The Film Daily (1921)

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/ », ^.'' ^:&fa3 Kl-U.Uil «il vii VKANJ ItlsK "w» mw ■*3*^ \ ♦jJ-S?^" <M':'****^ <^>, The Cold Shoulder and the Haughty Stare— Really he was the college football hero, but in her presence he was a frozen worm! Mother was a social climber who had taught "the snob" to raise her shoulder at persons like waiters — and our hero certainly was a waiter! But she had a lesson coming to her — and she got it — in that laughstocked comedy of genuine American youth and love and college life: "THE SNOB" Jl Realart Star Franchise Picture Featuring Wanda Hawley. It gets you, this picture, like the three-long-'rahs-and-a-tiger at a football game. And it stirs something deeper than just enthusiasm over the game — it makes you mighty proud to be an American in America, where snobbery just can't get by That's the idea! ' The Snob, ' ' adapted from a story by William J. Neidig, is as A merican as the Statue of Liberty. It will shake your theatre roof with cheers, cent entertainment. Directed by Sam Wood It is exactly 100 per Photoplay by Alice Eyton Realart Pictures Corporation, 469 Fifth Avenue, New York