The Film Daily (1921)

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tMA DAILY Saturday, January 8, 1921 Coast Brevities (Special to WID'S DAILY) Hollywood— Universal announces i change of titles on four producions: "•Cinderella Jane," starring Carmel Myers, is now "The Mad Marriage"; "The Millionaire Kid," .tarring Gladys Walton, will be reeased as "Rich Girl, Poor Girl"; 'Hidden Fires," starring Edith Roberts, is to be "The Fire Cat," and 'Plain Folks," starring Eva Novak. las been changed to "Society Setrets." Eileen Sedgwick, who has just ;ompleted an 18 episode serial for ■Universal called "The _ Diamond pueen," under the supervision of EdLvard Kull, is soon to appear in a feature. The story is "Renunciation," by Peter B. Kyne, adapted by Hope JLoring. Fred Harris, for four years location director at the Realart studio, formerly known as the Morosco stu'lio, has just been appointed to the iame position at Lasky's, filling the Vacancy created by the resignation of Walter Reed. Harry Burns has been engaged by Universal to direct a series of animal comedies featuring Joe Martin. ■the famous orang-outang. He will be assisted by C. A. Stecker, who has had charge of Joe's education since he was six months old. Geo. Hackathorn has been chosen to play the leading role in "The Light in the Clearing," T. Hayes Hunter's new production, on which work will begin next week at the Brunton studios. John Seitz, who photographed "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,7' lis now working on "Uncharted ;Seas," Alice Lake's newest starring vehicle, which Weslejr Ruggles is directing. I Daniel Whitcomb, who adapted the .Rockett Film production, "The Truant Husband," has completed the continuity on his original story, "Salgvage," for Pauline Frederick. Putting It Over Here is how a brother exhibitor putjiis show over. Send along your ideas. Let the other fellow know how you cleaned up. Spottiswoode Aitken has been en gaged for an important role in Pris'cilla Dean's current production, ["False Colors." Hewh'ngs Mumper. Benjamin B. [Hampton's partner, is back in Los [Angeles from an extended business visit in New York. Gareth Hughes, Metro's newest (featured player, has just returned to the company's studios, where he will k in forthcoming special productions. Frank Mayo has completed the [filming of "Colorado." Daisy Robinson will play the leading role in "Partners of the Tide" and not Betty Francisco, as announced. I Phillip I".. Rosen has completed "What's the Matter With Marriage" for Metro. GAUSMAN. Charleston, W. Va. — The Carrier Bros, of the Kearse theaters sprung a holiday exploitation stunt that made for big returns. The dominant idea of the campaign was the placing on sale of "Amusement" as a staple commodity. Two styles of gift books, gotten up in elaborate style, were printed — a children's book containing 10 admissio ntickets, and selling for $1; an adults' book containing 5 tickets, and priced at $1.50. All energies were turned toward popularizing gift books as the most appropriate small gift procurable. Two styles of onesheets, window cards and 24-sheets were abundantly used for two weeks before the books were brought out. The largest bookstore, the loca lpost of the American Legion and several societies handled the books on a 1594 basis. Ten thousand gift books were originally printed. Immediately before Xmas a rush order was placed for 5,000 more. Allowing 15% for all overhead, a total of $15,000 will be realized. This idea can be utilized during the holiday season by any showman anywhere. It has been a happy idea in Charleston, as is attested by the volume of sales. Nashville — The management of the Elite, for their showing of "The Devil's Passkey," made up a full page layout from bunchful scenes of the picture and after considerable dickering with the newspaper secured the page in four flashing colors. The page occasioned a lot of talk, not only in Nashville, but wherever seen, and was largely instrumental in smashing the house record on the picture. Utica, X. Y. — A novel' stunt was used by Frederick Hathaway in connection with the Alhambra showing of Mack Sennett's "Married Life." A white paper folded over similar to the form of legal documents, and labelled on the outside with the county, state and other wording to make it look like a legal document, with the heaviest type reading, "Marriage License." Inside under the heading "Marriage License," was the following word matter: "The bearer is entitled to all the fun, humor, joy and pleasure of married life without any of the discomforts. The usual $2.00 is eliminated from this special license, and the bearer acquires all the privileges herein enumerated, upon payment of the regular admission tee to the