The Film Daily (1921)

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■^jMA DAILY Vti.xv No 6 sat. Jan. 8, 1921 Price 5 Cents Copyright 1920. Wid's Film and Film Folk*. Inc. Published Daily at 71-73 W«t 44th St New York. N. Y . by WID'S FILMS and FILM FOLKS. INC. F. C. ("Wid") Gunning, President and Treasurer; Joseph Dannenberg, Vice-President and Editor; J. W. Alicoate, Secretary and Business Manager. Entered as second-class matter May 21, 1918 at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Terms (Postage free) United States, Outside of Greater New York, $10.00 one year; 6 months, $5.00; 3 months, $3.00. Foreign. J1S.00. ' Subscribers should remit with order. Address all communications to WID'S DAILY, 71-73 West 44th St., New York. N. Y. Telephone: Vanderbilt, 45S1-4S52-SS58 Hollywood, California Editorial and Business Offices: 6411 Hollywood Blvd. Phone, Hollywood 1603. London Representative — W. A. Williamdd, Kinematograph Weekly, 85 LongAcre. London, W. C. 2. Paris Representative — Le Film. 144 Rut Hontmartre. Quotations Last Bid. Asked. Sale Famous Players .. SV/2 52 51/2 do pfd 77 77 77 *Gold\vyn 5 Loew 17 18 175* U. W. Griffith, Inc Not quoted Triangle 5/16 Vs ¥* World Film Not quoted ♦Quotations by H. Content & Co. Rollo Closes New Deals S. J. Rollo, of Clark-Cornelius, has sold "The Devil's Angel" for New York State to Benjamin Weiser & Co. of Utca. This sale did not include Buffalo and Albany. These two cities will be handled by the Jolver Exploitation Service of 117 W. 46th St. The Weiser Co. also purchased "Love's Battle." Cutts Back from Porto Rico William Cutts, a traveling representative for Universal has returned from Porto Rico. He says the picture business on the island is in pretty good shape. Wants Stars for Washington Ball Mil Franklin Kline, manager of Concerts Diplomatique of Washington is in town endeavoring to secure the presence of a number of stars at a ball to be given in the Capitol City the day after the inauguration of Harding. Guts and Flashes Broadwell Prod, have moved from 1115 Brokaw Bldg.. 1457 Broadway, to 133-137 W. 44th St. Regina B. Kruh is now handling publicity and advertising for the Edward Small Enterprises. Martha Mansfield will shortly begin work on her 'first vehicle. Alan Crosland will direct. Maurice Nathan has left Fox and is making his headquarters with the new publicity firm of Cook & Shay. Ina Claire will appear in person at the Rivoli tomorrow evening when "Polly With a Past" begins a week's engagement. Ethel Ruth Coolidge, niece of Vice President Coolidge. will probably appear in an early Blackton picture to be made in London. Myron Selznick has purchased two stories, "The Convict,'' by Ralph Ince, and "The Rivals," by Mary B. Mullett. Pearl White's next vehicle is "The Mountain Woman," made from Charles Neville Buck's novel, "A Pagan of the Hills." Florence Evelyn Martin, last seen as leading lady to Guy Empey, will next be seen in "Scrambled Wives," a First National production, shortly to be released. The Independent, issue of Dec. 25, publishes an article entitled "Confessions of a Movie Educator," which deals with the organization of an industrial department by a large film concern and the problems that were met in that connection. Baumer Issues Weekly Bulletin Baumer Films, Inc., are issuing a weekly bulletin which is distributed among independent exchanges for posting on their bulletin boards for exhibitors' reference. Goodwin Resigns (Special to WID'S DAILY) Philadelphia — Charles H. Goodwin has resigned as secretary of the Exhibitor's League of Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey and Delaware after more than five years of service. <>oodwin is manager of the Superior Film Exchange to which he will devote his entire time. New State Rights Firm (Special to WID'S DAILY) Salt Lake City— All Star Prod., Inc., has opened offices here and will distribute independent pictures thru Utah, Idaho and Western Wyoming. S. S. Fox, general manager. Idaho in Blue Law Fight Butte — The Idaho Theater Managers' Asso. is lining up film men of the Northwest for a fight against the passing of state censorship and Sunday closing laws at the next legislature. Any More Like This ? Apex Film Co., 140 W. 42nd St., N. Y. C. Wid's Daily. Gentlemen : — As Bert Adler is no longer our office mate and we cannot read his copy of WID'S every day, we are forced to subscribe. Kindly enter our order for a year's subscription. Very truly yours, APEX FILM CO. L. J. ("Ruby") Rubinstein. Seiden Refutes Curwood Claim Joseph Seiden, spoken of in yesterday's issue as "Joseph Ziden," stated yesterday through his attorney, Harry G. Kosch, that he owns the rights to four Curwood stories, two of which were published in Pearson's and two in the Outing Magazine. James Oliver Curwood denied in yesterday's issue that Seiden owned the rights to any of his works. Kosch speaking for Seiden stated yesterday: "I am attorney for the Magazine Stories Syndicate, Inc., a domestic corporation, which is the owner of the motion picture rights of the Curwood stories in question. Joseph Seiden, spoken of as 'Ziden' in your article, is the vice-president of this corporation. On behalf of my client, I wish to advise you that it owns the exclusive motion picture rights of four Curwood stories entitled 'God Of Fler People' and 'The Coyote,' published in Pearson's Magazine, and 'Test of a Code,' and "Uko Sam' published in the Outing Magazine and acquired these rights from the respective publications. My client has practically completed the sale of the motion picture rights of these stories to two reputable producing corporations and the publication of this article by you has resulted in at least, temporarily, delaying the consummation of these contracts." Late yesterday afternoon Carl Milligan of the Robert H. Davis Corp. stated he had received a letter from Curwood in which the author stated that lie would resist an attempt to make into pictures, old stories of his. He did not deny that the Seiden owned several of his stories. New Seattle House (Special to WID'S DAILY) Seattle— "The Ridgemount," H. W. Bruen's new residential district theater at 78th St. and Greenwood, was opened recently. This house is equipped with loges and the best in furniture, music and projection equipment. Scenic Artists' Ball March 9 The annual ball and entertainment of the United Scenic Artists' Local Union 829 will be held at the Waldorf March 9. There are about 800 members, many of them employed in studios. Vaudeville and screen stars will entertain, as well as talent from the scenic artists' organization. Saturday, January 8, 1921 The first two of the series of 12 Al & Howell comedies, starring Alex ander Alt and Helen Howell, am made Union Film, are readv. Chickens may look alike, but the one that lays the greatest number of eggs is the most valuable. The same holds true for posters, which accounts for the value of the RITCHEY trade mark. RITCHEY LITHO CORP. 406 W. 31 st St, NT Phone Chelsea 8388 CASH For STATE RIGH1 Feature Production. For New York and Northern New Jerse R. CLARK Phone Bryant 7090 Room 3 106 West 47th St. WANTED TO BUY Territorial rights for Minn., Wis., N. & S. Dak., Western Northerns and racing pictures. No short stuff Apply PLYMOUTH PICTURES, INC. 140-W. 42st. OJV1CTOR KREME "MAD L0VE"| Spells Heart-throb* and Patronage