The Film Daily (1920)

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7^BRADSTREET o/ FILHDOM 7/^RECOCHIZECl sAUTHORITy Tol XI, No. 47 Tuesday, February 17, 1920 Price 5 Centt Must Furnish Bond epublic To Thus Protect Rights of Earl Carroll Regarding "12:10" Republic Distributing will be compiled to furnish a bond to protect le rights, as author, of Earl Car11 who originally applied for an junction on the ground that he -|as owner and author of "12:10." In his decision Justice Bijur said: am convinced that the plaintiff the author and owner and a tem)r;iry injunction will be granted less a bond is furnished and satactory arrangement made subject the approval of the court to acrd him appropriate credit for his )rk." Briton N. Busch, president of Reblic was first informed of the urt's decision by WID'S DAILY sterday. He said that the bond emed necessary by Judge Bijur )uld be furnished. ; $5,000,000 Company Formed (By Wire to WID'S DAILY) over, Del. — The Corporation st Co.'s local representatives e put through a new $5,000,000 1 company known as the Reelft Pictures Corp. The company tes it will manufacture pictures itild machines. Kaiser Film Is Libellous Tables reaching New York yesterstated that the Kaiser film, ich depicts the life of the former peror, has been declared libels by a Berlin court and for that son all prints will be recalled m active distribution. few Films for Robertson Cole Robertson Cole has purchased the rlyle Blackwell film produced in 'ifornia a short time ago. It will ■ released as "The Third Woman" 1 has an all star cast, 'lie same company has secured an'>';er Beatriz Michelana film. It E'The Flame of Hell-gate." Pathe Makes Promotions 'athe has promoted Frank Hud<i to the managership of the Ats(ta office and Jack Auselt at the Iw Orleans office. I rthur Miller is now superinten'•t of the Round Brook laborator Another Sign for Selznick elznick Pictures will have a new 11 trie sign on the building at 727 cnth Ave. next door to the com^y's headquarters. "Take me up to a floor I never worked on." And "Torchy" landed another job. The first of the Charlie Burr's series of Sewell Ford's stories. At the Strand this week. Produced by Master Films, Inc. — Advt. Make Exhibitors Liable (Special to WID'S DAILY) Harrisburg, Pa. — Attorney General William I. Swoope has handed down a ruling to Dr. Ellis B. Oberholtzer. secretary of the Pennsylvania Board of Censors making an exhibitor liable to a fine or imprisonment for exhibiting a film which a state court may regard as improper. This ruling is effective despite the action of the Censor Board who may pass the film and sanction its use. Zukor Talks About Salaries Adolph Zukor, of Famous Players-Lasky contributes the leading article to the current issue of "The Street," a financial publication in which he says the much spoken salaries of the stars do not compare with the cost of the films themselves. Advertisers Meet To-Day A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the A. M. P. A. (Advertisers) will be held to-day at the Claridge. Americanization work wiil be discussed and planned. ^ Another Theater for Los Angeles Los Angeles. — A theater and office building to cost $1,500,000 are olaiined for Sixth and Olive Sts. James Calney, said to represent Eastern capitalists, is the sponsor for the project. The property is understood to be held at $700,000. Miller With Realart The series of Charles Miller Prod, being produced by Mayflower will be distributed through Realart. Florida Exhibitors Meet (Svecial to WID'S DAILY) Lakeland, Fla. — C. E. Kessnich. Atlanta branch manager for Metro cntetrained a large number of exhibitors here on Sunday. Kessnich has done considerable work in aiding Florida exhibitors to organize. Lasky Off for Coast Jesse L. Lasky left for California on Saturday. Park Touring Country Byron Park, president of Photoplay Libraries, Inc., selling agents for the Park-Whiteside Prod., of which "Empty Arms," is the first has started a tour of the principal cities. Follows Park's itinerary for the first half hour of his tour: Monday. Feb. 2.3rd. Hotel Alexandria, Los Angeles; Wednesday, Feb. 25th, Hotel St. Francis. San Francisco; Saturday, Feb. 28th, Multnomah Hotel, Portland, Ore.;' Mcidav, March 1st. New Washington Hotel. Seattle; Thursday, March 4th, Hotel Utah, Salt Lake; Saturday, March 6th, Albany Hotel. Denver; Monday. March 8th. Adolphus Hotel. Dallas; Thursday, March 10th, Hotel Muehlebach, Kansas City. 'River's End' Premiere Initial Neilan Production Is Given Showing Before Canadian Club Marshall Xeilan's first independent production, "The River's End," an adaptation from James Oliver Curwood's novel, was given its premiere before 1,000 membesr and friends of the Canadian Club last night in the Grand Ball Room of the Biltmore. The affair was formal. The presentation was under the supervision of Peter Gridley Smith, of the Neilan organization. Immediately following the dinner the hall was dimmed and a special orchestra offered a musical prelude in which the song, "The River's End," was sung by the author. Harold Hoch from the stage, and by Frances Hansen from a balcony. The projection was in charge of Thomas G. Wiley and William Smith, of the Nicholas Power Co. Neilan Not Coming East (B;/ Wire to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — Marshal Neilan did not accompany Thomas H. Ince who left for New York yesterday. Neilan will probably not go to New York before the summer. Kremer Incorporates Exchange (By Wire to WID'S DAILY) .\lbany, N. Y.— The New York Independent Master Films, Inc.. capitalized at $100,000, was chartered hero yesterday. Incorporators are F. Kren:er and two others. This is the name of the local exchange which Victor Kremer will operate for the New York territory. Republic After Serials Republic Distributing is reported in the market for serials. Ascher Prod. Formed {By IFire to fVID'S DAILY) .\lbany — .Ascher Prod, have been formed here wnth a capital of $5,000. G. A. Enright, J. L. Burke and S. H. Hadley are the incorporators. The above mentioned men are connected with Hallmark where it was stated yesterday that the new unit has been formed to take over one production. The first print of "The Kentucky Colonel" will arrive in New York soon. It will have its premiere here about March 1. Pertinent PUBLICITY Let SOLOMON do it, he's wise.