The Film Daily (1920)

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T&A^ DAIUY Vol. XIINo.83 Wed. June 23, 1920 PriceSCenIi Copyrigl.t 1920, Wid's Film and Film Folks, Inc. Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St.. New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. F. C. ("Wid") Gunning, President and Treasurer; Joseph Dannenberg, Vice-President and Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Secretaryr and Business Manager. Entered as secOnd-class matter May 21, 1918, 8t the post office at New Yoik, N. Y., -under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order Address all communications to WID'S DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Telephone: Vanderbilt, 4551-4552-5558 Hollywood, California Editorial and Business Offices: 6411 Hollywood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. Chicago representatives — Willis. Eckles and Mack, 6th Floor, Consumers Bldg., Chicago, 111. London Representative — W. A. Williamson, Kinematograph Weekly, 85 LongAcre, London, W, C. 2. Paris Representative — Le Film, 144 Rue Montmartre. Quotations Bid. Asked. amous Player .... 76 77 1/ *do pfd 82^ 84 Goldwyn 18 18 Loew\s, Inc 26 2754 I Triangle 5/16 f^ ■ I'iit. Pict. Prod. ... 1^ 11/4 World Film K ^ do 2nd pfd ^ H Last Sale. 76^ 84 18 26/8 H Va *6 ♦Last quoted, Wed. June 16. Ochs Secures Offices Lee .\. Ochs has secured offices If the Bryant Washburn Prod, at 140 W. 42nd St. where Joseph M. r-chenck's headquarters are located. (Dold, Q.0 Sir: The Greater Amusement, Minneapolis, says of "Jes' Call Me Jim": "To Will Rogers belongs the distinction of being the most natural, unaffected, homely actor on the screen, and on the basis of that distinction he is building up a mighty popularity, for he appeals to everyday folks." Howling like a thousand devils, the tropic typhonn rocked the ship from stem to stern. — "Under Crimson Skies," a Universal — Jewel Superproduction starring Elmo Lincoln. — Advt N. A. M. P. I. After New Members A meeting of the general division of the National Association was held yesterday at noon to get plans definitely under way fcir an increased membership in that division of the association. Tom Wiley was elected chairman suceeding John C. Flinn of Famous Players, George Blaisdell of the Aloving Picture World was elected vice-chairman, and Julian Solomon, Jr. secretary. Chairman Wiley will shortly announce the personnel of the various committees who will endeavor to line up new members. Lule Warrenton, who appears in "The Sin That Was His," with William Faversham, has left for the coast. Stanley Signed By Lasky (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — Forrest Stanley has been placed under contract by Famous Players. It is understood that Stanley will act as leading man in the new De Mille production replacing Thomas Meighan and Elliott Dexter Incidentally De Mille has two stories waiting for production, one is by Jeanie Mac Pherson and the other by Hector Turnbull. Shellabarger Replaces Seadler Frank L. Shellabarger who used to know Arthur S. Kane in the old days back in Kansas will take over Silas F. Seadler's publicity duties at the Kane offices while Seadler is away in the Adirondacks for his health. He will be away for about two months. PROPER INSURANCE MEANS PROTECTION | YOUR BUSINESS— AUTOMOBILE, HOME, STAR,— ^ YOU YOURSELF— NEED INSURANCE. ^ Take precautions against insufficient insurance. A 5,000 = or 10,000 limit does not adequately cover your auto. Ask = us why — and we will tell you. ^= REUBEN CXMUELS ^EAL 4Ui^ ERVICE Insurance ' ' 60 Maiden Lane m Phone John 54a5 5426 94S7 ' 94»8 Wednesday, June 23, 192o| 4 Theaters Building] Minneapolis — Ruben and Finkel stein, holders of the First National franchise in this territory, now have four large theaters under construction. These are the New Capitol, St. Paul, and the New Capitol, Blue Mouse and Nicollet in Minneapolis. These additions bring their theater holdings in the Twin Cities past the 30 mark. They have taken over the entire fourth floor of the Loeb .Arcade, one of the most centrally located and prominent office buildings here. The new offices will provide quarters for the executives, a large developing room, projection room, accounting department and a section for the press department. One end of the floor will contain quarters for the northwestern branch of the Educational Films Corp., of which M. S. Finkelstein, I. H. Ruben, Theodore L. Hays of the firm, and J. F. Cubberley, manager of the Minneapolis First National Exchange, are officers. At the other end of the building are the offices occupied by First National. Moving to the new offices will begin in the next few days. Uncertain labor conditions have] been responsible for delays in christening the New Capitol in St. Paul However, present indications show that its doors will be thrown open in September. This theater, which will cost approximately $2,000,000, will seat 2.500. The Minneapolis New Capitol will probably be opened late this year. Work on the other two Minneapolis theaters is progressing. The Blue Mouse, in the heart of the loop district, is rapidly nearing completion. The new building enterprises will give the firm a seating capacity of more than 7,000 for the Twin Cities. School boards and regents of universities and colleges in Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin are being lined up to show the films as part of their curricula by Ruben and Finkelstein in connection with Educational's product in the Northwest. ir. I To carefully chose a good program and then to exploit it with ordinary posters is to get nothing but your labor for your pains. Only RITCHEY posters enable the exhibitor to garner the gains to which he is justly entitled. RITCHEY LITHO CORP. 406 W. 31stSt.,N.Y. Phone Chelsea 8388