The Film Daily (1920)

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7^BRADSTREET of FILHDOM Vol. XI. No. 1 Authority Friday, January 2, 1920 Sherman Sues Lehrman for Accounting — Alleges Breach of Contract (Ihl Wire lu WJD'S DAILY) Los Angeles— Suit for attachment for alleged breach of contract was filed yesterday by Harry A. Sherman against Henry Lehrman and the Henry Lehrman Prod. Inc. Attorney I'hilip Cohen representing Sherman instructed the sheriff to attach all moneys of Lehrman on deposit witji the Union Bank and Trust Co., the Lehrman Studios at Culver City, md the LeJirman residence on Franklin Ave., Hollywood. •Sherman, through his attorney, al cges that on March 13, 1919, Henry Lehrman entered into a written conract with Sherman and among other liings employed Sherman as his sell"g agent for the purpose of selling iind exploiting a certain number of iliotoplays the defendant intended to i)roduce. Sherman's salary, states the ■KTeement, was to have been $250 week from March 1,^, to May 10, Sherman alleges tjiat he has not ■reived his salary for many weeks, t he has endeavored to get a set ■ nent, but is unable to do so. According to the agreement Sher an was to dispose of 12 comedies 3r $40,000 each, and between March ?. and April 25, last, Lehrman mod led the terms of the agreement nder which Sherman was to sell the pmedies, whereby Sherman was thonzcd to sell the First Natl Ex onnn^ Circuit the 12 comedies at y.OOO each, but that notwitIu,tand g this fact Lehrman has not paid ii"i in full for his services. The ^mplamt alleges that the Henry fhnnan Productions, Inc. is com oniy known as a one man corpora n and that said defendent Henrv prman owns probabl 0 Price 5 Centi •^°"a"~?"'^ ^"P'^' the rascal, sentences Jennie for life— Norma Talmadge in "A Daughter of Two Worlds," her first picture for First NadonK ock. ''" ..-mas Ince Staff V J u n-e to WW'S DAILY) I-os Angeles— Hunt Stromberg of ; ihomas H. Ince organization 'S appouued Norbert Lusk, formerPp"? representative on the coast bo dwyn, eastern publicity rep L Tu' ^"^ ^^^ I"'^^ organizaF -the appointment is effective ^ coming Monday. nrilln ^''li^^ ^'" include the »dl>ng of all press matter sent east I f;/°'"berg. His headquarters P I'e in New York. j Price Gets Sub Film C. B. Price, Inc. has secured American distribution of a film called "The Log of the U-3S" sliowing the activities of the German snlimarine in sinking Allied vessels. The picture was taken primarily to push the German war loans and was designed for showing in Germany only. Price secured the film in London where it fell into the possession of the British Admiralty through the activities of one of its agents. The Capitol will show the picture beginning Sunday. Keith's in Washington and the California in San Francisco have booked it. Price has sold "Love's Law" with Gail Kane, to the American-British Continental Film Co. for Great Brjitain. Max Glucksman has secureid it for several South American couiL tries. English Star Here Mary Marsh Allen, one of England's prominent actresses has a'rrived in New York from London. She IS stopping at the Biltmore. Miss Allen while in England appeared in films made by the Windsor Walturdaw Co., Lt.d, but has come to America because she believes that English producers cannot compete with domestic producers in making pictures. Eve Balfour recently arrived in New York from England. I Hapiiy N>\v Year j "Behind the Door" at B'way "Behind the Door" a Thomas H. I Ince special featuring Hobart BosI worth will be the feature at the Broadway next week. The Parisian Fashion Frolic scheduled to close this week has been held over. Happy N'eu Year Fairbanks at Rialto Douglas Fairbanks will be featured at the Rialto next week in "When the Clouds Roll. By " Hoover Film on B'wa\ Official Film Will Have Premiere a Manhattan Opera House on Jan. 9 _ An eight reel production calh ■ Starvation" will have its premier at the Manhattan Opera House tii ^Xe."'ng of Jan. 9. The productio which IS an official motion pictur record of Herbert Hoover and th American Relief organization is sai to be the only complete film recor of the work of the committee on 2 odd countries of Europe. J The picture deals with Russia aij the Baltic lands and shows in iil timate detail the workings of '^ committee in feeding the star.,in countries of Europe. The lane in which Hoover operated are j follows: Russia, Poland, Lettvi Esthonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmar Holland, Belgium. France, ItalGreece, Turkey, Rouinania, Hungar Austria, Germany, Ukrainia and Se bia. Distribution rights to the film ha> not as yet been decided upon. Happy New Year Griffith In Town D. W. Griffith arrived in New Yor yesterday from Florida wheprtTe-Tr shooting scenes on fuj^e produ tions. ^_y — na|>py NVw Year Metro Buys "Gorgeous Girl" Metro has purchased "The Go geous Girl" a story by Nalbro Ha ley, now appearing in the Saturd; Evening Post. It has not been decided for who it will be used. Happy New Year Mooney Returns Paul C. Mooney. general sales md ager for the Louis B. Maver Ft ductions starring Anita Stewart a! Mildred Harris Chaplin, arrived New York this week after a tour the principal cities from New Yq to the coast and back, arranging t special percentage presentations "In Old Kentucky" and establis ing the Mildred Harris Chaplin s; ies which will soon be initiated the new Mayer release through t First National Exhibitors' Circuit Happy New Year Adler in Cleveland (/i(/ Wire to Wilis h.tlLY) Cleveland— Bert Adler. explotion manager for Realart specials here. .Adler recently worked acr some effective stunts ii with "Soldiers of Fortu more and Richmond. He was given considerable spi ill the Baltimore dailies and while! Richmond arranged for a sped show for the orphans in that cit>i ivorked acr« in connect! une" in Baj Adler goes to Toledo from here