to Oppose Proposed Theater Taxes Minneapolis — The NCA exhibitors' meeting in Duluth resolved to oppose any additional tax revenues levied against theaters as proposed by the Tri-City (Minneapolis-St. (Continued on Page 6) Aussie Trade Balance Said Favorable Again Sydney (By Wireless) — A favorable trade balance with North America for the second successive month is reported by the Australian Government. July exports to the U. S. and Canada resulted in a balance in Australia's favor of $163,200, Stanley Carver, Government statistician, reported. Improved position was said due mainly to increased wool shipments. TOA TO RE-EXAMINE ASCAP STAND Executive Board to Re-evaluate Position on Basis of N. Y., Minneapolis Decisions TOA's executive board will reexamine the organization's position with regard to ASCAP at a meeting to be held in conjunction with the body's national convention set for Chicago next week-end, it was learned yesterday. While a re-evaluation of TOA's stand will be made on the basis of recent court decisions which question the right of the Society to collect from exhibitors for performing rights to musical compositions in films, complete abandonment of the organization's previously expressed attitude is not considered a foregone conclusion. Observers here pointed out yesterday that despite the decisions in New York and in Minnesota, no one has yet questioned the right of a composer to collect a fee from some source for performance of his music. Although Judge Gunnar H. Nordbye, in his Minneapolis decision, re(Continued on Page 4) Children's Library Starting in Canada Inauguration of the Children's Film Library in Canada was announced yesterday by the MPAA. Plan will be started in the Dominion on Sept. 21. Mrs. Marjorie Dawson, chairman (Continued on Page 7) Initial North Carolina Percentage Actions Filed Asheville, N. C. — Separate percentage fraud suits against four North Carolina theaters were filed in the U. S. District Court here yesterday by six major motion picture distributors, the actions being the first of their kind in this area. Paramount, 20th-Fox, Warners, . (Continued on Page 6) See Nordbye Decision Cuiling ASCAP Coin Amid indications that a large number of theater operators in various sections of the country would use it as the peg for the suspension of further music payments to ASCAP, the decision handed down in U. S. District Court, Minneapolis, (Continued on Page 6) Adjusted 4Wall Basis For "Hamlet" in D. C. Washington Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — U-I's highlytouted "Hamlet" will open here October 20 in two downtown art houses on an adjusted four-wall hasis, it was learned yesterday. It will be shown on a two-a-day schedule seven days (Continued on Page 6) Set ^49 AA, Mono. Production Broidy Announces Largest Co. Output More TV Sending Power Would Cut Cost of Sets Wasfuuf/fon Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Washington — ^Increased power for TV stations might mean wmportant reductions in the price of television receivers, NBC engineer W. S. Duttera said yesterday at the .first session of the FCC-Industry Television (Continued on Page 6) West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Holly wood — Steve Broidy, president of Allied Artists and Monogram announced ten productions will be released by Allied Artists in the 1948-1949 season and fifty-one by Monogram. "Our decision to make this season's output greatest in our history, both in numher and quality," said Broidy, "was influenced largely 'by current success of many (Continued on Page 6) Fears Consent Agreement Would be Something Less Than High Court Decreed By RALPH WILK West Coast Bureau of THE FILM DAILY Hollywood — Holding that any softening of the application of law laid down in the Government anti-trust suit by the Supreme Court "would result in a continuation of monopolistic practices and prevent restoration of a free and competitive screen," SIMPP over the week-end dispatched telegrams (Continued on Paga 7) ITOA to Seel( ASCAP Balm of $3 Million Triple damages under the Sherman anti-trust law totalling $3,000,000 plus litigation expenses will be asked for ITOA against ASCAP when Milton C. Weisman, ITOA attorney, presents his brief to the Circuit Court of Appeals this Fall, it was revealed yesterday. Weisman hinted yesterday there (Continued on Page 6) TA Seeks Availability Change for Twin Cities Minneapolis — 'First big break in clearance change demands among Twin City indie exhibs. came with Theater Associates' request from majors for availability change in a number of situations. Tom Burke, TA manager, asked ' (Continued on Page 4) Johnston to Remain In Moscow 2-3 Weehs Moscow (By Cable) — Accepted as a further indication that he will see Premier Josef Stalin, Eric A. Johnston, MPAA-MPEA president, who arrived here from Paris by plane over the week end, told newsmen who greeted him at the airport that he expected to remain "two or three weeks." Johnston and his executive aide, Joyce O'Hara, who accompanied him, are the house guests of U. S. Ambassador Walter Bedell Smith.