The Film Daily (1920)

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Sunday, June 20, 1920 ali^?l DAaiLV Wanda Hawley's First Starring Vehicle Is Delightful Comedy Wanda Hawley in "MISS HOBBS" Realart DIRECTOR Donald Crisp AUTHOR Jerome K. Jerome SCENARIO BY Elmer Harris CAMERAMAN C. Edgar Schoenbaum AS A WHOLE Very delightful light comedy given novel production — star pleases and is given fine support. STORY Good comedy containing a lot of popular satire. DIRECTION Most creditable; gets in a lot oi good comedy touches and keeps action going at very interesting pace. PHOTOGRAPHY Very good LIGHTINGS Unusual CAMERA WORK Fine STAR Gets over nicely in light comedy character role. SUPPORT Splendid; headed by Harrison Ford EXTERIORS DeHghtful INTERIORS Novel and amusing DETAIL Lots of fine comedy touches in this CHARACTER OF STORY How man wins heart of man-hater by arousing her pity. LENGTH OF PRODUCTION About 4,471 feet Wanda Hawley's first starring vehicle is a delightful light comedy, given a novel, artistic and even amusing production and receiving the benefit of some sterling supporting performances including one from that always dependable jirop of stars, Harrison Ford. The comedy is brisk and there is no time wasted getting into it, there is a notable ^'^in of popular satire and this has been brought on the screen in all its rich humor. The situations follow one another in rapid succession and there is not the slightest let down throughout the action. All of which is ])raisc of considerable height. So many intended comedies find their way to the screen, comedies that bid too strenuously for laughs or, having achieved tlieni in one sequence, lie down and die a monotonous death in the se(|ucnce immediately following, that "Miss ll(il)hs" can be ranked with the best on the market. 1 )irector Donald Crisp has made the most of his opportunities in this. He has developed the comedy situations with a tine sense of humor and has also knuckh'd do\vn U> the little details 'that mean so much in a i)icture of this type. "Miss Hobbs" puts an audience on a grand feeling of intimacy with it and when a comedy does this success is not far in the offing. Miss Hobbs (Wanda Hawley) is a faddist in art and a man hater. Her house demonstrates to what amusing ends she goes to in the first line and her attitude toward the male has nothing of uncertainty about it. .So severe is she in her preachings to her friends that she easily induces Beulah Hackett to give up her husband and Millicent Farey to give up her fiance. P.oth go to live with Miss Hobbs. file main comedy line of action starts when Wolft'Kingsearl decides to win Miss Hobbs by playing on her sympathies, knowing full well that "pity is akin to love." How he triumphs is told in a series of very amusing situations, often punctuated by the more lK)isterous lunnor of Beulah and Millicent and their respective men. Miss Hawley is a very pretty sight as Miss Hobbs and her characterization of the role is amusing. Harrison Ford, a staunch prop for any feminine star, gets into the role of Kingsearl in fine shape. Helen Jerome Eddy. Jack Mulhall. Julianne Johnson and Walter Hiers are a funny (piartette, while 'Emily Chichester and Frances Raymond also render good performances. Introducing New Star Offers You Advertising Opportunity Box Office Analysis for the Exhibitor There may be some who doubt the starring strength a])j)eared opjjosite various of the J'araniount stars she of Wanda Hawley, but certainly with all the assisting certainly ought to draw for you in this. Make an event of it and go a little heav\ on the advertising. 1"lit're aie uni(|ue ways of introducing a new star to voiir public thai could be applied here. Use the forces she has in this, her first appearance in the role of honor, she succeeds in making just as good if not a better impression than that created by nine out of ten of the present day luminaries. She has youth and lieauty tt) her credit and while not blessed with an outstanding personality, she possesses nevertheless an ability to act and a knowledge of comedy values. method ;>f the ])r(i(lucers in introducing her to the trade. After you get them coming "Miss Hobbs" will surely fill the bill as a fine juece of comedy entertain If you have played the pictures in which she has ment.