The Film Daily (1921)

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2 m BJi^ DAILY Tuesday, January 4, 1921 Vol. XV No. 2 Tue. Jan. 4, 1921 Pfipe 5 CerttS Copyright 1920, Wid's Film and Film Folks. lac. Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., New York. N. Y . by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS. INC. F. C. ("Wid") Gunning, President and Treasurer; Joseph Dannenberg, Vice-President and Editor ; J. W. Alicoate, Secretary and Business Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside •f Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to WID'S DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Telephone: Vanderbilt, 4551-4552-5558 Hollywood, California Editorial and Business Offices: 6411 Hollywood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. London Representative — W. A. William on, Kinematograph Weekly, 85 LongAcre, London, W. C. 2. Paris Representative — Le Film, 144 Rue Kontmartre. Quotations Last Bid. Asked. Sale Famous Players ..48 50 50 do pfd 15 15 15 *Goldwyn 4 5 D. W. Griffith, Irc Not quoted Loew's, Inc., 15 15^ 15l/2 Triangle 5/16 H H World Film Not quoted i ♦Quotations by H. Content & Co. Smith Back; Reports Sales Wm. G. Smith of the Fidelity Pictures Co. has just returned from a tour of the West and Middle West, where he sold "The Fighting Kentuckians" to the Merit Film Co., W. I. Film Service, Indianapolis; Security Pictures, Illinois; C. O. Brokaw Merit Film Co., Detroit, and Ludwig Film Co., Minneapolis. Fidelity Pictures have secured a series of 8 two-reel comedies featuring Jimmy Butts Thompson, which will be handled on the state right market. Big Tie-Up B. B. Hampton and Pictorial Review for Better Pictures — Circularizing English Speaking Lands Benjamin B. Hampton, who is at present producing features for Pathe and Hodkinson distribution, has perfected a tie-up with the Pictorial Review which is said to be one of the most important ever, arranged in the business. Hampton in the February issue of the publication, out Jan. 14, has an article titled "Too Much Sex Stuff in the Movies," which is designed to be the opening shot in a campaign for better pictures. Hampton will write a series of articles and in this connection Pictorial Review is launching a tremendous exploitation campaign in English speaking lands. One hundred thousand cards are being mailed to clergymen in the U. 'S., Canada and Australia enlisting their aid in the move; 21,000 cards of a different nature are being mailed to exhibitors in the U. S„ Great Britain, Canada and Australia; those in the professional and business end of the industry to the number of 15,000 are included in another series, as are 50,000 club women scattered in this country and all English speaking sections of the world. The support of 50,000 school teachers is likewise being sought in this connection. These communications are not being sent broadcast by the Hampton organization but emanate from the office of Arthur T. Vance, editor of the Pictorial Review. The publication has set aside a fund of $75,000 to advertise the first of the Hampton articles. Thirty thousand posters in two colors are to be supplied to the newsstands. The field force of the magazine will be instructed to secure endorsements from prominent people for the Hampton movement. In his articles Hampton will point out that the cure for poor pictures rests with the public. Hutchinson Here Charles Hutchinson, Pathe serial star, now recovered from the injuries received in a fall recently 'is in town. Destenay Vice-President Louis Destenay is now vice-president and general manager of the Gevaert Co. of America, distributors of the Gevaert raw stock which is manufactured in Belgium. Mr. Destenay is enthusiastic over the future of his product in this country. Special Showing at Rivoli Hugo Riesenfeld will give a private showing of pictures taken in East Africa and Uganda by the Vandenbergh-Parainount Expedition at the Rivoli Thursday morning. Dr. Vandenbergh will tell the story of his expedition. The first public showing will be at the Rivoli on Sunday, when the first of a series of four parts will be presented. Discuss Hoover Fund A meeting relative to the Hoover relief fund was held in the rooms of the National Association yesterday morning. Now It's Official Goldwyn officially announced yesterday the signing of Rita Weiman, Katherine Newlin Burt and Alice Duer Miller to write original stories for the screen. WID'S DAILY stated so a few weeks ago. Every particle of advertising force that can b<: put into a poster is put into the RITCHEY poster. That is why it always has a positive boxoffice value! RITCHEY LITHO. CORP, 406 W. 31 st St ,N Y. Phone Chelsea 8388 New Film for Criterion "Midsummer Madness," is now on fifth and final week at the Criterion. As noted, "The Inside of the Cup," A'ill replace it. Accord in Universal Serial Art Acc'ord, Universal stated yesterday is to star in a new serial. Accord, according to announcements made by Special Pictures, was to tar in a series of two reel westerns. Beecroft Back Chester Beecroft, exporter and importer of pictures, is the latest film man to return from a buying trip in Europe. He has secured 40 European pictures, gathered in Italy, Germany, France, Norway and Sweden, and all of them made since the war. He has as yet made no arrangements for the release pf the pictures which he has purchased for this country. . Joe Brandt Back Joe Brandt of the C. B. X. Film Sales Corp. returned to New York yesterday from a tour of the country in the interest of "Isobel." He reports the sale of the picture for all territories with the exception of one spot in the South. He stated that business generally speaking was good , and that he found exhibitors more concerned with mapping out their bookings for 1921 than with concern over any slump in receipts. FOR SALE Spectacular Six Reel Negative, a former First National Release — Cheap. H. A. SPANUTH 220 S. State St., Chicago, 111. FOR SALE! CASH ONLY! Negative and world's rights to "THE MYSTERIES OF CHINATOWN" or " THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT " — the rise and fall of a crooked Mayor. Hop Dens — Gambling Houses — Underworld resorts —Police Intrigue— MYSTERY. A wonderful opportunity for special exploitation. SIX REELS ~ Need some quick cash. Uuless you have ready money ■ don't become interested. Apply to Box B-10, Wid's Daily Ojvictoi? kremer "The Winding Trail" Leads to Your Box Office PRINTERS AT YOUR SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT INSERTS PRESSBOOKS FOLDERS HOUSE ORGANS BROADSIDES THE REFFES SANDSON CO. 314 EAST 34th STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone Murray Hill 6562-6563 CAMERAMAN For all occasions — At all hours— j Complete outfit — Reasonable rates. HUDSON FILM CORP. 130 West 46th St. New York Cit: ATTENTION STATE RIGHT BUYERS We still have some territory open on high class one and five reel subjects. PACIFIC FILM COMPANY NATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS Phone 61104 730 So. Olive St. Los Angeles, Cal. T. E. Hancock John J. Hayes J* I