The Film Daily (1920)

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tMA DAILY Thursday, July 1, 1920 , XIII No. 1 Thurs. July 1,1920 Price SCealt pyright 1920, Wid's Film and Film Folks, c. Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., :w York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and LU FOLKS, INC. C ("Wid") Gunning, President and Treassr; Joseph Dannenberg, Vice-President d Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Secretary and isiness Manager. itered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, the post office at New York, N. Y., under ; act of March 3, 1879. rms (Postage free) United States, Outside Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 mths, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, i.00. Subscribers should remit with order Idress all communications to WID'S DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Telephone: Vanderbilt, 4551-4S52-55S8 Hollywood, California litorial and Business Offices: 6411 Hollyjod Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. iicago representatives — Willis, Eckles and ack, 6th Floor, Consumers Bldg., Chicago, I London Representative — W. A. Williamn, Kinematograph Weekly, 85 LongAcre, Midon, W. C. 2. Paris Representative — Le Film, 144 Rue ■jntmartre. Quotations Last Bid. Asked. Sale. amous Players .. 81 813^ 81^ Jo pfd S7X 88^ 88 3oldwvn 18 18 18 oew's, Inc 26H 26H 26y2 riangle 5/16 $& H nit. Pict. Prod. . . 1 H 1 v* 1 H /orld Film K % Ya do 2nd pfd ya Vs H *Last quoted June 23. Lawlor Joins Levey Hoey Lawlor, artist and animator, (is resigned from the Universal Co., iking his art staff with him. Lawlor has contracted with Harry .evcy's organization for an indefi vtf.e term. Cold-, do Sir: The Dramatic Mirror says: " 'The Great Accident' simply couldn't help being a success, considering that it is filmed by Goldwyn, written by Ben Ames Williams, and the leading role enacted by Tom Moore, surrounded by a brilliant cast." 40 From Realart (Continued from Page 1) be sold on a separate booking basis. Four pictures will be available in September: "Sweet Lavender," Mary Miles Minter; "You Never Can Tell," Bebe Daniels; "Food for Scandal," Wanda Hawley, and "The Soul of Youth," Taylor production. For October the following are scheduled: "Tommy and Grizel," Constance Binney; "Blackbirds," Alice Brady, and "Moonlight and Honeysuckle," Justine Johnstone. The November schedule calls for four: "Her Beloved Villain," "Oh, Lady, Lady," Bebe Daniels; a Mary Miles Minter picture not named, and "The Furnace," Taylor production. A canvass by Realart officials as to whether male or female stars were desired resulted in amost emphatic call for the latter. "We have made some highly important and extensive plans for the coming year," said Morris Kohn. They call for a 100 per cent increase in our production and distributing activities." "The Witching Hour," by Augustus Thomas, will be the subject of the third Taylor production. The fourth has not as yet been selected. Books and plays purchased for production include "The New York Idea." by Langdon Mitchell, for Alice Brady; "The Little Clown," by Avery Hopwood, for Mary Miles Minter; "Those Who Walk in Darkness," by Owen Davis, for Alice Brady; "Blindness," by Dana Burnet, for Mary Miles Minter, and "Her First Elopement," by Alice Duer Miller, and "Sweetie Peach," by Sophie Kerr, for Wanda Hawley. Wanda Hawley and Bebe Daniels will make their pictures at the old Morosco plant in Los Angeles, which Realart has taken over. A larger plant is promised to accommodate Mary Miles Minter and William Taylor. This Is Clever (By wire to WID'S DAILY) San Francisco — M a r s h a 1 1 Neilan worked a very clever stunt here at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday. A dead ringer for President Wilson drove up to the St. Francis Hotel, his car surrounded by a sufficient number of secret service men (?) to make it look official enough and precipitated a young riot among the delegates present. Later on the president's double, who was no other than Ralph Faulkner, a vaudeville actor, appeared with a streamer reading, "The Democratic Convention is open for all. GO AND GET IT," which is the title of Neilan's new picture. The scene was shot by Neilan's cameramen and will be used in the completed picture. Person Park of Rothacker's, William Jobelman of the Turner and Dahnken offices and Pete Smith staged the stunt. Faulkner's appearance was wired throughout the country by the newspaper correspondents. Illustrated Titles to be Used Famous Players will use illustrated titles in all productions to be made in the east. Thompson, Hodkinson Manager C. A. Thompson is now the local manager for the Hodkinson Corp. succeeding Marx S. Nathan, who has joined Associated Producers, Inc. St. John Comedies Sold for N. Y. The Producers Feature Service, Inc., offices in Godfrey Bldg. has secured the Al St. John comedies for Greater New York and Northern New Jersey. The first release will be "The Aero Nut." Many Houses Open for Summer '1 here is less closing for the summer among picture houses this year than in other seasons. Many theaters are installing ventilating systems and other cooling devices planned to make indoor screen entertainment popular even during the warm weather. These observations have been made after a careful First National investigation. Short Subject Dep't at Pioneer Pioneer will shortly complete arrangements for the opening of a short reel department. V » Phone John 5425 5426 5*27 5428 .ai 54 "The Safety Sign i> "Insurance Of All Kinds" A good cook will pay as much attention to the sauce as she will to the roast. So also will the shrewd exhibitor give the same care to his posters as he will to his program. As a result he wants RITCHEY POSTERS. RITCHEY LITHO. CORP. 406 W. 31st SL.N.V. Phone Chelsea 8388 A master of singing once told Caruso that his voice was too small. It sounded to him like the wind whistling through the windows. No one makes that mistake about Caruso today. And "don't let anyone tell you that Benj. B. Hampton is producing western picture-plays of the kind you know too well. Benj. B. Hampton is producing pictures for all time and BIG time. Prove his box office value to yourself by booking his Zane Grey picture.— RIDERS of the DAWN 'Distributed by W.W. HODKINSON CORPORATION 527 Fifth Avenue. New YorkGty Piflributtnv through PATHE Exchange, Incorporated corei#v8iiWbut.r.J Fttflfc Bwckll~.ta.7Z9-* A« "A Clean-Up" — Capitol Theatre Springfield, Mass.