The Film Daily (1921)

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16 DAILY Sunday, January 9, 1921 Play Up the Title and Use Star's Name Extensively Box Office Analysis for the Exhibitor Wallace Reid in "THE CHARM SCHOOL" Paramount You have the title of a well known stage play to announce if you show "The Charm School" and even if the picture adaptation doesn't quite measure up to expectations it may get over, especially where the star is well liked. They haven't made as much of the material they had to work with as they might have but those who didn't see the play won't know the dif ference and for them the picture will undoubtedly satisfy. For those who are not familiar with the story make known the main situation — that of the handsome young man who inherits a girls' school and teaches charm instead of arithmetic. Catchlines such as : "He was a good automobile salesman but see how successful he was at running a girls' school," should go, or say "Ever know there was such a thing as 'The Charm School'? See Wallace Reid's latest picture." For your next Press Sheets, Inserts, Heralds or any other material you may need, phone for our representative. Gramercy 945 Barnes Printing Company u TVe Never Disappoint^ 36 East Twenty-Second Street New York