The Film Daily (1921)

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Saturday, January 15, 1921 LtkeN ews No. 5 RRA HILLS, CAL.— Indians hold pow?; remnants of America's aboriginal tribes ler for festival as in the days when they d the land. SIS. FRANCE— France making sure of safety — until question of international rmament is settled, new recruits are g steadily added to France's army. NNEBEC RIVER, ME.— Horses abanturf for ice. Unique sport is favorite ime of winter phasure-seekers along the nebec River. \SHIYAMA, JAPAN— Paper-making a ving industry in Japan, and camera shows the Japanese do it. First the pulp made straw is put through a refining bath. RE & THERE— Albany, N. Y.— First »ien in Electoral College. Four women ir among New York's delegates to body ilh formally elects President. Hi FRANCISCO, CAL.— 1,500 bullets a >nte. This is the record of the new subliiine gun adopted for use against ban I^ANA, CUBA — Major-General Crowder ■ 'uba to confer with President Menocal. fcner draft head arrives on the U. S. S. d lesota. ■V YORK CITY— Seeing New York at Ir. With the aid of powerful searchHs, the cameraman secures remarkable ■j: views of Big Metropolis — at Columbus l/TICE, ONT. — Missing balloonists and ra to safety. First pictures of the arrival ■ iree naval airmen at this northern tradogiost after month of hardships. :oday . oecial Showing for Mayer Film (Special to WID'S DAILY) ■ Ids Angeles — An elaborate pre■' of "The Woman in His House" fl)uis B. Mayer production starring Bred Harris, was given in the ijruesday evening. A distinguished ball room of the Alexandria d udience attended. )tto Plans World Wide Cruise u^peciai to w'lu'S brtinj lbs Angeles — Henry Otto, who Be a number of pictures for Metro ■was later with Pauline Frederick, m; to leave shortly on a two years' ■lie around the world during which ;pj he will make some stories and 'hiograph a considerable amount ilenic material. Otto plans to disH of whatever material he shoots 111 he returns. New State Righter Maries Rhoades, formerly with Jtpommonwealth Film Corp., and Hge R. Carter, formerly with yoj-rtson-Cole, have formed the 'a ;r-Rhoades Pictures Co., and ■ il distribute independent picturse in jpter New York and Northern *e Jersey. They are handling County Fair" for the Trahne'h Vmusement Co., a newly formed m in which A. H. Hogan is inter st ■ Offices of the latter company t '6 W. 46th St. Red Cross in Line (Continued from Page 1) give special matinees for children on the morning of Saturday, Jan 29th. From the Red Cross workers will be chosen captains and lieutenants to serve in the theaters, on Motion Picture Day, Jan. 26th, when speakers of prominence will address the audiences and funds will be gathered. The Red Cross women were asked to secure patrons and patronesses for the special Saturday morning children's matinee. It is the plan to have the public purchase tickets for this special matinee at 50 cents each and to donate the tickets thus purchased to public schools, orphan asylums and other children's organizations, so that the youngsters of New York can be entertained. The call for the meeting was issued by Mrs. Paul Foerster, who with H. D. Burrell is in charge of the disposition of tickets for the children's matinees. Late yesterday afternoon, another meeting was held in S. L. Rothafel's office at the Capitol, at which time, the various sub-committee chairmen who were appointed on Thursday to secure co-ordinated publicity reported favorable progress. Charles C. Pettijohn, who is a member of the committee for the entire industry reported that excellent progress had been made in various sections of the country. Pettijohn expects particularly gratifying results in the south where E. V. Richards, now in New York had told him all the Saenger theaters were in line. Word from E. T. Peter of Dallas, had it that every Texan theater had pledged its aid and all of the Mastbuam houses in eastern Pennsylvania are likewise in line. Similar reports were read from other sections of the country. A letter has been sent to every exhibitor in the Greater New York territory asking for co-operation in the drive. When acceptances are rerp^i-od a block of tickets and speakers will be dispatched immediately to the various theaters. Stars are exnected j +o cover a eoodly number of theaters in town on the night of the 26th in behalf of the drive. i The following is a list of exhibitors <.„ ,..i.„.„ tt^-V..-* Hoover d:T3trhor1 wires ack""°r tkpm t<~, 3<-t; 3t ^'.^j,-.., .,., for the drive in their respec'ive cit'es. Most of them have accepted. \V. Bernstein, Colonial, Albany; Mr. Lar ' '""■ Keith's, Boston; Mike Shea. Shea's Hippodrome, Buffalo; Dr. Sam Atk:nson. \!'.