The Film Daily (1920)

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jMi Frank Keenan Made "Brothers Divided" for Pathe, a few months ago. The reviews were exceptionally high. Particular mention was made of the role of the son, played by Wallace Mac Donald Watch for this space every day! Lay Comer Stone Tomorrow (Special to WID'S DAILY) Philadelphia— Elaborate preparations are under way for the cornerstone laying of the new Stanley Theater tomorrow. Governor Sproul and a number of city officials will be present, as will a number of New York producers and their stars. /. Cameraman Loses Equipment (Special to WID'S DAILY) Baltimore, Md. — Gustave C. Rickarby, cameraman for Kinograms, who went to Tangier Island, which is about 12 miles across Chesapeake Bay from Crisfield, Md., to shoot scenes of the people there, was almost mobbed when the inhabitants learned that he secured scenes of the island. His camera and about 200 feet of film were made away with. The equipment was worth about $1,000. Incorporations Albany — Chadwick Pictures, Inc., New York. Capital, $5,000. Directors, I. E. Chadwick, Jacques Kopfstein and E. D. Baron, 130 West 46th Street, New York. Albany — Wanda Film Syndicate, North Pelham, N. Y. Capital, $50,000. Directors, K. O. Smith, W. J. Eldridge and D. Tenenbaum, 1 Madison Ave., New York. Albany — Peekskill Palace Corp., New York. Capital, $125,000. Directors, Martin Nelsson, Isidore Fried and Arthur Klein, 502 South St., Peekskill, N. Y. Opposing Sunday Shows Baltimore, Md. — The Lord's Day Alliance has applied for a writ of mandamus to prevent the Supervisors of Elections from placing on the ballot a question on the Iverson bill, which provides Sunday motion pictures in Maryland if the voters approve. Judge Soper allowed 10 days for the Supervisors to reply. Smith and Lewis Split Partnership Partnership in the Fidelity Pictures Co. has been dissolved by William G. Smith and Jerome Lewis. The former will continue the concern. Millions Waiting in China Los Angeles — That new millions await the film producer in China is the opinion of Judge Peter Hing, head of the Kwontung Tramway Co. "Capital galore awaits the first producer to come to our country," said Hing while inspecting the Lasky studio at Hollywood. "Our people have confidence in our native stories and scenery. It is an absolutely untouched field. Our people will back to the limit the first producer to establish a worthwhile studio in China." "PoUyanna" Shatters Records (Special to WID'S DAILY) Philadelphia — The advance sale on "Pollyanna" which opens a two weeks' engagement at the Metropolitan Opera House tomorrow, has shattered all previous records for reservations. The sale to date is close to $1,200, it is understood." WE OWN THEM! Big Stories for Big Film Productions. The leading producers are our chents "The Play's the Thing," and we have it. Celebrated Authors Society 701 7th Ave., N. Y. C. Phone Bry. 1511 SAENGER AMUSEMENT CO. Permanent New York Office at 1780 BROADWAY W. H. GUERINGER, Representative GOODRICH BLDG. 4th Floor Tel. Circle 1298 DAIUV^ Friday, May 7, 1! llnprecedeiltd tVeleome d GEORGES CARFENTIEIC. Upon Ms Qi'rival ' in this counli'Tj -r^i onlxj a forecast ^i Ms popularitij in^j fascinatitif:^ d.i'ain!' j^Amei'icQiL Societ P. I'oduced To'c ROBERT/ON -COLl J-)ii'ec1:ed ty^ J-OMN G. AI70Z.7I ^ million DoUar AiivdcHc REMOVAL NOTICE F. A. A. DAHME ART TITLES and ILLUSTRATOR Now at 220 W. 42nd St. Room 502 Temporary Phone, Bryant 984 FOR RENT M illigan Studio') (Formerly The Kalem) Palisade Ave. & Dey St Cliffside, N. J. CUffside 789 Phone— ROY SHELDOK If you use "COMEDYART" You need nothing else beside your feature COMEDY ^NOVELTY SCENIC DIVERSITY CLASS SPECIAL PICTURES CORP>^ H-VHeUmanBldq. (^^^. Los -Angeles <3v® ©s0G\SQv©©^<3vS 6VS Sv© ©^^®^® (JvSGvS ®® I