The Film Daily (1920)

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ali^l DAILY Saturday, September 4, 192 v«i. xiii No. 65 Sat. Sept. 4.1920 Price 5 Cents copyright 1920, Wid's Film and Film Folks, Inc. Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and HLM FOLKS, INC. F. C. ("Wid") Gunning, President and Treasurer; Joseph Dannenberg, Vice-President and Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Secretary and Business Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, it the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage Iree) United States, Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, J 15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to WID'S DAILY. 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Telephone: Vanderbilt, 4551-4552-5558 Hollywood, California Editorial and Business Offices: 6411 Hollywood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. London Representative — W. A. Williamson, Kinematograph Weekly, 85 LongAcre, London, W. C. 2. Paris Representative — Le Film, 144 Rue M ontmartre. Coast Brevities (Special to WID'S DAILY) Hollywood — Irving Cummings is playing opposite Carmey Myers in "The Orchid." Bebe Daniels, having completed a picture for Realart, has gone to Big Bear for a vacation. Mary Miles Minter has finished vacationing and will start at once on a story by Tom Geraghty. Chester Franklin will direct. Violet Clark, scenario writer formerly with Universal, has been added to the Ince staff. Virgina Lee Corbin, former child actress with Fox, will appear at Grauman's next week and sing in her own way, "Tell Me, Pretty Maiden." Swanson Not a Producer William H. Swanson of Salt Lake City, whose name has been connected with a $10,000,000 producing company operating in Salt Lake, writes as follows: "The fact of this is that two gentlemen named Cook and Smith dropped in here for a few days from Los Angeles with a promotion 'bee' in their bonnet that was far in excess of the size of their b^nk roll. During their stay here, of three or four days, they endeavored to interest me in one or two things in their proposition which was more of a stock selling scheme than that of a producing company, and they jumped at the conclusion that publicity with my name connected would somewhat force me to go on with their plans. "It at no time looked favorable to me, and I wish that you would deny any connections that I may be said to have with that proposed producing company." Porges Joins D. N. Schwab ' Walter J. Porges has been added the sales force of D. N. Shcwab Pri Inc. He will leave early next week : the Middle West, his itinerary inch ing Detroit, Cincinnati, Milwauk Minneapolis, Omaha, Des Moil and Denver. He is carrying w him a print of "Fickle Women." Porges' previous connections TO with Select as assistant sales manaand with the Famous Players as \ sistant sales manager. m r Detroit — Francis A. Mangan 1 been made production manager the Broadway Strand and Majes here. Special Pictures have signed Frank C. Griffin, formerly with Sennett, to act as production manager. Quotations Last Bid. Asked. Sale. Famous Players . . 72Ji 72% 72% do pfd 83J^ D. W. Griffith 15 Goldwyn 9 9 9 Loew's, Inc 20]/2 20y2 20y2 Triangle 5/16 inn Pict. Prod 1% World Film % do 2nd pfd ^ Pageant on Sept. 17 The Constitutional League will hold a pageant at Carnegie Hall on Sept. 17 to observe the 133rd anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Lewis J. Selznick is director general in charge of the pa geant. Ralph Ince, Eugene O'Brien, Conway Tearle, John Barrymore and other stage and screen stars will ap pear in the pageant. aoV Sir: -^ The Evening Mail says: "The attraction at the Capitol Theatre this week is 'It's a Great Life,' which is a whiff of fresh air in this atmosphere of musty film plots." Herbert Standing, who recently figured in a serious street car accident, is back again on the lot. He is appearing in Wanda Hawley's current Realart production. Bound on an important mission for Louis B. Mayer, Madge Tyrone left for New York early this week for an indefinite stay. Miss Tyrone edited "The Woman in His House," a Mayer special production, and has written the screen adaptations of "Habit" and "Old Dad." After several days of filming water stuff in the bay and along the docks at San Francisco, Director Harry Revier and the company engaged on "The Son of Tarzan," being produced as a big special serial for David P, Howells, have returned to the National Film Corp. studio. Charlie Murray and a host of players from the Mack Sennett studios in Los Angeles invaded Arrowhead Springs last Sunday in order to surrender to Uncle Sam's defenders about $600 worth of tobacco, candy and other comforts greatly needed by hese boys whom Democracy is showing a tendency to forget. The money was collected on the previous Tuesday by Charlie Murray at Vernon, when he made an appeal for funds from the ring. Casts were completed this week for three productions now in process of making at the Goldwyn studios. As completed they are: "Canavan," by Rupert Hughes, starring Tom Moore under direction of E. Mason Hopper, includes Sylvia Ashton, Naomi Childers, Bertram Grassby, N. E. Stinson and Sydney Ainsworth. "Out of the Dark," under the direction of Frank Lloyd, includes Ramsey Wallace, Irene Rich, Alex. Francis, Allan Hale, Ora Carew, Wm. Scott, Richard Tucker, Alice Hollister, Gertrude Norman and James Neill. GAUSMAN. Kinema to Change Hands? (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — Are the extensive improvements planned at the Kinema indicative of a change of ownership of this playhouse with the Shuberts as the new owners? queries a local paper. This question arose when it became known that Manager Jack Callicott is in San Francisco and that he will be absent for an indefinite period. Architect W. J. Dodd has drawn plans for the reconstruction of the theater. It is planned to take out the rear wall and set the stage back on ground which is now being negotiated for, it is understood. This change will greatly increase the seating capacity of the house. Other minor changes are also contemplated in the playhouse, and it is rumored that the will be made at the same time that the stage, orchestra pit and main floors are reconstructed. House Changes Parsons, Kansas — H. C. Sandberg and H. K. McAfee bought Elks from Yales Amusement Co. Arma, Kansas. — John Masquelier, Pearl, bought Empress. Ellis, Kansas — Oliver bought Crystal from G. A. Kuhn. Delavan, Wis. bought Pastime. Rufus Olson Martinsburg, Va. — Robert Slote if now managing the Appollo for Harry Chandall, Washington, who recently purchased the house. Hamilton, O. — Sam P. Broomhall, isn ow in charge of the Jewel succeeding John A. Schwalm. Latter to manage the Rivoli when it opens. Fargo, N. D. — Grand to undergo repairs. Jamaica, N. Y. — The Manor leased to Benjamin M. Roseasy by Brooklyn Manor Amusement Co. No matter how valuable merchandise is, unsold it yields no profit. If therefore a salesman is essential to a merchant, a RITCHEY poster is even more essential to the exhibitor. RITCHEY L1THO. CORP. 406 W. 31st St.N.Y. Phone Chelsea 8388 WANTED EXPERIENCED FILM SALESME FOR EVERY TERRITORY I THE UNITED STATES. Apply to MR. KL E BEI ROOM 1 1 664 Broadway New Yo = a [CAMERAMAN with complete outfit Available All Hours for Special Work C. B. PRICE CO., INC. 1446 Broadway, N. Y. C. Phone Bryant 799