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The Film Daily (1921)

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1 M Wednesday, January 5, 1921 Two More Completed Two -Selznick productions, "The Girl From Nowhere," starring Elaine Hammerstein, and "The Fighter," starring Conway Tearle, were completed last week at the Selznick Fort Lee studios. More Road Shows for Tucker Bros. (Special to WID'S DAILY) Oklahoma City— Tucker Brothers' road shows, exploited in Oklahoma and Arkansas for the past 40 weeks, w.ill be circuited into Texas. All road shows are played on percentage. New shows now starting over the circuit are "The Unfortunate Sex," "The Woman Above Reproach," and "The House Without Children." Six different circuits are expected to be in operation by Feb. 1st. They Work Smoothly in Seattle (Special to WID'S DAILY) Seattle — Mayor Caldwell invited all the film managers to come to a meeting last Tuesday with the city board of censors in order that both sides might get the viewpoint of each other. The censor board is not a paid office. It consists of nine men and three women who receive an appointment without salary under a city ordinance which gives them power to stop any picture from being exhibited in the city which has not complied with eliminations ordered by the National Board of Review. Each film manager present at the meeting pledged himself to* cooperate with the board to this end. EDNA SCHLEY PRODUCTIONS, Inc. Have completed three of the famous SCATTERGOOD STORIES, by Clarence Budington Kelland, which have appeared in the Saturday Evening Post, the Cosmopolitan and the American Magazine, and shortly to be published in book form by Harper Brothers Company. Titles: "Sc'attergood Makes aMatch" "Soothing Syrup" "Down the Line" Directed by ALFRED McKINNON and featuring WILLIAM H. BROWN There will be thirteen Scattergood stories in this series and announcement of release will soon be made. Back to One Reelers Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran are again to make one reelers for Universal. They made several features for that company among them being "Everything But the Truth," "La La Lucille," and "Once a Plumber." These pictures were part of a proposed series of eight features starring the team. Universal offers six star series, eight pictures in each series. The removal of Lyons and Moran from that classification leaves as stars Gladys Walton, Carmel Myers, Edith Roberts, Frank Mayo, Eva Novak and Harry Carey, who later in the year switches, to Jewel productions. Hoot Gibson in a new addition to the "special attraction" listing. Stock Sold at Auction The following securities have been sold at auction: 200 shares Mirror Film preferred, $2 lot. 200 shares Mirror Film common, $1 lot. 95 shares Mutual Film preferred, $20 lot. 110 shares Mutual Film common, $20 lot. 100 shares Biograph, $1 lot. 3600 shares Hallmark Pictures preferred, $30 lot. 57 shares Prizma 2nd preferred, $30 lot. 12 shares Prizma common, $5 lot. More Bookings for "The Devil" "The Devil," will be exhibited in the following theaters controlled by the Mark Strand interests. The Strand, Brooklyn; Strand, Wor cester; Mark Strand, Lynn; Rialto, Newark; Strand, Syracuse; Mark Strand, Albany* Fisher Here from Coast Victor B. . Fisher, secretary and treasurer of the Associated Photoplays, Inc., is in New York from the coast. The company has secured permanent headquarters in the old Blackton offices at 25 W. 45th St. where Fisher will be in charge. Cameramen Get Quarters The newly formed M. P. Photographers Ass'n has secured offices in the Candler Bldg., suite 2005. Ned Van Buren is president of the organization which is similar to the American Society of Cinematograpers on the coast. Peacock Prod. Move Kansas City, Mo. — The executive offices of Peacock Prod., Inc., controlling branches in Dallas, Oklahoma City, Kansas City and St. Louis, are being transferred from Tulsa to the Film Exchange Building, this city. Executives to Meet Indianapolis — G. G. Schmidt, president of the M. P. T. O. of Indiana, has announced that a meeting of the executive committee of the organization will be held after the holidays in Indianapolis to determine methods of obtaining a full membership in the Says Ruin Faces Him (Special to WID'S DAILY) Minneapolis — In a complaint lodged with the United Theatrical League the Colonial theater of