The Film Daily (1920)

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DAILV Monday, May 10, il. XII No. 40 Mon. May 10, 1920 PriceSCMb opyright 1920, Wid's Film and Film Folkg, ic. Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., ew York, N. Y , by WID'S FILMS and ILM FOLKS, INC. C. ("Wid") Gunning, President and Treas ■er; Joseph Dannenberg, Vice-President id Editor ; J. W. Alicoate, Secretary and usiness Manager. atered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, the post office at New York, N. Y., under e act of March 3, 1879. •rms (Postage free) United States, Outside Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 onths, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, 5.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Idress all communications to WID'S DAILY 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Telephone: Vanderbilt, 4551-4552-5558 Hollywood, California litorial and Business Offices: 6411 Hollywood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. Chicago Representatives — Willis & Eckels, 1 Floor. Consumers Bldg., Chicago, 111. Quotations Last Bid. Asked. Sale. imous Players . . 71 72 72 do pfd 83 85 85 Dldvvyn 22^ 2\% 23 )ew's, Inc 30 30 30 •iangle 5/16 Yt, y% lit. Pict. Prod... 2Vi 2^4 2^ orld Film Y^ 54 K do 2nd pfd Vz Vi Yi ♦Thursday's quotations. In the Courts A summons has been filed in the preme Court in a suit of the Cann Pictures Corp. against Sol. Les■ to recover $6,300. The cause of ; suit is not shown in the papers file. K suit has been brought in the Su;me Court by Screen Products Co. linst the Gaumont Company. The ly paper on file is an answer by imm & Goldie, attorneys for the fendant, denying the allegations of • complaint. !n a suit by Gail Kane against ster Park a judgment for $2,536 ! been filed in the Supreme Court default. The plaintiff alleged that : rendered services worth $2,500 to P. & W. Pictures in "A Good Dman," and that Mr. Park guareed payment. f Big Attractions in Philadelphia rSpecial to WID'S DAILY) i*hiladelphia — Press agents here going nip and tuck for first honon displays for their respective tures. This week finds Mary Pickford in Dllyanna" opening a two weeks' ;agement at the Metropolitan OpHouse, Cecil De Mille's "Why inge Your Wife" at the Stanley ) weeks, Goldwyn's '^jly£L.Hft£id<g'' the Victoi'!*iitW"l'WR'"lTeetcs7and : but not least Barnum and Bais Circus at the show grounds. fc^iUMflLtE'S *WHy QiAMGE YOUR WrFE' a fflWSTIE CDHEDY THE WAY TO BILL A CHRISTIE COMEDY Manager Sams of the Rosemary Theatre, Ocean Park, says "Petticoats and Pants," the latest Christie two-reel comedy, was the most talked about comedy film his theater had run. — Advt. Philadelphia Men Here V. R. Carrick. Universal's representative in Philadelphia. Lewis M. Swaab and George W. Bennethum, of the Interstate Film Exchange, Philadelphia, are in New York to see Carl Laemmle or Universal. Blanche Sweet Going to Europe (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — Blanche Sweet, starring for Jesse D. Hampton, will go abroad this summer. Before she goes Paul Scardon will make two pictures with her. Lay Stanley Cornerstone (Special to WID'S DAILY) Philadelphia, Pa. — The cornerstone of the new Stanley, at 19th and Market Sts., was laid by Mrs. Fanney V. Mastbaum, mother of Stanley V. Mastbaum and Jules E. Mastbaum, on Saturday, amid ceremonies. A band concert and addresses by notables made up part of the function. Dorothy Dalton was present at tlie ceremonies. Barrymore at Work Lionel Barrymore has begun work on 'The Master Mind." New Exchange Opened (Special to WID'S DAILY) Pliiladelphia. Pa. — .\ policy of no depo.-iits accejited on bookings ha'^ been announced by the B. and B. Film F-xchange. just opened. Cuts and Flashes Poarl White is e.Kpected back from Europe any day. \'an Dyke Brooke, pioneer character, is back in town after a long stay in Florida, where he recuperated from a serious illness. Elmer Harris is writing the continuity for "Tlie Old Homestead" which Famous will produce. Harris formerly diercted Dorothv Gish. "[ \\'onder If — ", a story of Manhattan madness as applied to frail 'femininity, has been purchased by Thomas H, Ince for the next InceParamount-Artcraft picture starring Knid Bennett. We Place Insurance for PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORP. (Watch this Space for Others) AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE Don't wait with your insurance problems. To-morrow may be too late. Years of experience in the theatrical and motion picture field has enabled us to handle your problem with intelligence, dispatch and economy. May we prove to you how we can serve you better? Your phone's handy. Samuek ^jgjjpf Coast Brevities (Special to WID'S DAILY) Hollywood — Charles Richman here from New York to take an portant role in support of A Stewart in "Harriet and the Pip Jo Neely has been made heac the reading department at the ( son studios. Lew Morrison has been signec [(, a long-term contract by Set Crafts, Inc. ly J. Parker Read. Jr., has both his companies on locations. Lo' Glaum's unit, about sixty play with Wesley Ruggles directing, -w to Coronado, while Hobart Boswc and his company, including Direc Roy Marshall, departed for the Sa Cruz Islands. King Vidor is now finishing Jack-Knife Man," his second ductiou for First National. Laurence Trimble, who is dir( ing Olive Thomas in the product e of "Jenny," has chosen a support cast composed of Barney Sher i. Betty Schade. Colin Kennv, Richj Tucker, Margaret McWade. W Whitman. Andrew Arbuckle a Mrs. George Hernandez. «" Charles Belmont Davis, brother the late Richard Harding Da\ promises to become one of Thom ^ H. Ince's most popular screen a thors. During the past month In has bought three of Davis' stori^r^ and is considering the fourth. GAUSMA •t D IV The cost of living continues to soar. Meet it by an increased use of RITCHEY POSTERS RITCHEY L.ITHO. eORP. MtW.lht *ijik.\ . ?\am Oulu^ S3M