The Film Daily (1920)

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Thursday, March 18, 1920 jaitjij DAIUY In the Courts A judgment by default has been fileci in the City Court against the MacManus Corp. in behalf of Sidney Olcott to recover a balance of $1,500 due for services amounting to $4,000. The suit was brought in the name of Percy G. Honeyman to whom the claim was assigned. Hugh Weir has brought suit in tlie Supreme Court against the Alexander McClure Service for $30,000. Weir claims that between Oct. 24 and March 9 last he rendered services for the defendant in securing control of motion picture productions, writing scenarios and directing pictures which were worth the sum sued for. "U" Convention for Chicago There will l)e a district convention of Universal branch managers at the Blackstone, Chicago beginning Tuesday. The local convention will be held at the Astor Sunday and Monday immediately after which Joe Mayer and Harry Berman leave for Chicago to attend the second confab which may last four days. The third of the series will be in Los .Angeles. Mayer, while away will appoint pulilicity men attached to a number of exchanges in the Middle West. Universal is understood to have in mind a publicity man in every exchange center. Two "Democracy" Films Exhibitors should bear in mind that fact that there are two productions called "Democracy" now being extensively advertised. One is being made by Park-Whiteside producers of "Empty Arms" and the other by the Democracy Photoplay Co. Realart Takes Morosco Plant Hollywood — Realart Pictures have taken over the Morosco plant here for production. Wanda Hawley will make her pictures here. Frank Garbutt will remain in charge under the Realart management. Montgomery Now in New York G. N. Montgomery is now general sales manager for Hallmark succeeding W. F. Rodgers. Montgomery has been field supervisor in Chicago and has been with Famous Plavcrs and First National. FOR RENT Fully equipped Studio, Immediate Possession. Hallmark Pictures Corp., 130 W. 46th Phone Bryant 7498. New Title Laboratory A. J. Wildman and Maurice Rosenzweig have formed a new organization known as Film Titles Laboratories, Inc. Their plant is at Palisades, N. J. Increase Capital by $400,000 Indianapolis, Ind. — The Garden City Amusement Co. has increased its capital from $350,000 to $750,000. Will Release Educational Weekly Chicago — The Greiver Educational Weekly is a new issue to be distributed by the Griever Film Corp. Production plans have been completed. WHEN Geraldine Farrar is in I. OS .\nKeles I'd feel slighted if she didn't give us a call I've been selling her talking machines and records for years. Hay us a visit. Bill Richardson RiCIIARD80N1$ 607 West SeventhStreet Victrolas and Grafanolas Phone 64955 Opp. Robinson's IjOS Angeles, Calif. STATE RIGHTS FOR SALE George Loane Tucker's Production "THE ARREST OF ARSENE LUPIN" By Maurice Le Blanc CELEBRATED AUTHORS SOCIETY Room 803 Columbia Theater Tel. Bryant 1511 Studio FOR RENT Laboratories For Limited Period — furnishing every facility, including variety of Massive Sets — Modern Lighting Equipment — Large Assortment of Props and Well-Stocked Wardrobe. Immediate Possession EDISON STUDIO 2826 Decatur Ave. Fordham 8330-8331 Moomaw Here With Films Lewis H. Moomaw, representing the American Lifeograph Company of Portland, Ore., is at the Hotel Astor Metro Buys Jans Exchans Metro has bought the New .r Metro exchange from Herm Jans. Moomaw brings with him two pictures. "Martyrs of Yesterday" with Barney Sherry and Ralph Lewis, and 'The Golden Trail," featuring Jane Novak. Shutting 'Em Down Cashmere, Wash. — The agent at Cashmere refused i the depot on a recent Sunda}' cause he was not paid by tlie o pany to work on Sunday," thus a ing R. M. Parrish's Grange T a to remain dark all day. Manager Shot by Burglar Chicago, 111. — William Mills, manager of the Crawford Theater, 19 So. Crawford Ave., was shot and killed in the box office of his theater by two bandits. The murderer Eddie Brislane, a paroled prisoner, has l)cen caught and confessed to the crinie. H. H. VAN LOAN Recent Releases Tom Mix in "The Speed Maniac" Earle Williams in "When a Man Loves" 121 West Eulalia Street Glendale, California "If it is a Van Loan story t must be good" W.4NTED STORIE.S Two Reel Western Comedy Dramas for Sfale and Female Lead. Pacific Prodncing Co. 6100 Snnset Bonlevard Hollywood, Calif AMERIGA*S FINEST LABORATORY 1 Located j ^ Atop The Palisades I Opposite ,129th Street Palisade Film Laboratories 1 Palitadeii N: J. Mortmere 621-2 GEORGE ELWOOD JEN 5 Continuity and Specials "A Woman of Pleasure' Blanche Sweet Special "The Pagan God" starring H. B. Warner "Dangerous Waters" Original for Wm. Desmor JESSE D. HAMPTON Productions i. Inquiries received last^ ■week fronv Exhibi-tori/' Comedy sa*t /Productions Special Pictures Corporation H.^ Hollman Building Los Angeles b " /