The Film Daily (1920)

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■■ Sli^^ DAIUY Monday, April 19, }\ fat. XII No. 19 Mon. April 19, 1920 PriceS CenU C^yrickt 19», Wid'i Film and Film Folk*, Ibc Pabliihed Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., new York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. C ("Wid") Gunning, President and Treatorcr; Jeieph Dannenberf, Vice-President and >ditor; J. W. Alicoate, SccreUry and Basiacat Hanafer. Batcrcd as second-class matter May 31, 1911, Ett tk« post sffice at New York, N. Y., under eke act at Marck }, 1879. T«rma (Pastaje free) United States, Oiatside tt Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 montks, tS.OO; J months, $3.0a Forciga, Babsoribers shoald remit with order Address all communications to WIG'S DAILY, n-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Talcyhone: Vanderbilt. 4SS1 ^Ul-SSM Hollywood, California Mitorial and Business Offices: 6«11 Hollywood BlTd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. Chicago Representatives— Willis & Eckels 5th Floor, Consumers Bldg., Chicago, 111. Quotations Last Bid. Asked. Sale. iFamous Plavers . 85 SS-K 85^ \ do pfd. ..: 91 91/8 91 Soldwyn 25 26 25 .oew's. Inc. ,34i4 34^ 34^ Triangle V2 Vz V2 Jnit. Pict. Prod... 5K' (>V\ 6'/i World Film H M Va, *Friday's quotations. Coast Brevities {Special to fFID'S DAILY) Hollywood — Frederic Maltesta. has been engaged by Dustin Farnum to play in his "Big Happiness." A. .S. Le Vino, of Metro scenario staff, has completed the script for "The Mutiny of the Elsinore," the second Jack London story to be produced for C. E. .Shurtleff, Inc., and is now preparing "The God of His Father.s" in continuitj' form. Robert McKim and Claire Adams have been engaged by Benjamin B. Hampton. Eliott J. Clawson has joined the Metro scenario department and will do as his initial script "Big Game," by Willard Robertson and Kilbourn Gordon. Mahlon Hamilton has been signed by Jesse D. Hampton to play the lead in Robert Thornby's initial production, "Half a Chance," by Fred H. Isham. New David Butler Film Leatrice Joy has commenced work a "Alice in Underland," a story iken from a magazine. She plays pposite David Butler, and Fred But r directs. Production is now unar wav in California. GLOBE TROTS HIT THE HIGH SPOTS Globe Trots Films INC. Lucien Androit, cameraman, has been engaged by Jesse D. Hampton. Donald Crisp has left ,with the Wanda Hawley company for Santa Barbara to take scenes for the first vehicle of Realart's new star. On Broadway Strand — Marshal Neilan's "Don't Ever Marry." Capitol — Bert Lytell — "Alias Jimmy Valentine." Rialto — Charles Ray — "Paris Green." Rivoli— William S. Hart— "The Toll Gate." Broadway — Hope Hampton — "The Modern Salome." Marie Dressier— "Tillie's Punctured Romance." Brooklyn Strand — -\iiita Stewart — "The Fighting Shepherdess." Loew's New York— Today — Eugene O'Brien — "A Fool and His Monev." Tuesday — Will Rogers — "The Strange Boarder." Wedriesdav — Gladys Brockwell — "The Mother of His Children." Thursday— Harry Carey— "Bullet Proof." Fridav — Clara Kimball Young — "Trilby." Zazu Pitts — "Bright Skies." Saturday — Constance Binnev — "The Stolen Kiss." .Sunday — Priscilla Dean^ — "The Virgin of Stamboul." "Head and Shoulders," Viola Dana's next Screen Classics production, will be directed bv William C. Dowlan. who directed her in "Dangerous to Men." "Burnmg Daylight," the first Tack London story to be produced for C F. Shurtleff, Inc., bv Metro, was completed last week. Mitchell Lewis IS the star. Edward Sloman directed. GAUSMAX. Next Week Strand — Constance Talmadge — "The Love Expert." Capitol — .\lice Brady — "Sinners." Rialto — Not yet determined. Rivoli — Not yet determined. Broadway — Mack Sennett's "Down on the Farm." \'ictor -Seastrom — "A Man There Was." Brooklyn Strand — Marshal Neilan's "Don't Ever Marry." Larger Building Planned Robertson-Cole has secured the northwest corner of 48th St. and Seventh Ave. Its new structure will occupy that corner and all of the propert} to 725 Seventh Ave. A blind man wouldn't pick up a gold piece! You can find BABY! With your eyes OPEN! New Theaters |fi Houses Planned Wilmington, Del. — Ezy GreeiJ and W. F. Bouzarth to build. New Haven, Conn. — AI. Che| will build. Pougiikeepsie, N. Y. — J. Saj lessee Empire, will build. Steamboat Springs, Colo. — C| Haupert and James A. Probeck.i Susquehanna, Pa. — J. J. RyanJ gan Opera House, to build. Grove City, Pa. — John Guj Majestic, to build. Houses Completed Demare, Okla. — Alva Adai| opened Lyric. Newkirk, Okla.— Palace, J.J Hardmau, opened. Fined for Crowding Violatiol Louisville, Ky.— A fine of $10 jT imposed on Joe Steurle, managel the Walnut .Street recently for af lation of the crowding law ordina Mannering, Middleboro, Ky., Bl Middleboro, Ky.— .A. fire burniecf Mannerhig theater building wl includes Several offices and sli causing a loss of $75,000. Plan House in Chicago Ciiicago, 111. — Jones, Linick »"' Schaefer have Bedford Shirt W building and will remodel it inlj*incture theater. There is one difference between a magnet and a RITCHEY poster, — one attracts steel and the other money. RITCHKY HTHO. CORP. 406 W. 31ft SI..N.Y . Phone Cheltea 83M