The Film Daily (1921)

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m aMd* DA1I.Y Thursday, January 6, 1921 V«I.XV No. 4 Thurs. Jan. 6, 1921 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1920, Wid'a Film and Film Folks, lac. Published Daily at 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS, INC. F. C. C'Wid") Gunning, President and Treas SB-tr; Joseph Dannenberg, Vice-President and Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Secretary and Business Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918, •t the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside ei Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign, $15.00. Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to WID'S DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York, N. Y. Telephone: Vanderbilt, 4551-4552-5551 Hollywood, California Editorial and Business Offices: 6411 Hollywood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. London Representative — W. A. Williampn, Kinematograph Weekly, 85 LongAcre. London, W. C. 2. Paris Representative — Le Film, 144 Rue Kontmartre. Quotations Last Bid. Asked. Sale Famous Players ... 48^. 50 49^ do pfd not quoted ♦Goldwyn 4>4 5 D. W. Griffith, Inc Not quoted Loew's, Inc., ...... 16 17 \6YA Triangle 5/16 V& H World Film Not quoted t ♦Quotations by H. Content & Co. Transferred (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — Frances Harmer has been transferred from the general Lasky scenario department to the William DeMille company. Miss F. M. McConnell has filled her place. . Miss Harmer is said to have read over 10,000 scenarios in the four years she has been with Lasky. Cheaper Rentals Planned Minneapolis — Formation of a new independent producing company which hopes to do much to reduce rentals is announced by "Mickey" Coen, who is affiliated with the new organization. The purposes of. the new company are four-fold: To sell the exhibitor 30 pictures — 15 all-star and 15 specials. To sell all advertising matter at cost. To eliminate unnecessary express charges on paper by shipping all advertising by open parcel post and charging it to the exhibitor's rental. To sell no vice pictures, suggestive, war or foreign pictures, and to supply all clean attractions. (£kicuzciticmxi£ 0 HxJaaajU^ Committee of 72 A move in the drive to save 250,000 babies was made late Tuesday evening when Herbert Hoover telegraphed 72 representative exhibitors appointing them as chairmen of "Save the Children" Committees in their respective territories. The telegrams were sent after a conference with William A. Brady and Sydney S. Cohen. Every important key center of the United States is covered, and in addition to the exchange centers a large number of other important towns and communities are embraced in the appointments. In the New York territory Hoover has selected S. L. Rothafel of the Capitol to head the forces of Greater New York. Those to whom telegrams were sent are as follows: W. Bernstein, Colonial, Albany ; Willard C. Patterson, Criterion, Atlanta ; Jacob Lourie, Beacon, Boston; Mike Shea, Hippodrome, Buffalo; Ike Lipson, Walnut St. Theater, Cincinnati ; Sam Katz, Balaban & Katz, Chicago ; Henry Lustig, Cleveland ; E. T. Peter, Dallas ; Thomas Furnace. Brunswick Amusement Co., Duluth ; Eugene H. Roth, the California, San Francisco ; Glenn Harper, Los Angeles; James Q. Clemmer, Clemmer, Seattle ; Ray A. Crombacker, Liberty, Spokane; Messrs. Jensen & Von Herberg, Portland, Ore. ; Wm. Svvanson, Salt Lake City; Thomas Vick Roy, Tauber, Denver; Fred Seegert. Regent, Milwaukee; Jake Wells, Colonial, Richmond, Va. ; Frank L. Newman, Newman, Kansas City ; Harry Crandall, Metropolitan, Washington ; Harry Goldberg, Moon, Omaha; A. H. Blank, Des Moines, Des Moines; Eugene V. Richards, Sanger Amusement Co., New Orleans; Jules Mastbaum, Palace, Philadelphia ; John P. Harris, Grand, Pittsburgh; J. C. Ritter, Rialto, Detroit; Theo. L. Hayes, Loeb's Arcade, Minneapolis ; Joseph Mogler, Mogler, St. Louis; E. H. Fay, Fay's, Providence; Max Spiegel, Strand, Newark ; Louis Blumenthal, National, Jersey City ; E. H. Bingham, Colonial, Indianapolis; J. A. Maddox, Southern Theater, Columbus, O. ; Charles W. Whitehurst, New Theater, Baltimore ; H D. Varner, Lyric, Lexington, N. C. ; C. D.' Cooley, Strand, Tampa; H. C. Farley, 214 Montgomery St., Montgomery; Fred C. Dolle, Alamo, Louisville ; William J. Clark, Grand Rapids, Mich. ; E. V. Lester, Rialto, Columbia, S. C. ; L. M. Miller, Palace, Wichita ; A. Guggenheimer, Arcadia, Savannah ; S. Z. Poli, Poli, New Haven ; Oscar Ginn, Du Pont, Wilmington, Del. ; Sam L. Rothafel, Capitol, New York; Alfred Black, Rockland, Me.; C. H. Bean, Pastime, Franklin, N. H.; H. S. Graves, St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; Fitzpatrick & McElroy, Chicago ; Al "Hamilton, Hamilton, Yonkers, N. Y. ; C. A Hayman, Cataract, Niagara Falls, N. Y.; W. A. Dillion, Strand, Ithaca; W. H. Linton, Hippodrome, Utica ; Emmett Cornell, Eckel, Syracuse; Theodore Jellenk, Albany, Schenectady; George Roberts, Middlctown, N. Y. ; A. A. Elliot, Hudson, Hudson, N. Y. ; Frank Barhydt, Alpine, Troy ; L. Buettner, Cohoes Opera House, Cohoes ; Ben Young, Illion, N. Y.; James Papayanokos, Watertown, N. Y. ; Jack Farren, Victoria, Rochester; M. J. Burnham, Cortland, N. Y. ; F. J. Schweppe, Elmira, N. Y.J J. Schwartzwalder, Auburn, N. Y..; W. E. Benton, Saratoga Springs; F. W. Meusert, Glens Falls; Charles Gilmore, Oswego; N. M. Peterson, Jamestown, N. Y. ; Robert Landay, Ogdensburg, N. Y. ; J. J. Kingston, Salamanca, N. Y. ; V. A. Warren, Strand, Massena, N. Y. ; H. J. Kallet, Oneida, N. Y. In the fhadoiv & X the Dome II s In the Courts A jury before Supreme Court Justice Ford gave a verdict for $2,500 in a suit of Max Ehrenreich against the Fox Film Corp', for $25,000 damages. Supreme Court Justice Bijur has dismissed the suit of Julius Levy against the Pioneer Film Corp. to recover $25,000 for services. Levy alleged he was engaged to act the part of the peanut vender in "The Wives of Men," which required special ability, and that the amount sued for was the fair value of his services. He did not appear when the case was called for trial. George Weston, writer, has sued the Goldwyn Picture Corp. in the Supreme Court for an injunction restraining it from producing and exhibiting a feature film from his book, "Oh, Mary, Be Careful." He states that the defendant made a contract with him for the picturization of the book by which he received $1,000 down and was to get 5 per cent of the net receipts. He alleges that the defendant failed to produce the film within a year as agreed and for that reason the contract has terminated. The defendant insists that it still holds the right to produce the film which has been made, and that no definite time was stated for the release of the film, "which was essentially a matter to be determined by the business judgment of the defendant." ( The defendant stated that it expects to release the film soon. Hodkinson Appointments Joe Bloom, Hodkinson supervisor, has appointed C. E. Gregg, Hodkinson representative ni the Des Moines territory, and S. E. Marks, representative in the St. Louis territory. For Foreign Exploitation (Special to WID'S DAILY) Albany — The Bedini Hirsh Theatrical Enterprises have been formed here with a capital of $10,000. Incorporators are H. S. and W. Hecheimer and R. Workman, 1465 Broadway. Cardoza in Macon (Special to WID'S DAILY) Atlanta — Hugh L. Cardoza, former manager of the Jake Wells interests in this city, is to manage the Grand in Macon, associated with H. B. Clark, who will manage the Southern Enterprises in Macon. Eddington, a Bank Official (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — H. E. Edington, assistant to Abraham Lehr, Goldwyn vice-president in charge of production has been elected vice-president and director of the Culver City Bank. New Christie Feature (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — "See My Lawyer," a new Christie fea'ture is ready for release. Distribution sources have not been announced. Fined for Sunday Shows (Special to WID'S DAILY) Marion, Ind-. — Judge Charles A. Cole of the circuit court has fined the Mutual Theater Co., operating the Lyric, $25 for showing pictures on Sunday. The case has been appealed. Inter-Ocean has sold "The Silent Barrier" for Holland, Switzerland, France and Belgium. Jean Bedini and Walter Hirsh are sponsors for the above company which will handle pictures for the foreign market. Anderson Marries R. V. Anderson, sales manager of the International News Weekly was married yesterday to Ruth B. Alexander of the local S. A. Lynch office. The couple left for California where they will visit Universal City. The poster is seen first. If it is a RITCHEY poster the photoplay is seen also. IRITCHEY LITHO, CORP. 406 W. 31st St ,N Y Phone Chelsea 8388 . OjVlCTOP KREMER A DAVID G. FISCHER PRODUCTION "The Handicap" 'Is In'. All You Have To Do Is Collect.