The Film Daily (1920)

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rnoMI DAILV Thursday, May 20, Td. XII No. 50 Thun. Mar 20. 1920 PrkiSCtal* Copyright 1920. Wid't Film and Film FoDcs, Inc. Published Daily »t 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS »nd tllM FOLKS. INC. r. C. ("Wid") Gunning, President »nd Treasurer; Joseph Dannenberg. Vice-President and Editor ; J. W. Alicoate, Secretary and Business Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York. N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (PosUge tree) United States, Outside e{ Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to WID'S DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St, New York. N. Y. Telephone: Vanderbilt. 45514332-5558 Hollywood, California Editorial and Business Offices: 6411 Hollywood Blvd Phone, Hollywood 1603. I Chicago Rtpresentatives — Willi* 4 Eckels. 4tb Floor, Consumers BIdg., Chicago, III. Quotations Last Bid. Ajkcd. Sale. 69 84 23 22/, 29/. 28 Famous Plavers . . 68 72 *do pfd 83/ 84 *Goldwyn 22 Loew's, Inc 28 Triangle 5/16 : Unit. Pict. Prod. . . 2 ' World Film 1/4 do 2nd pfd / ■A H ♦Tuesday's quotations. Saengers Insure Employees New Orleans — For employees who have been with the Saenger Amusement Co. for 6 months, $500 policies have been taken out and for those •who have been with the organization for a year or more, $1,000 certificates have been taken, cost to be covered by the company. In each case, the holder names his own beneficiary and insurance against being disabled is also provided for. Booking Combine? (.Continued from Page J) the U. B. O. offer 50 days for pictures, Fox 35, and Moss for the fall season expects to have 20 days. The Chamber of Commerce will increase this number materialh'. On the other hand, Loew at present offers 89 days, this including houses in Newark. Mt. Vernon and New Rochelle and other outlying points. It is understood that he expects to increase this to 100 by the time the fall season arrives. Tlie folowing line-up of theaters will serve to illustrate the '"lay of the land": In Manhattan and Bronx the Fox theaters are Audubon, Washington, Star, Nemo, Japanese Garden, City .A.cademy of Music and Crotona. Moss theaters: New Dyckman (under construction). Regent, Broadway. JefTerson. L'. B. O. theaters: Harlem Opera House, Proctor's 125th St., 81st St., 58th St., 23rd St., and 5th Ave. Loew theaters: Rio, Victoria, 7th .\ve., 11 th St., Lincoln Square, Circle, Orpheum, 8 th St., 42nd St., New York, American, Greeley Square, Ave. B, Delancey, National. Elsmere, Boulevard, .Spooner, Burland and Victory. In Brookl}-n, Fo.x theaters: Comedy, Folly, Ridgewood, Jamaica, Bedford, Bay Ridge and a new theater to be built in Flatbush. Moss theaters: Flatbush. U. B. O. theaters: Halsey, Greenpoint, Prospect, Madison, Monroe. Loew's theaters: De Kalb, Broadway, Fulton, Brevoort, Warwick, Metropolitan. Palace and Bijou. Vicinity of New York, Fox theaters: American, Liberty and in Newark. Moss, none. U. B. O. theaters: Proctor's Elizabeth, Proctor's Plainfield. Proctor's Mt. Vernon, and one in Staten Island. Loew has two new theaters building in Newark, one in Peekskill and one in New Rochelle. One exchange man stated that bookings could be secured from both Loew and the other circuits without much interference in playing dates and that if a war should be waged Seymour Hodkinson Supervisor W. F. Seymour, formerly with Hodkinson in Cleveland, and Joseph Bloom, who has managed the affairs of that organization in Pittsburg and Western Pennsylvania, have been appointed supervisors by W. \V. Hodkinson. More promotions are expected. James Bradford is writing tht' sical score for "The Devil's Key." <5old ao M«W VDflM UTes Sir: The New York Telegraph says: "Rex Beach's vivid drama of Alaska, 'The Silver Horde,' is replete with just such scenes and incidents that movie enthusiasts rejoice in." "Determination" Sold to 3toli_ W'ashington — The U. S. Photoplax' Corp. has contracted for the entire European rights for "Determination" witli the Stoll Film Co. of London. To Erect Exchange Building Cleveland — A building costing $750,000, to house the motion picture exchanges is to be erected at E. 21st St. and Payne Ave. It will be eight stories high and have vaults with a capacity of 8,000 reels. l)y tlie combined circuit on Loew ii. would only tend to reap a rich harvest for the exchanges as a result of jacked-up prices by both factions. Laboratory For Rent Splendid Equipment Capacity 350,000 Weekly* 12 Mins. from 42nd St. Reasonable Rental Will sell on reasonable basis Address Box-B-93 Care Wid's WANTED at Once for Cash BELL & HOWELL CAMERA with complete equipment MR PEON Room 615 Hotel Pennsylvania ''The Safety Sign >y "Insurance Of All Kinds >» In the universality of it appeal the RITCHE^ poster is pre-eminen among posters. It has message for every mat woman and child, — the git of which can be summe up in three words, — "Bu a ticket." RITCIIEV UITUO CORP. I W. Jlrt St..N.T . Pb«H CktiMt a