The Film Daily (1920)

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tM% DAILY m&M /«i xiv No 62 Fri. Dec. 3, 1920 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1920, Wid's Film and Film Folks, inc. iuiilished Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., New Yoik, N. Y„ by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS. INC. F. C. ("Wid") Gunning, President and Treasarcr; Joseph Dannenberg, Vice-President ind Editor; J. W Alicoate, Secretary and Kusimss Manager. tr.ten d as second-class matter May 21, 1918, it the post office at New York, N. Y., under he ac ot March 3, 1879. erm> ■ r'ustage tree) United States, Outside .i Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months. $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, H5.00 Subsir.bers should remit with order. Vddr*ss all communications to WI-D'S D.Ul.Y. 71-73 West 44th St., New Yonc N. Y. Telephone: Vanderbilt, 4SS1-4552-5S58 Hollywood, California Sditortal and Business Offices: 6411 Holly wood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. London Representative — W. A. Williamon, Imi ematograph Weekly, 85 LongAcre, ■.ondon. W. C. 2. Paris Representative — Le Film. 144 Rue Jontmai tre. 0' notations . Last Bid. Asked. Sale Famous Players . . 53l/2 54-)4 S4J4 do pfd 75 78 78 *Goldwyn 4'/, 5y2 D. \V. Griffith, Inc Not quoted Loew's, Inc 17 K'/g 18^ Triangle H y& y& World Film Not quoted In the Courts A default judgment for $2,524 was filed in the Supreme Court against the Photoplay Publishing Co., in a suit of the Argus Laboratories to recover for services in furnishing films and photographs on the defeHdant's order in June, 1917. The suit was not defended. The Reelcraft Pictures filed an answer in the Supreme Court yesterday in a suit of the Roubert Pictures to recover a sum alleged to be due for the sale of negatives and prints of the film plays, "Summer Days," "The Old Swimmin' Hole," and "Bold, Bad Pirate," featuring Matty Roubert. The defendant alleges that as part consideration for the sale of the films the plaintiff agreed to manufacture seven two-reel films of Matty Roubert directed by William L. Roubert, and gave the defendant an option on twelve additional films, for $9,000 of which $3,000 was to be paid in cash, $3,000 on a note due Dec. 15, and $3,000 on four notes for $750 each. The plaintiff refused to execute to the contract, the defendant alleges, and a claim for $10,000 damages is made for publicity and other expenses incidental to exploiting the films. ♦Quotations by H. Content & Co. Cuts and Flashes J. F. Natteford, film editor, is the ither of a baby girl. Benjamin de Casseres is completing his first original story for Famous Players. John D. Schulze lias been added to the staff at the Mayer studio to supervise the technical and art departments. Sidney Jarvis, former actor, has opened offices at 147 W. 44th St. as artist representative. He is handling all Vera Gordon's coast business. A default judgment for $345 in the Supreme Court was filed against James Cruze, in a suit of Simon Goodman to recover for advertising photographs ■ furnished. The papers were served on Cruze at Hollywood, Cal., where he was a director for Famous Players. Bored— and Why (Special to WID'S DAILY) London — "It is the sameness of films which bores me," says Robert Hichens. "Away with the bare backs, high kicking, silk-stockinged legs, cocktails, champagne and cigars. There is too much 'fake' in the films. Let us have more imagination, more simplicity, more truth. Let us have slices of life." Oppose Blue Laws (Continued from Page 1) large number of people are not enjoying Sunday at "all, because they haven't enough freedom. Moran is circulating the Bronx with letters urging the formation of a League for the Preservation of Sunday Recreation. Gloria Swanson will appear in Elinor Glyn's story written especially for her after she completes her role in "The Affairs of Anantol." Norma and Wally Win Norma Talmadge and Wallace Reid are the winners in the Daily News popularity contest which has • ^just closed. The final count is as ' follows: Norma Talmadge 9,707 Constance Talmadge 6,821 Mary Pickford 5,715 I ,Mary Miles Minter 5,257 Alice Brady 3,586 i Pearl White 3,126 . Wallace Reid 7,394 . |Eugene O'Brien 6^536 Thomas Meighan 5,212 JCharles Ray 5,026 William Farnuni 3,772 'William S. Hart 3,667 J St. Louis Houses Changing Hands (Special to WID'S DAILY) St. Louis — It was learned yesterday that the Famous Players Missouri Corp. has virtually closed a deal for the purchase of Loew's Garrick, Chestnut St. near Sixth. It is said that the .transfer will take place about Dec. 15. The Garrick, which scats 1,500, has been showing pictures in conjunction with vaudeville. Manager William Goldman of Famous Players announces that effective Christmas week the Pershing, Delmar Blvd. west of Hamilton Ave., will play light opera. Moving pictuns will be entirely discontinued. It is also reported that King's theater. Kingshighway near Delmar Blvd., will be converted into a vaudeville house, showing LOew vaudeville. However, Goldman declines to verify this report. Governors Oppose Blue Laws (Special to WID'S DAILY) Harrisburg, Pa. — Visiting governors have gone on record as opposing the passage of new "blue laws." Governor Edwards of New Jersey is unalterably opposed to new legislation. Governor Ritchie of Maryland thinks present laws are sufficient. Governor Morgan of West Virginia, Harding of Iowa, Allen of Kansas and Goodrich of Indiana all stated there was no evidence of further legislation. Governor Robertson of Oklahoma declared his state was well taken care of. . Governor Sproul of Pennsylvania said there would be no falling down in observance of laws in his state. The Loew offices had heard nothing about the report yesterday. Louis Nathan, formerly of the Bradley and Merrill studios, has joined Famous Players at the Long Island studio. (Special to WID'S DAILY) Washington — Local newspapers have been devoting columns of space to the plans of the reform elements for the District of Columbia. One of the measures of the proposed Federal bill provides for a fine of $1,000 to $100,000 by corporations who violate the Sunday observance act. The International Reform Bureau, which figures in the movement with the Lord's Day Alliance, is financed entirely by gifts. • Jews Oppose Blue Laws The Jewish Sabbath .Alliance of America announces its intention of opposing the campaign of the Lord's Day Alliance to secure a "blue" Sunday. New Idea Washington — Consideration of the advisability of using motion picture theatres to relieve temporary overcrowding in the public schools, will be taken up by the board of education. The loan of six houses has been offered school officials. Friday, December 3, 1920 Acquisitions for Neilan? (Special to WID'S DAILY) I os Angeles — Marshall Neilan i expected to announce several impoi taut acquisitions to his organizatio shortly. The announcement wi probably include the names of som well known authors and players. Brunton's Brother in America (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — Jack Brunton, brotl er of Robert, has arrived here fror Australia to pay his brother a visi Hill to Direct for Fox George William Hill will direc Louise Lovely for Fox. The total amount of profit that any photo-play will bring in is always open to question, — but if RITCHEY POSTERS accompany that film a certain profit is sure. RITCHEY LITHO. CORP. 406 W. 31 St St.N.Y. Phone Chelsea 8388 Scattergood says: "Do good when you kin, but make it pay its way." MOTION PICTURE STUDIOS FOR RENT Immediate Possession See . THEO. C. YOUNG 16 E. 42nd St. M. H. 850' Callahan Film Company In preparation A series of two reel refined comedies. 326 Guarantee Trust Atlantic City, N. J. ELECTROS I. RUBIN & COMPANY 23 E. 4th ST. SPRING 8303