The Film Daily (1920)

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DAILV Wednesday, December 1, lftjl 'in ■ ' 'I — — aa^ v.' xiv n«. 60 wed. Dec. i, 1920 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1920. Wid's Film and Film Folks, Inc. Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., .New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS an, FILM FOLKS, INC. F. C. ("Wid") Gunning, President and Treas tirer; Joseph Dannenberg, Vice-Presidem »nd Editor ; J. W. Alicoate, Secretary anr Business Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 19 J S •t the post office at New York, N. Y., undei ithe act of March 3, 1879. 'Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside i»f Greater New York, $10.00 one year; ( months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign 915.00. Subscribers should remit with order. •Address, all communications to WID'F DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New Yoric N. V Telephone: Vanderbilt, 4551-4552-5558 Hollywood, California Kditorial and Business Offices: 6411 Holly wood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603 London Representative — W. A. William on, Kinematograph Weekly, 85 LongAcre London, W. C. 2. Paris Representative — Le Film. 144 Rue iontmartre. Quotations Last Bid. Asked. Sale Famous Players . . 53J4 5$3A 5-554 s. do pfd 78 79 79 •Goldwvn 4yi 6 D. W. Griffith, Inc Not quoted Loew's, Inc., .... 18 18J4 18 Triangle Y% Y& H World Film Not quoted ♦Quotations by H. Content & Co. Blue Laws Fight (Continued from Page 1) The meeting will take place in the Claridge, and the session will likely last all day, if not longer. Among those expected to attend the conference from the N. A. M. P. I. are Paul Brunet, chairman; Adolph Zukor, R. A. Rowland, William Fox, Lewis J. Selznick, Percy L. Waters, Albert E. Smith, Samuel Goldwyn, D. W. Griffith, Jos. M. Schenck, Carl Laemmle, Oscar A. Price, R. H. Cochrane, Morris Kohn, Murray Silverston, R. S. Cole, J. D. Williams, W. R. Sheehan, J. Stuart Blackton, John M. Quinn, Lee Counselman, Lewis Innerarity, A. S. Kirkpatrick, W. E. Atkinson, Hiram Abrams, Harry Schwalbe, William Wright, H. M. Herman, Samuel E. Morris, J. J. ^McCarthy, J. E. Brulatour, W. C. Smith, E. M. Porter, Willard B. •Cook, Walter J. Moore,. Arthur James, William A. Johnston, Lesley Mason, Martin J. Quigley, Arthur S. Friend, Gabriel L. Hess, Chas. C. Pettijohn, Tom Evans, Thos. W. Wiley, P. H. Stilson, H. M. Pitman, J as. R. Quirk, Paul H. Cromelin,, W. R. Rothacker, E. W. Hammons, N. J Baumer, J. Robt. Rubin, Arthur Butler Graham, Geoffrey Konta, A. J. Banshaf, Ralph Kohn, E. J. Ludvigh, Saul E. Rogers. Cohen has appointed "ins commit.tee which is as follows: G. G. .Schmidt, president, M. P. .T. O., Indiana; J. G. Rhode, president, M. P. T. O., Wisconsin; W. A. Steffes, president, U. P. T. L., Northwest; A punishment to fit the crime was on the way. Lon Chaneyv supporting Priscilla Dean in Tod's latest Umversal-jewei, " the Law." — Advt. E. T. Peter, president, Texas Exhibitors' Circuit; J. C Ritter, president Mich-. M. P. Exhibitors; H. H. Lustig, president, M. P. .T. O. Northern Ohio; W. C. Patterson, secretary M. P. T. O. Georgia; Joseph Mogier, vice-president M. P. T. O. Missouri; Joseph Stern, C. L. O'Reilly, Leo Brecher and W. H. Linton, all members executive committee, M. P. T. O.; John Manheimer, T. O. C. C. New York; Lawrence Bolognini, M. P. Exhibitors of N.Y.; H. B. Varner. secretary M. P. T. O. North Carolina; E. M. Fay, president Theatrical Managers' Asso., Rhode Island; Joseph Hopp, president Illinois Exhib. Alliance; L. J. Dittmar, president M. P. T. O. Kentucky, and S. I. Berman of M. P. T. O In part Cohen's letter said: "Our organization believes that we should not be satisfied with fighting proposed censorship, but that we ought to carry the war into the camp of the enemy by starting a campaign for the repeal of censorship laws where they now exist, i. e., Pennsylvania, Ohio. Maryland and Kansas. We have definite ideas as to how this agitation for the repeal of these laws in the above named states can be most effectively carried on. "In the meantime, may I not urge upon you most earnestly that yon notify exchanges located in censorship states, before prints are shipped into non-censorship states, to remove the "seal" or the "trailer" of the censors. This is an evil that has done great harm to us all. It has advertised censorship in states where it would not have been known otherwise." Rally Next Week (Special to WID'S DAILY) Washington — Various elements of the reform movement will meet here on Dec. 8, 9 and 10. The House committee for the District of Columbia, will be asked to hold hearings on the Temple-Jones bill for blue laws in the district.' Ferguson With First National Lee Ferguson for the past yfl with Selznick and previous to tl with the M. P. News joins C. Yearsley's department at First hi > tional today. The Rev. Dr. William T. Manning, rector of Trinity church has gone on record as opposing the campaign of the Lord's Day Alliance for nation wide Sundav blue laws. Keep Your Eyes Open The other buyer might have HIS closed "OUTLAWED" NOW AVAILABLE Ask KIPLING 516 5th Avenue New York City New Capitol Record All records for attendance at t \ Capitol were smashed on Sunday that theater where Douglas Fa banks is appearing in "The Mark Zorro." Kane to Talk Topeka, Kans.— Arthur S. Ka .vho is on the way back to New Yc .rom California, has accepted an citation to address the Chamber Jommerce on Friday evening. Is She Here? (Special to WID'S DAJLY) Los Angeles — Lila Lee is repor as having left for New York 1 iveek. The production department at 1 nous Players hadn't heard ab Miss Lee's leaving the coast or i-iving in town. "Squandered Lives" -the First Stoll' Film's -first release date been set for Jan. 2. The subject 'Squandered Lives," an adaptation Cosmo Hamilton's novel "Dul Son." The immediate successors "Squandered Lives" will be cho i from among "The Hundred Chance," by Ethel M. Dell; "Gc Good Man," by Marie Corelli; "' I Lure of Crooning Water," by Mar Hill; "The Swindler," by Ethel Dell, and "Mr. Wu," by Harry Vernon. All of the six product" are selections from the Wi Famous Authors Series. President George King anno the appointment of Jack Von T as assistant general manager, will have charge of the east branches. Ralph Proctor has nai 1 ihree more branch managers; Pi Ivrgh, H. R. Wimsatt; Alb; Charles Charles; Dallas, L. D. Bro When RITCHEY posters are used the exhibitor is most enthusiastic about them when he counts the receipts they bring in. RITCHE\ LITHO, CORP. 406 W. 31st St ,N Y. Phone Chelsea 8388