-„H A— "■"•ment Asso., Chicago: Henry T.ustisr. Williamson Bklg.. Clev'a'vl: F T Peter. 1713M Corrmerce St., Dallas: F. F. Schwie. Duluth Amusement Co.. Duluth ; Fred Dahnken, Turner & Dahnken, San Francisco : Gore Bros. & Sol Lesser, 209 Knickerbocker Bldg., Los Angeles; Glenn Harper, 2125 Oak St., Los Angeles; James Q. Clemmer, Clemmer, Seattle, Wash. ; Ray A. Grombacker, Liberty, Spokane; W. A. Creaper. Union Ave.. Portland, Ore. ; Wm. Swanson, Swanson M. P. Co., Salt Lake City ; ^£hos. Vick Roy, Tauber, Denver, Colo. ; Fred Seegert, Regent, Milwaukee ; Take Wells, Colonial, Richmond, Va. ; Frank L. Newman, Newman, Kansas City, Mo. ; Harry Crandall, Metropolitan, Washington ; Harry Goldberg, Moon, Omaha ; A. H. Blank, Des Moines, Des Moines, la. ; Eugene V. Richards, Saenger Amusement, New Orleans; Jules Mastbaum, Palace, Philadelphia; F. W. Incorporations Albany, N. Y.— The Sheers Amu. Co., Brooklyn, increases capital from $25,000 to $600,000. Albany, N. Y — Benson Theaters Corp., Brooklyn. Capital, $200,000. Incorporators, E. N. Rugoff, A. M. Rapf and M. Ruden, 336 E. 4th St. Albany, N. Y.— The Diamond Amusement Corp. of New York, increased capital from $200,000 to $300,000. Albany, N. Y.— B. S. Moss Theater Corp., New York. Capital, $1,500,000. I ncorporators, N. H. Streimer, M. Sulzberger and B. S. Moss, 985 Park Ave. Dover, Del. — Madison Film Co. Capital, $1,000,000. Incorporators. C. T. Cohee, S. L. Mackey and C. B. Outten, Wilmington. Buhler. Stanley Co., of America, Philadelphia: John P. Harris, Grand. Pittsburgh; T. C. Ritter, Rialto, Detroit; Theo. L. Hayes, Loeb's Arcade, Minneapolis; Joseph Mogler, Mogler, St. Louis; E. M. Fay, Fay's, Provi dence; Louis Blumentliak National, Tersey City, N. J.; E. H. Bingham, Colonial. Indianapolis; J. H. Maddox, Southern, Columbus; Charles W. Whitehurst, New, Baltimore: H. B. Varner. Lyric. Lexington, N. C ; C. D. Cooley, Strand, Tampa; W. A. Steffes, 324 Kasota Bldg., Minneapolis: H. C. Farley. 314 Montgomery St., Montgomery ; L. J. Ditmars, Majestic. Louisville ; E. T. Lester, Rilato, Columbus. S. C. ; L. M. Miller. Palace, Wichita, S. Z. Poli, Poll's New Haven; Oscar Ginn. DuPont, Wilmington. Del. : Sam I.,. Rithafel, Taoitol, New York ; Alfred Black, Black's, Rockland. Me. : C. H. Bean, Pastime. Franklin. N. H. ; H. S. Graves, St. Johnsburv. Vt, ; Fitzpatrick & McElroy, Adams & State St , Chicago; W. A. Dillion, Strand, Ithaca; W. H. Linton, Hippodrome. Utica, N. Y. ; Theo. Tellenk, Albany, Schenectady, N. Y ; Ralnh Talbot. Majestic, Tulsa, Okla. : C. H. Lick. New, Fort Smith, Ark.; F. B. Hvman, Lyric. Huntington, E. Va. ; F. T. Bailey. American. Butte; J. M. Xales. Lyric. Douglas, Ariz. ; M. A. Roch, Pa'ace, Gallatin, T*»r»n. ; A. F. AnHer^on, Or'iheuri. Tw'« Falls. Ida; G. E. Smith, Butler, Tonopah, Nev. ; and J. A. Sneider, Grand, Bessemer. Ala. All Set in St. Lou's (Special to WID'S DAILY) St. Louis — Plans for raising the local quota of $100,000 for the Hoo<*»r fund include special shows ov the morning of Jan. 29 and ta<r sa'es ;'t all theaters on Jan. 26, Movinp Picture Day. Sixteen theaters have agreed to en've special shows, a'l receipts to ^o to the fund. The films. conc'°sting of a feature and a comedy, will be donated by local exchanges. Musicians, operators and all heln have volunteered their services. The theaters in the plan to date are: Missouri, Delmonte, Criterion, New Grand Central, West End Lyric, Shaw, Cinderella, Woodland, Loew's Garrick, Marquette, Grand-Florissant, Virginia, Arco, Eighteenth St., Broadway and Shenandoah. Ten per cent of profits of movie ball, Jan. 21, also go to the fund. Season passes to prominent theaters will be raffled to help swell receipts. Passed in Ontario Albert L. Grey and J. J. McCarthy have returned from Montreal wl they had gone relative to the banning of "Way Down East" by the Quebec hoard of censors. The situation in that province regarding a reversed decision is hopeless for several moi the Griffith offices stated. The Ontario Censor Board, however, viewed the picture and passed it for that province. A REEL THROB ATTENTION STATE RIGHT BUYERS We still have some territory open on high class one and five reel subjects. PACIFIC FILM COMPANY NATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS Phone 61104 730 So. Olive St. Los Angeles, Cal. T. E. Hancock John J. Hayes PRINTERS AT YOUR SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT INSERTS PRESSBOOKS FOLDERS HOUSE ORGANS BROADSIDES THE REFFES SANDSON CO. 314 E\ST 34th STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone Murray Hill (S562 (556J 'In the £ hadow ■of i the Dome A DAVID G. FISCHER PRODUCTION CAMERAMEN Furnished for all purposes. UNITED SOCIETY CINEMA TOGRAPHERS Suite 1603 Candler Building Phone Bryant 6558