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The Film Daily (1920)

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TsJiM DAILV Tuesday, January 20, 1920 I Coast Brevities {Special to WW'S DAILY) Hollywood — Mary Miles Minter, ealart star, will hereafter produce the Lasky studio. 'Kathleen Kerrigan, sister of J. 'arren Kerrigan, has an important It in her brother's latest Brunton ..(hiction, "One Week End," a ( ly comedy of New York society < l)y Wyndham Martyn. Harold Lloyd's new leading lady, ildred Davis, will be seen in the ltd of his special two-reel features, itited "From Hand to Month." hich is now ready for release. Miss ;ivis is the successor of Bebe DanIs and is conceded by all to be M of the most beautiful girls in nidom. Rol)ert Warwick has finished Thou Art the Man !" under the ;rection of Thomas Heffron, for aramount Artcraft, and it is anhunced that he will shortly be aired in "The City of Masks." I'rom Santa Barbara comes the re>i t that Arthur Edmund Carew has '11 offered a contract with an in■])cndent producing organization, ;ided by Eva Sturtevant, formerly cnario editor and manager of sev• il local studios. Exchange Lists Loew (Continued from Page 1) ings $531,421, or at the rate of more than $2,000,000 a year. The attendance at the theaters in 1919 totaled 53,4.SO,000, as against 43,088,000 in 1918. The balance sheet shows the status of the company as follows: — .\s.setsCiisli, 5»l,^)'i'8,l.'{i»; loan.s on call, .f.'I.OOO.WX) ; snl).s(iii)tioiis to capital stock by outside interests, I'JOti.OOO ; notes receivable, !t;n,OO0; Liberty bonds, $15,500; accounts receivable, $.'J13,0!»3; lan<l, building, eiinipment. etc., .$10,260,648; construction work, ^7!t,.''M.'! ; leases at cost, $1,353,044; investments in other conipanies not consolidated, $2X3, (iOO; deposits on contr.icts, .$L'00,000; undivided protit.s, $ia5,260; aiivance p.iynients on contracts, $143,.333; deposits on leases and tilni contracts, .$201,3a3; other investments $57,910; tluatrical c<tntracts, advertising and good will, .$9,035,028; deferred charges, $199,tiOl; total, $27,103,190. Lial)ilities -Accounts payable, $90,429; cash deposits on leases, .$31,637; loans and notes payable, $273,231 ; income and excess profits taxes, $367,209; taxes on theater admissions, $136,9(>3; deferred accounts and instalments, $.337,443; bonds anil mortgages. .$3,475,000; deferred credits $2.S,421 : reserve for Federal income and excess profits taxes. 1920, $222,970; advances bv co-operative interests, $94,10.3; capital stock Loew's, Inc., 700,000 shares without i)ar value, $17,500,000; Loew's Inc., surplus, $46,733; affiliated companies, capital stock par value cooperative interests, $2,290,;?91 ; surplus of affiliated companies applicable to stock owned tiy Loew's Inc., $1 ,(>29,:i9:! ; surplus of affiliated companies appli«able to stock owned by co-operative interests, .$.597.'_>67; total. 27.103,190. Will Propose Sunday Shows Providence, R I. — A bill legalizing Sunday motion picture performances is expected when the Rhode Island legislature opens. CJergyman are opposing such a measure. Sherwood and Ballinger with Chaplin Baltimore, Md. — Edwin A. Sherwood and William F. Ballinger are now associated with Milton Chaplin ill the ownership of the Variety Pictures Corp. Sherwood was fortnerly connected with Pathe and Famous, while Ballinger was with Select. Kooskia, Idaho. — Q. T. Taylor has taken over theater here and at Stite-;. Lew Stone has been engaged to i\ the role of Gordon Hayne in I eld by the Enemy," a Paramount itcraft special to be directed by i>nald Crisp. Jack Holt will be ■1. Charles Prescott; Clyde Fillire, recently recruited from the L^itimate stage, plays Brigadier ingeon Fielding; Wanda Hawley ill appear as Emmy McCreery, Ag' - Ayres as Rachel Hayne and . alter Hiers as Tommv Beene. Tsuru Aoki, Universal's Japanese It", has almost finished work on r second feature, "Locked Lips," om the story by Clifford Howard. /illiam J. Dowling is supervising le production. %! .\gnes Ayres, who has won conderable prominence in eastern pro.ictions, but who is new to the oast, has arrived at the Famous layers-Lasky studio to work on jleld by the Enemy." GAUSMAN. epublic Exchanges to Open Feb. 1 New Orleans, La.— The Republic cchange will be opened with J. F'Flaherty in charge on Feb. 1. The maha exchange of that firm will so open at about that time with H. Hill, at the head Kashin Managing Montreal House Montreal, Can. — M. Kashin, formerly manager of the Broadway, N. Y., is now manager of the Holman. He succeeds John T. Fiddes. Mayors' Committee to Meet Feb. 2 {Special to WW'S DAILY) Albany, N. Y — The Special Committee appointed to look into the question of film censorship by the Mayors' Council of the State of New York will convene here on Feb. 2 to draft a report to be made to the Council. Mayor Canfield of Kingston, is chairman of the committee. JOHN J. LIVINGSTON Motion Picture Representative For STARS— DIRECTORS 1440 Broadway New York Collins Goes to Los Angeles Portland, Ore — Due to illness in s family. Dean Collins has been ansferred by Universal from this ty and Seattle to Los Angeles. In Idition to doing publicity work, bllins has been editing "Reel .uff,'' a four page publication for ^]'ashington and Oregon exhibitors. CLARA KIMBALL YOUN^ Once more demonstrates her magnificent art in "THE EYES OF YOUTH" We have made for this production a very artistic lobby display together with reproductions in fac-simile oil paintings from her latest poses in various sizes. KRAUS MFG. CO. 220 West 42d Street 17th Floor Tel. 3607 Bryant Send Us Your hS'&S Junk Film INTERSTATE SMELTING (SL REFINING COMPANY 23 Commercial St. NEWARK. N. J. IDEAL STUDIOS FOR RENT Apply to JAMES J. REARDIN, General Manager Telephone Union 5067-68 THE DIAL FILM CO announces the completion of Super-feature. MITCHELL LEWIS KING SPRUCE" adapted from best seller by Holman Da.v r ^c (Refused to 5ett or One Iftuidred. ShousoncL Dotfcus iiniiiiitTitMUifirrrfMfjc Have you thought that, in your own neighborhood, several prominent women have started a movement which will be responsible for your house being packed when you show EMPTY ARNS THE SENSATION OF THE CENTURY Have You Seen the Hundred Thousand Dollar Packet? PHOTOPLAY LIBRARIES, INC. (Exclusive Selling Agents) 500 Fifth Avenue, New York City rTTiiiiimiiiiiiiTi^j: iJc-5tcr <Park & 6du>awilPhite5idc