Alhambra Theater." It has been found that the public will pay real money for such folders which are known to the manufacturers of novelties as "Kid" cards, and when a theater gives them away gratis there is the assurance that they will not be thrown away without going the rounds of the friends of the possessor. Los Angeles — Have you solved the problem of eliminating useless noise from your theater? If you haven't, here is a system devised by the management of the Kinema, which is working out successfully! The Kinema has had cards printed with luminous ink, reading: "We sincerely hope not to offend by calling your attention to your present demonstration, which is embarrassing to those sitting near you." These cards are in possession of the ushers, who hand them to persons who are reading titles, talking or otherwise making noise. Williston, Minn. — George Sunderhaff, manager of the Orpheum, distributed printed cards the day before Christmas to all the merchants in the city bearing the inscription, "Closed all day tomorrow." There was smaller printing on the card which on examination disclosed the words: "Going to the Orpheum to see 'The Idol Dancer.' " As the cards were useful they nearly all appeared in prominent places in the store windows. Atlas Film, a State Righter (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — The Atlas Film Co., with offices at 705 W. 8th St., has in production "Stars of the Golden West," featuring Jimmy Thompson; "Dream Days" and "Breaking of Dawn" with all star casts. The pictures are to be sold on the state right plan. H. A. Kemp is president of the company and H. C. Anderson secretary and treasurer. Assigned to New Pictures (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — William Worthington and Robert Thornby, who recently joined the Universal directorial staff, have been assigned productions. Worthington will direct "Three at the Table," starring Edith Roberts, and Thornby "A Blood Brother to the Pines," starring Frank Mayo. Brady to Represent Industry William A. Brady has been designated national counselor for the motion picture industry and in that capacity will go to Washington on Jan 27, when the U. S. Chamber of Commerce meets there. To Do Metaphysical Novels (Special to WID'S DAILY) Los Angeles — The New Era Prod., recently formed, state they plan to make a series of metaplrysical novels by Isabella Ingalese. Officers of the company are Richard Ingalese, president; Harl Mclnroy, vice-president, and William H. Augustus, secretary and treasurer. Business office, 406 Laughlin Bldg. A Canadian company has borrowed Ann Forrest to star in a picture being made in the Northwest. Protest Taxes in Oregon (Special to WID'S DAILY) Portland, Ore.— The M. P. Exhibitors League of Oregon at a recent meeting addressed a letter to the members of Congress asking that the revenue bill as it affects theater men be reconsidered. The petition declared that the present government taxes are too great a burden for the smaller houses. In the petition the theater men suggested that the admission tax be made on the gross receipts instead of the single ticket. It was pointed out that when the scale of price is 15, 25 and 35 cents the tax amounts to about 13 per cent, because each admission is taxed. DIRECTORY \OF THE TRADE A RELIABLE GUIDE FOR READY REFERENCE ACCOUNTANTS EDMONDS & BOUTON, INC. 56 Pine St., 1645 La Brea Ave, New York City. Hollywood, <""-* ADVERTISING— PUBLICITY MERRITT CRAWFORD The Screen Bulletin 904 Fitzgerald Bldg. Bryant 5612 ARTISTS AND ART TITLES F. A. A. DAHME, INC., Art Titles — Animation — Leaders 220 W. 42nd St. Bryant 6796 MARTIN-McGUIRE & NEWCOMBE Art Titlei 727 7th Avenue Bryant 561? AUGUST SCHOMBURG Art Titles 245 West 47th St. New York ENGRAVERS THE STANDARD ENGRAVING CO. INC. Half Tones — Line Engravers — Electrotypes 225 W. 39th St. New York Bryant 8621 ENLARGING AND COPYING W. J. MORAT Enlarging of M. P. Film Clips 302 E. 33rd St. Phone Vand. 7361 FILM CLEARING JAWITZ PICTURES State Right — Export & Import — Film Cl'r'ng 729 7th Ave. Bryant 9444 LABORATORIES EVANS LABORATORY Quality Motion Picture Printing 416-24 W. 216th St. Wadi. 3443-. CLAREMONT FILM LABORATORIES 430 Claremont Parkway Tel. Tremont 3768 H. J. Streyckmans, General Manager NICHOLAS KESSEL LABORATORIES, 'Kessel Kwality Prints" Fort Lee. N. J. Fort Lee 221 PRINTERS BARNES PRINTING CO. Motion Picture Specialists 36 East 22d St. Phone Gramercy 943 PROSPECT PRESS Quality Printing for the Trade 188 W. 4th St. Spring 2070 STUDIOS ESTEE STUDIO AND LAB., INC. Studio — 209-219 E. 124th Harlem 71M Studio— 361 W. 125th Mora 498S Los Angeles STUDIO EQUIPMENT CINEMA STUDIO SUPPLY CO., INC. Renting Electric Equipment 1442 Gower St. Phones Res. Holly. 157! Holly. 819