The Film Daily (1920)

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^'^ I DAIUV Saturday, January 3, 19 PatlieNews No .1 L.SEN, BOHEMIA.— in honor of the Allies. The entire city turns out to attend the Interallied Fete held in the huge open-air theater. IN THE NORTHWEST.— VVealth of sport in Snowland's realms — winter activities are aplenty this year owing to the early arrival of cold spell. Slii experts show wliat they can do. A REVIEW OF EVENTS IN 1919.— The year ,iust passed was fuU of events of great importance, and it Is interesting to recall the most significant ones. .\viation. Peace. Sport. Distinguished Foreign Visitors. "At Home." CHICOPEE FALLS, M.ASS.— Sale of wood alcohol which Itilled sixty people here being traced by police — the fatal barrel that took so many lives. Exclusive Pictures. NEWBUROH, N. Y. — »<ly on steel! Ice experts of the East compete for speed championship of Outdoor Amateur Speed Sliating Contest. Charles .lewtraw, winner of the quarter and half-mile races. PHILADELPHIA, PA. — Mummers outdazzle brilliancy of past years — fantastic, gorgeous, and humorous costumes vie in "pep" and originality at pageant of 10,000 mummers. tod §^ Sees Theater Need Graham of Famous Players Says France and England Each Need 1,000 Modern Houses John Cecil Graham, managing director of the three EngHsh corporations known as Famous Players Film Co., Ltd., Famous-Lasky Film Service, Ltd. and the Famous Players-Lasky British Producers, Ltd. is now in New York. He sees an urgent need for 1,000 high grade theaters in England and as many more in France. "The English people have realized the importance and the possibilities of the motion picture as never before," said Graham. "There is an urgent need in Great Britain today of at least 1,000 new high grade motion picture houses, as theater building was halted at the beginning of the war. "The building of new theaters is proceeding at a very satisfactory rate, notwithstanding the difficulty of obtaining materials and the discussions as to housing classifications. "I believe that the construction of at least 1,000 new theaters will solve to a great extent the problem of advanced booking now under discussion in English film circles. "The industry in France is making rapid recovery from the effects of the war. France also needs at least 1,000 new high grade theaters and the coming year will undoubtedly witness a great increase in theater building." Incorporations (Special to WW'S DAILY) Albany, N. Y. — The Cinema Corp. of the State of Delaware has been authorized to engage in all bia.p-'hes of the motion picture business in New York State. The corporation will be represented by W. H. Seeley, 50 E. 42nd St., New York City. The Stereospeed Production another Delaware State concern was granted a charter to conduct business in this state. The company has a capital of $100,000 and will engage in the motion picture and theatrical business. Garrett A. Storms, Walter L. Johnson and Earl H. Hopkins of 398 Fifth Ave., New York City are the principal stockholders. Johnson is designated to represent the corporation. The Symphony Theater Co. of Binghamton, N. Y. and the Gates Theater Corp. of New York have filed notices of dissolution. Albany, N. Y. — The Stevens Phonograph Corp., Manhattan has been granted a charter to operate motion picture theaters. The concern will also manufacture phonographs. Capital. $1,000,000. Stockholders: Clifford E. Stevens, Rose Stevens and Bela St. Georges, 46 Houston St., New York City. Albany, N. Y. — The Municipal Studios. Inc., Manhattan. Capital, $250,000. Directors: E. London, M. Elkin and C. Schwartz, 1451 Broadway, New York City. Albany, N. Y. — Hyperion Prod., Manhattan. Capital, $25,000. Directors: George H. Wiley, David W. Russell and Walter Richard Hall, 220 West 42nd St., New York City. Salem, Ore. — Joseph Reese, Jean Miller, O. C. Kottka, and R. E. Miller have incorporated the Highway Film Co., capitalized at $5,000. Gregory of Copenhagen Here A. G. Gregory, general manager of the Scandinavian Film Agency, Ltd. of Copenhagen has arrived in New York. Gregory is making his headquarters at the office of Chester Beecroft. Scandinavian Film Agency, Ltd., owns the European rights with the exception of England, for nearly all of Robertson-Cole productions, some of the Hodkinson productions, Billie West and Billy Parsons Comedies and others. Gregory is here to close his 1920 contracts with producers. He proposes returning to Copenhagen about the middle of January. Coast Brevities {Special to IVID'S DAILY) Hollywood — Edgar Lewis has already shot 10,000 feet of negative on "Sherry," his first production for Pathe. Pat O'Malley plays the Irishman in the story. Harry Van Meter is in the cast of "Judah," supporting May Allison. C. S. Vidor has been appointed general manager of King Vidor Prod. Clyde Fillmore has signed a four years' contract with Famous Players. Viola Vale is Bert Lytell's leading woman for "Alias Jimmy Valentine." Milton Sills will be Viola Dana's leading man in "Eliza Comes to Stay." Harold Goodwin who recently appeared in Mary Pickford's "Heart o' the Hills," has been engaged by King Vidor to play a prominent part in his forthcoming First National release. Cara Lee who for the past two weeks has been playing with Nazimova's "The Heart of a Child" is taking a vacation in San Francisco. She will assume her engagement upon her return to Hollywood. Vitagraph has completed preparations for its special production of "The Great Divide," the drama by William Vaughn Moody in which Margaret Anglin and Henry Miller appeared as co-stars nearly 15 years ago. June Mathis is back at the Metro studio from Broadway. On her way back she had a conference with Vicente Blasco Ibanez in Chicago regarding "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," which she will picturizc for Metro. During the past year H. H. Van Loan has sold IS stories, among them "When a Man Loves" and "The Highest Card," for Earle Williams; "Three Gold Coins," and "The Red Terror," for Tom Mix, and "The G;-eat Redeemer," which Maurice Tuurneur is to produce as a special feature. Van Loan is preparing four D.dditional stories for Mix. GAUSMAN Alice Calhoun, now appearing in "Deadline at Eleven," starring Coriiine Griffith, has been engaged by Vitagraph as a member of that organization's stock company, at the Brooklvn studio. H. TIPTON STECK W ishes his friends a Happy and P rosperous New Year and calls attention to his latest screen adaptations: "The Forbidden Woman" "The Yellow Typhoon" Starring Clara Kimball Young Starring Anita Stewart Three Supreme Comedies Read Robertson-Cole has three Supr« comedies ready for release: "Ij lie's Millions," "A Four Cylin Frame-Up" and "Mollie's Mumj They feature Mollie Malone. Callahan Recovers Dallas — Dias Callahan, local Ri art manager is rapidly recover from his recent throat operatic Black May Build in Taunto'* {Special to IFID'S DAILY) ~ Taunton, Mass. — If a site is tainable, Black and Spitz, comp.of Alfred S. Black, the Main f. ter man and Abe Spitz of Provid will build a $500,000 theater I It is planned to erect the the on Main St. c 1 Hyman to Open Office Here' {Special to If ID'S DAILY) ' Detroit — Arthur S. Hyman sent his special representative, T.j Braun to New York to open an , fice for the Arthur S. Hyman Attr tions. NEGATIVE WANTED o' For c.i America or World Rights ^ Address, Confidential, cart 3 Wid's. t ol Send Us Your AnyQuanUi, Jyj^J^ Pi|jp, Highest Prices INTERSTATE SMEI ®. REFINING COf 23 Commercial St. NE^ , E