The Film Daily (1920)

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jdnesday. May 12, 1920 jM^ DAIUY :a tkeN e^vs i:SVILLE, KY. — "Paul Jones" wins annual Kentucky Derby! Record of 50,000 attends great historic turf in which 17 horses vie for the laurels. ^MA CANAL, C. Z. — Pershing visits Zone! A. E. F. Chief inspects Gatun and admires remarkable feat of the Engineers. THE LIMELIGHT— "Uncle Joe" in, 84 years old I Veteran legislator lerved in Congress 44 years celebrates ay at dinner where all present are over "S. ,. , . YORK CITY — Honor "gold-star rs" — Marine Corps represents the city pays tribute to mothers of men who n war. S, FRANCE — First military review by French President — M. Paul Dgschanel the soldiers of famous Garde Republi EOLA, N. Y. — Aviation now a college -leading colleges take part in the intercollegiate aviation meet held in lountry. SSELS, BELGIUM — Belgian indus reviving after war shock — King Albert the first Industrial Exposition held in um. ANGELES, CAL.— Hurrah for the Picnic! 30,000 poor school children .1 colors and nationalities frisk, frolic ire made happy at big May Day Fes LUNAR ECLIPSE— For first time 1817, the moon goes into a total ie lasting six hours. Cartoonist Bert a shows in animated cartoon just how happened. moon, like all other heavenly bodies, IS with astronomic precision, and its io.T can be figured years in advance. At Broadway Theaters {Continued from Page 2) ^ adaptation of Frank Whatt and William Morns' "Mrs. Temple's Telegram." The suspicions of a jealous wife lead to all kinds of complications, but the surprise ending, that the whole affair was planned by the wife to test her husband's love, settles everything satisfactorily. The comedy was well received. A Bruce Scenic, "The Hope of Adventure," is of more than ordinary interest. Most of the scenes are taken from the top of a moving train and show some beautiful sliots of the Yukon. The Rialto Pictorial contains some interesting pictures of the U. S. Naval destroyers demonstrating a smoke screen. A Mack Sennett comedy, "Fresh from the City," is of the "rough house" variety. Hugo Riesenffld directed the orchestra's overture. "Dance of the Hours," from "La Giocoiida." Alma Uoria, soprano, sang "Star of Mine," and there is a male duet from "La Forza del Destino" on the bill. Capitol Re.x Beach's "Silver Horde" should prove a great attraction for the amateur fisherman, especially at this particular season when the tackle is being polished up for action and Saturday afternoon finds many ni search of bait for the Sunday expedition. The story deals with the salmon fisheries of Alaska and is a splendid picture of its kind. Humperdinck's "Hansel and Gretel" is being revived this week. This number and tlie Larry Semon comedy, "School Days," should appeal especially to the younger patrons of the Capitol. The customary short subjects, including the Capitol News Reel, "Draper Day" Observed ('acuity members of New York iversity and alumni met at the tmore yesterday to observe "Dra Day." "rofessor Draper photographed the first time in 1840 the human e. This the university states first :ned the door to the development the motion picture. ^on Chaney has the role of a leg5 man in Gouverneur Morris' "The iialty." Mats, Electros and Stereos for the Motion Picture Trade I. Rubin & Co. 23 E. 4th St., N. Y. Phones Spring 8303-8304 The fastest stereotypers in N. Y. C. WE OWN THEM! Big Stories for Big Film Productions. The leading producers are our clients. The play's the thing, and we have it! Celebrated Authors' Society, 701 7th Ave., N. Y. C. Phone Bryant 1511 SAENGER AMUSEMENT CO. Permanent New York Office at 1780 BROADWAY W. H. GUERINGER, Representative GOODRICH BLDG. 4th Floor Tel. Circle 1298 complete the program. Broadway "The Fortune Teller," the Robertson-Cole special starring Marjorie Rambcau in the title role, which she created on the stage, is the feature at the Broadway this week and the management has presented it with appropriate features. The most prominent of these is the appearance of Princess WahLet-Ka. billed as "The Cherokee Indian Seeress." The performance had the ring of sincerity when given yesterday afternoon and many of those who put questions to the princess were noticeably impressed. The feature follows right after this act which is in the nature of a prologue. This method of presentation could be copied in other cities where such acts are available. For the overture the orchestra rendered Victor Herbert's "The Fortune Teller," another appropriate number. is drawing well inasmuch as so much prom was given in the first half shown at thi house lait week. The overture is the fa miliar "Zanipa," two vocal nvimbers, a solo, "Tommy Lad," and a duet, "Whispenn^ Hope," surround the news picture. The leaturc is in number six position and "Mother's .\ngel," the second of the Comedyarl pictures, follows and registers very well. Rivoli The second and last installment of the .Shackleton pictures share honors at the Rivoli with the Dorothy Dalton feature, "The Dark Mirror." The former offering FINE OFFICES Immediate Possession Phones Already Installed Large, light room, 10x30 ft. ...$1400 Large, light room, 10x35 ft... $1600 Splendid Location — Modern Building Apply Room 54, 158-160 W. 45th St. Bryant 1955 To General Managers ARE you in need of highclass executives and producers with years of motion picture experience? Owing to company reorganizations these men with splendid records and references are at liberty and now in New York to be interviewed: General Sales Manager $12,500 Branch Mgr. (Los Angeles). $6,250 Publicity & Exploitation (N. Y.) $7,800 Coast Division Manager $10,400 Publicity Man (Los Angeles) $5,200 N. Y. Branch Manager $7,800 Asst. Sales Manager $6,250 Contract Mgr. Home Office. . $7,800 Address Box B-101, WID'S DAILY For appointment with any of the above I FOR PROJECTION CALL BRYANT 984 or 985 3 Rooms Longest Throw in City SIMPLEX STUDIO Sth Floor— Candler Bldg. 220 West 42nd St. JOSEPH R.MILES MOTION PICTURE ENTERPRISES LLOYDg FILM STORAGE CORPORATION Now in. tkeiv view home lib"!}! West 46th Street — i'Aow^-Bi-yant-56oo ^ AT ^ YOUFw. twerty-/our hours a day except Sunday SEI\VICE THREE UP-TO-THE-MINUTE PROJECTION ROOMS TEN FULLY EQUIPPED CUTTING ROOMS THREE STORAGE VAULTS ON PREMISES* Twelve vaults m Long island CttLj Dree dellvevij sevvice between customeirs' off ices and vaults^ FILM SERVICE BUREAU Does evevijtkluioj to a pLctuire e\cept produce it FILM LIBRARY Scei/ies ofeverij descnptioifijov dmmatLC & iMdustirial productions USED FILM DEPARTMENT OYe i)uw ai/idseLi used film iui qood condition-' CONSULT US WE NEVER DISAPPOINT TELEPHONE BRYANT 5576 ^n^ /NJ ENA^ YORK cm MGR. ^