The Film Daily (1920)

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That equitatle WANDA HAWLEY contract: Chicap'o "iieYer heard of its equal!'' r ^1 MORRISON HOTEL and TERRACE GARDEN CLARK AND MADISON STREETS CHICAGO. ILL. April 2, 1920 Mr. J. S. Woody, Gen. Mgr., Realart Pictures Corporation, 469 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Dear Mr. Woody: Having watched Miss Wanda Hawley's work in "Old Wives For New, " "We Can't Have Everything," "For Better, For Worse" and especially as "Beauty" in "Everywoman, " one could not help but comment upon her work, and I have often wondered why someone had not signed her up as a top-notcher. When you announced that you had secured the services of Miss Hawley, I knew that you had picked a winner. I have booked Miss Wanda Hawley in her first picture, "Miss Hobbs," for a week's run in our Rose Theatre. You certainly have got to hand it to REALART and its POLICY. It is one that bespeaks confidence. Here you are releasing one of the most promising young actresses in the motion picture field, one who has proven herself a big leaguer, and you decline to book a series of her attractions. I have never heard of its equal in the history of the industry. Another thing, I booked this attraction without a preview, which is rather unusual for us. However, REALART has made good on everything they have promised, and when one knows the integrity of the producer, the star, the story and the director, what more is there to do? With best wishes for your continued success, I am Yours very truly , H. C. MOIR THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES General Manager. PICTURES^ ^ bw available-the first production only MISS HOBBS f By Jerome K Jerome Scenario by Elmer Hari-is ' Directed by Donald Crisp Vov particulars see nearest Realart exchange or wviie REALART PICTURES CORPORATION 469 FIFTH AVENUE ~ NEXAT YORK