The Film Daily (1920)

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tM^ DAI1.V Thursday, April 22, 192| Once upon a time The Vitagraph — In New York made an O'Henry story called "Vanity and Some Sables" It was faultlessly directed by John S. Robertson, now with Famous Players — and the star part was played by Wallace Mac Donald Watch This Space Every Day! In the Courts In the suit by the Sidney Olcott ,?layers, Inc., against the U. S. Exlibitors Booking Corp. and others, n which the plaintiff made charges ){ misrepresentation against the deendants in connection with a transxtion by which the defendants ac uired the film, "The Belgian," a setiement has been effected as the reult of which the complaint has been ismissed and all charges of misrepesentation are withdrawn. Max Spiegel has filed two suits in be Supreme Court against associates 1 the ownership of the Albany Grand 'heater Company, for which they Dund it necessary to raise money, ■piegel asked $375 each from Daniel f. Nolan and Timothy E. Kerwin as ^heir share of a note for $1,500 which e paid, and in a second suit against Jolan for $683 he said Nolan failed b pay his share of a note for $7,050. 5oth were made in 1918. Lorimore Here From Australia Alec Lorimore, managing director f Feature Films, Ltd., of Sydney, Vustralia, is in New York. His comany distributes the Famous Players roduct in Australia. Mason to Tour Europe Lesley Mason, editor of the Exhibitors' Trade Review, expects to leave on Saturday for a ten weeks' tour of the Continent and England investigating film conditions on the other side. Musgrove En Route Harry Musgrove, recently general lanager of Australasian Films, Ltd., new en route from that country to Lmerica. He is expected in New ■■ork the end of April and will probbly remain here formulating his lans. He will then return to Aus•alia. Gets Lupin Stories Robertson-Cole has signed a conact whereby it obtains the comlete screen rights to the Arsene Luin detective stories, written by Mauke Leblanc. The present plan is to jlease a limited number each year ad to market them as specials. The eal was closed with JosephMenchen. Reelcraft Closes Territory Reelcraft has arranged with the Masterpiece Film Corp., Philadelphia, and the Standard Film Co., Cleveland, Detroit and Cincinnati, O., to distribute the Alice Howell comedies produced by it. The addition of the above mentioned exchanges completes the entire United States territory for the Alice Howell series. Film Service Bureau, Inc., has moved to its new quarters in the Leavitt Bldg^ AMERICA'S FINEST LABORATORY Localed j i Atop The Palisades ! Opposite 129th Street Palisade Film Laboratories ; Paliiadei, N. J. Morimere 621-2 DOXIARS '^^n^ SENSE ^ Do Tjou kno\0 Ihal Fowl' million itiembei'S of fhe Ameidcan le^kn win £i^ht io see 6COR6I2S CARPENnCR in a ^rcat American drama e^ soc\eh\ life? Uii'ecied bij John G. Adolfi ROBERT/DN COLE Opens New Chicago Studio Chicago — Bray Pictures has secured larger quarters for the western studios at 7514 N. Ashland Ave. The studio is in charge of E. Dean Parmelee, vice-president. Jack Norling will have charge of the animated technical department. The sales offices will continue at 208 So. LaSalle St. North Vancouver, B. C— L. H. Keller at Empire. New House for Butter field Port Huron, Mich.— W. S. Butt field, president and general mana( of the Bijou Theatrical Enterpr Co., has purchased the Majestic. Hi terfield wil spend $30,000 remodelh Pictures and vaudeville with possit an occasional road attraction is to the policy. Harrison Ford will appear opp^ site Wanda Hawley in "Miss Hobb for Realart. Shop alFover town and^pay .^^ J more money, when "COMEDYART" Offers more, laughs, more beauty, more novelty, and all in one classy package ? SPECIAL PICTURES CORP>^ H.V.HellmanBIdj ^^^ Los -Angeles^ g\5)(SVO(3vaQvQ(3^S)gvQ6vg)S^©\®©^g^Q^(9^