The Film Daily (1920)

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^bhadstriet r FILMDOM ,. XII No. 59 Saturday, May 29, 1920 Price 5 Cents tanlaws to Direct id Artist to Make Pictures for Famous Players mhyn Stanlaws, creator of the hyn Stanlaws Girls for magazine rs and author of several success)lays, has given up painting and le future will devote himself en[ to motion pictures, it was aniced yesterday by Jesse L. Lasky amous Players. atilaws, who signed a long-term ract to devote all his time to Parjnt, will spend the next 12 ths in the Famous Players eaststudio studying the motion picto become a writer and director, le engagement of Stanlaws, Lasaid, was in line with his policy ibtaining the services of noted :rs and artists to work directly Paramount. Lasky is sailing tolOr London, where he will confer Sir James M. Barrie, Henry ArJones and other British authors, he motion picture, because it is dure of moving things," said laws, "gives an artist a vastly ter opportunity than oil or water ■ or pen and ink drawings. With immense world-wide audience h the motion picture affords I ot think an artist or a writer can d to ignore this great artistic :. I have always been a student ie drama and therefore am in:ly interested in this great new latic medium." Start Carter Stories Shortly ibert B. Broadwell, president and tor general of Broadwell Protons, Inc., Boston, is here to close Ttract with Tom Carrigan to star e Nick Carter series, oadwell has signed a long term ■act with Mae Gaston. >bert Ross has been engaged to t the series and will be assisted .loyd France with Carl Schultz le technical director. The proofs will be staged at the Broadstudios, formerly the old Masaft, located at Filmland City, ord, Mass. Production will beune 3rd. lin to Adapt Fairbanks' Story (By wire to WID'S DAILY) s Angeles— Eugene Mullin, f scenario chief for Goldwy^ idapt the next story for Doug lanks. Monday, May 31, Decorajn Day, being a legal holily, there will be no issue of 'ID'S DAILY published. "Sh-sh — I hear the ghost in the chimney. Are you armed?" — Mayflower Photoplay Corp'n presents an Allan Dwan production, "A Splendid Hazard," from the novel by Harold MacGrath and directed by Allan Dwan — a First National attraction. — Advt. ' Metro Banquet Kaufman-Franklin Ofificially Closes Company's Conven Arrangement Finally Signed Calling tion — No Stand on Percentage A banquet tendered to the visiting branch managers and field supervisors of Metro last night at the Astor officially ended the company's annual convention. Richard A. Rowland, president, and W. E. Atkinson, general manager, delivered addresses in which the general policy of the company was expounded. \^tro will approximately double (Continued on Page 2) for ^ vyn^ ] ^s ( Deny Normand Report By wire to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — The Times says that Mabel Normand has been signed by Al H. Woods to appear in a stage playMiss Normand is out of town and her secretary knew nothing of this. At the Goldwyn studios it was stated that company holds a longterm contract with Miss Normand and cannot account for the article. for Four Specials Yearly Albert A. Kaufman has finally closed a deal with Sidney Franklin which involves a long term arrangement between the producer and the director, calling for four special productions j'early. These pictures are to be known as Sidney Franklin Productions. Franklin will start shooting on his initial production June 21st. The distribution plans for Franklin Productions are promised within the next few weeks. The first production will be staged at the studio occupied by Mr. Kaufman in conjunction with Marshall Neilan. Here Franklin will have a complete unit for his own organization, which will be an individual producing body by itself. Last Tourneur for F.-P.-L. (By wire to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — Maurice Tourneur s at work on his last production for Famous Players. Nominees Name d For Directorship in Various Divisions of National Association As a result of meetings of various divisions of the National Association held this week the nominations for directors of the various divisions of the National Association were made known yesterday afternoon. The nominations are as follows: Producers: J. Stuart Blackton, W, A. Brady, Paul Brunet, William Fox, Samuel Goldwyn, D. W. Griffith, Carl Laemmle, R. A. Rowland, J. M. Schenck, Myron Selznick, A. E. Smith and Adolph Zukor. Distributors: W. E. Atkinson, B. N. Busch, R. H. Cochrane, A. S. Friend, G. L. Hess, Lewis Innerarity, W. W. Irwin, C. C. Pettijohn, J. M. Quinn and W. R. Sheehan. Supply and Equipment: H. H. Allen. T. E. Brulatour. W. B. Cook. J. F. Coufal, W. J. Moore, B. F. Porter, E. M. Porter, W. C. Smith and L. P. Weber. General: Fred Beecroft, George Blaisdell, P. H. Cromelin, J. C. Flinn, Paul Gulick, Lesley Mason, J. R. Quirk, Fred Rothenberg and T, G. Wiley. The above nominations will be acted upon at the annual meeting which will be held in Cleveland at the time of the exhibitor conventions. In the past it has been the usual custom for the nominees to be elected to office as originally named. Independ'ts Complete Arrangements The Federated Film Exchanges of America, Inc., are understood to have finally completed arrangements for the permanency of their organization. It is understood that the independent exchangemen are looking for a big league executive who will act as president of the organization and have in charge practically all of the business detail of the body. One Marcin Film for Fox Max Marcin will write and collaborate in the production of one picture for William Fox, it was learned yesterday. Marcin spoke at one of the sessions of the convention during the week. His affiliation with Fox will be officially announced next week. Blumenthal Sails Today Ben Blumenthal. president of Export and Import Film Co., sails for Europe today on the Adriatic. He will be goiie for four or five weeks and will visit various cities on the continent. Jesse L. Lasky of Famous Players sails on the same boat. Let SOLOMON do it, he's wise, 135 W. 44th St.— Bryant 5234.— Advt