The Film Daily (1921)

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DAILY Monday, January 3, 1921 Tarshis a Proud Father Arthur Tarshis of Pioneer became a proud father on Thursday afternoon. Says it's the first of a serial. STENOGRAPHER Three years* experience; high school graduate. Thoroughly familiar with details of the motion picture industry. M. FEINSONG, 510 W. 144th St. Tel. Audubon 1960 nnniTrnC AT YOUR SERVICE PRINTLRb DAY AND NIGHT INSERTS PRESSBOOKS -FOLDERS HOUSE ORGANS BROADSIDES THE REFFES SANDSON CO. 314 EAST 34th STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone Murray Hill 6S62-6563 CAMERAMAN For all occasions— At all hoursComplete outfit — Reasonable rates. HUDSON FILM CORP. 130 West 46th St. New York City SlEftEOS-MATS ELECTROS I.RUBIN& COMPANY 23te.f4thST. SPRING 8303 CAMERAMEN Furnished for all purposes. UNITED SOCIETY CINEMA TOGRAPHERS Suite 1603 Candler Building Phone Bryant 6558 'In the Jhadow of the Domex i»fcw 1 1 ScSm *&&*«&$&?& m §M fr SKH3S W? A DAVID G. FISCHER PRODUCTION A Few of 'Em (Continued from Page 1) Then there's Lee Counselman of. Famous. Big, heroic type. Once upon a time rode bicyles. Professh. Speedster. Then went into motors. Then cash registers. Out at Dayton. Then into Famous. ,Rather hunt than fish. Rather fish than work. Outdoor man. ANOTHER OF THE MODEST Is Joe Godsol. Of Goldwyn. Never see his name in print. Rarely will. Doesn't like it. Big fisted. Big hearted. Regular fellow. Learning the picture business fast. Got into it making an investment. Likes it. All buried in figures and plans. No time to talk. Never wants to be quoted. Hard man to keep down. You'll hear from him. Loves racing. Got a flock of money made in lots of things. Including pearls and motors. « STRANGER THAN FICTION " You bet that's right. Ask Gustavus R. Rogers. GR and brother Saul handle Bill Fox's legal affairs, y'know. GR dropped into see "Way Down East" the other night. Picked up the program. Saw a note under the foreword. About mock marriages. Where Robert Edgar long cited as one case that of H. vs. H. in Vol 18 of Abbott's Digest of Court Cases in New York. Happened back in 1904. GR was the attorney. He won out. Flash from the past. You know the old line? About truth being stranger than fiction. GR's all sold on it now. BEHIND THE SCENES Lot of detail running three theaters. On Broadway or anywhere. Ask Hugo Riesenfeld. Has to keep a regular schedule. To eat. To sleep. And all that so he'll no where he's at. They tell a story about Harry Buxbaum — You know "Bux"? "Local manager for Famous Players. And Riesenfeld. "Bux" called on Hugo. Before "Midsummer Madness" went in the Criterion. All ready to start a fuss. Because Hugo hadn't advertised. Harry caught Hugo looking at the picture. In the projection room. Hugo stopped the showing. Took "Bux" to the advertising department. Showed him what's what. Hugo skipped again. "Bux" followed. Hugo taking bath. "Bux" hanging around. Hugo steps into dress suit. Hops down stairs. In time to lead orchestra through the overture. All in about 12 min.'tes. "Bux" says it was a great exhibition. Of pep. WHAT'S EVE UNSELL DOING? Lot of typewriters clicking. Lot of office space. Lot of people. Right down the street from WID'S. Eve Unsell's new quarters. . Eve is the lady who was selected to organize the scenario department in England. For Famous Players. Talks about a new idea in story preparation. All smiles. Looks wise. Says, "wait a few days." Whassit all about, anyway ? SYMPATHY FOR SHERRILL "Pop" Sherrill gave up the fight. Just couldn't finance. That's all. But it's enough. So the Lillian Gish feature goes — Where? Not an astronomer. Can't read stars. Or producers. But this is sure : "Bill" Sherrill's getting a lot of sympathy. They say it's tough 'Tis. But that's the way it goes. Now "Bill" must start all over. Good time to do it. Fresh slate. New Year. All that sort of thing. Griff may finish the production. Just possible. "Jerry" Storm may start his own company. Sooner than he expected. That's the way it goes. THE COMING YEAR Holds a lot. Many changes coming. In the wind. Nothing to stop 'em. This business constantly changing. Has to. One big one clue any minute. Two big men involved. Others sure to take place. Watch California in the next few months. Some big deals going to be pulled. Can't be stopped. Certain big changes. Can't be helped. Evolution. Necessary. Old Father Time hasn't a stepchild in this business. You go fast or you go quick. DANNY. Sohm Succeeds Mason Monte W. Sohm, for the past feyears editor of Motor Life, an Assc ciated Blue Book publication, su< ceeds Lesley Mason as editor of th Exhibitors' Trade Review. Befor joining Motor Life Sohm was cor nected with a number of Washingto newspapers. He was at one time wit the Sigmund Lubin Company in Phi adelphia. DIRECTOR OF THE TRADE A RELIABLE GUIDE FOR READY REFERENCE EDMONDS & BOUTON, INC. 56 Pine St., 1645 La Brea Ave New York City. Hollywood, «"" ADVERTISING— PUBLICITY MERRITT CRAWFORD The Screen Bulletin 904 Fitzgerald Bldg. Bryant 561 ARTISTS AND ART TITLES F. A. A. DAHME, INC., Art Titles — Animation — Leaders 220 W. 42nd St. Bryant 675 MARTIN-McGUIRE & NEWCOMBE Art Titlei 727 7th Avenue Bryant 561 AUGUST SCHOMBURG Art Titles 245 West 47th St. New Yor ENGRAVERS THE STANDARD ENGRAVING CO. IN( Half Tones — Line Engravers — Electrotypes 225 W. 39th St. New York Bryant 862 FILM CLEARING JAWITZ PICTURES State Right— Export & Import — Film Cl'r'n 729 7th Ave. Bryant 9444 FILM SERVICE FILM SERVICE BUREAU 130 W. 46th St. Bryant 5600-1046 Titles of all Languages made and inserted INDEPENDENT PICTURES COMMONWEALTH FILM CORP. Sam Zierler, President 729-7th Ave. New Yor LABORATORIES EVANS LABORATORY Quality Motion Picture Printing 416-24 W. 216th St. Wadi. 3443-: FILM DEVELOPING CORP. Quality with Service 216 Weehawken S West Hoboken, N. J. Union 4800-1-2 CLAREMONT FILM LABORATORIE 430 Claremont Parkway Tel. Tremont 376 H. J. Streyckmans, General Manager NICHOLAS KESSEL LABORATORIE! 'Kessel Kwality Prints" Fort Lee. N. J. Fort Lee 22 PRINTERS BARNES PRINTING CO. Motion Picture Specialists 36 East 22d St. Phone Gramercy 94 PROSPECT PRESS Quality Printing for the Trade 188 W. 4th St. Spring 207 STUDIOS ESTEE STUDIO AND LAB., INC. Studio — 209-219 E. 124th Harlem 71S Studio — 361 W. 125th Mora. 4085 STUDIO EQUIPMENT CINEMA STUDIO SUPPLY CO., INC. Renting Electric Equipment 1442 Gower St. Phones Res. Holly. 15} Holly. 819