Watertown, S. D., states that the Watertown legitimate picture business is being ruined by so-called free shows, community films, and church entertainments given by the Methodist Church in that place. Various feature films have been shown, with no admission fee save a voluntary offering, and these have drawn the greater part of the attendance from the picture theaters, the complaint says. W. A. Steffes, president of the league, says that the league is taking firm steps to prevent release of films to churches unless previously shown at theaters, or unless they are strictly educational films. Battle Coming Over Sunday Shows (Special to WID'S DAILY) Defiance, O. — A hot fight in the war on Sunday shows is expected here. Several ministers are cooperating in a campaign with Rev. H. A. Straub, secretary of the Ohio Lord's Day Alliance, to close Sunday picture shows, and opposing them are the stockholders of the Citizens Opera House and a group of large manufacturing institutions, who desire Sunday shows for their hundreds of workers. Takes On More Product (Special to WID'S DAILY) Chicago — Clyde E. Elliott, president of Pioneer Film of Illinois, has contracted for 12 Bill West comedies, 15 two-reel "Nick Carter" films, the Monroe Salisbury feature, "The Barbarian," and "Luke McLuke's Film-Osophy," a novelty in 500 feet lengths, to be published every week. Making Two Reel Westerns Los Angeles — Molina Film Co., backed by General R. A. Roy^r, has been formed to produce two-reel westerns on the General's ranch near Anaheim. Henrique Molina will star and John Hoenvest will direct. Crescent Buys "Yankee Doodle" (Special to WID'S DAILY) St. Louis — The Crescent Film Co. has taken over the distribution of "Yankee Doodle in Berlin" for Kansas and Western Missouri. They have also closed for the distribution of 26 Star Ranch two reel westerns to be released bi-monthly, beginning Dec. 1. Bill to Abolish Censor Board (Special to WID'S DAILY) Columbus, O. — A bill is now being drafted, it is reported, looking to the elimination of the board of censors, which will be presented to the general assembly in January. Who the authors are is not disclosed, but its sponsors will push it vigorously. ■ Two More Finished (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angelas — "Movie Mad" and "Scrappily Married" have just been completed at the Christie studios for release through Educational in January. Down in Cuba A. Alperstein and J. A. Golder write jointly from Havana, Cuba that it's a great place and that the} expect to make a picture in Havan; in the near future. More Sales The new series of Hallroom Boy comedies has been bought by Brom berg Attractions, Atlanta, for Geor gia, Florida, Alabama and Tennessee North and South Carolina hav been bought by Premiere Picture Corp. of Charlotte, N. C. Sold b; C. B. C. Film Sales. DIRECTORS OF THE TRADE A RELIABLE GUIDE FOR READY REFERENCE ACCOUNTANTS EDMONDS & BOUTON, INC. 56 Pine St., 1645 La Brea Av« New York City. Hollywood, P ADVERTISING— PUBLICITY MERRITT CRAWFORD The Screen Bulletin 904 Fitzgerald Bldg. Bryant 56 ARTISTS AND ART TITLES F. A. A. DAHME, INC., Art Titles — Animation — Leaders 220 W. 42nd St. Bryant 67! MARTIN-McGUIRE & NEWCOMBE Art Titlei 727 7th Avenue Bryant 56 AUGUST SCHOMBURG Art Titles 245 West 47th St. New Yo ENGRAVERS THE STANDARD ENGRAVING CO. IN Half Tones — Line Engravers — Electrotype 225 W. 39th St. New York Bryant 86 FILM CLEARING • JAWITZ PICTURES State Right — Export & Import — Film Cl'r':1. 729 7th Ave. Bryant 9444 FILM SERVICE FILM SERVICE BUREAU 130 W. 46th St. Bryant 5600-104, Titles of all Languages made and inserte INDEPENDENT PICTURES COMMONWEALTH FILM CORP. Sam Zierler, President 729-7th Ave. New Yo LABORATORIES EVANS LABORATORY Quality Motion Picture Printing 416-24 W. 216th St. Wadi. 344; CLAREMONT FILM LABORATORII 430 Claremont Parkway Tel. Tremont 37' H. J. Streyckmans, General Manager , NICHOLAS KESSEL LABORATORIES 'Kessel Kwality Prints" Fort Lee, N. J. Fort Lee 1~\ PRINTERS BARNES PRINTING CO. Motion Picture Specialist! 36 East 22d St. Phone Gramercy S PROSPECT PRESS Quality Printing for the Trade 188 W. 4th St. Spring 2C STUDIOS ESTEE STUDIO AND LAB., INC. Studio — 209-219 E. 124th Harlem 71 Studio — 361 W t2Stk Mora. 408S Los Angeles STUDIO EQUIPMENT CINEMA STUDIO SUPPLY CO., IN< Renting Electric Equipment 1442 Gower St. Phones Res. Holly. 1M Holly. 819